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Summary. We describe and extend a graphical approach to quantitative nutrition that focuses on the interplay between behavioural and physiological components of nutritional regulation. The site of integration is the nutrient transfer function, which is the function describing the time course of nutrient transfer between serially connected nutritional compartments (e.g., from the gut to the blood). The relationship between the shape of the nutrient transfer function and the temporal patterns of feeding determines the values of two key quantitative parameters of nutrition: the rate ('power') and the efficiency of nutrient acquisition. The approach can be extended to consider, in addition to the short-term behavioural and physiological decisions made by animals, some ecological determinants and longer-term, life history consequences of such decisions. Most importantly, this category of models can provide insights into the interplay among the various nutrients in an animal's diet. We illustrate this using hypothetical examples, and also present preliminary data for the power-efficiency relationships of protein and digestible carbohydrates in locusts. Finally, we consider existing evidence for the various means available to these and other insects for regulating such relationships. Received 24 September 1997; accepted 9 December 1997.  相似文献   
浸水冷应激对雏鸡某些酶活性及消化道粘膜充血的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以海兰雄性雏鸡为试验对象,研究急性浸水冷应激对健康雏鸡某些酶活性消化道粘膜充血的影响。结果表明:雏鸡在浸水冷应激后血清肌酸激酶(CrK)呈一致性升高趋势;而丙氨酸氨基转肽酶(ALT)的活性则在冷应激后15min明显升高(P>0.05),而后降低,至120min时又恢复致冷应激前水平,雏鸡血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)在冷应激后15-60min呈渐进性升高,而后降低;血清γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-GT)的变化趋势为,在冷应激后15min稍升高,而后则逐渐下降;血清尿素氮(BUN)的变化无是,在冷应激后60min降低,浸水应激后不同时间对海兰雏鸡消化道粘膜充血的结果表明:雏鸡在浸水应激后即刻观察造成消化道充血现象并不严重;而浸水应激后不同时间却对雏鸡消化道产生相对较强的影响,特别是冷应激后1-2h胃肠道充血比较严重。  相似文献   
应用生命周期评价法(LCA),采用日本农林水产省和环境省的调查数据和统计数据,对不同资源化技术处理食品废物碳排放进行评价.10种资源化技术相比于3种非资源化(主要是焚烧)技术的结果表明,食品废物生命周期各阶段碳排放最多的是预处理+处理阶段,约占85%;最少的是回收阶段,可抵消部分排放.此外,全生命周期总排放,甲烷化(循...  相似文献   
利用16s rDNA方法检测刺参消化道细菌种类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2007年7月采自大连瓦房店养殖厂的刺参为实验材料,通过对刺参肠道中的细菌16s rDNA V3区基因进行扩增、克隆测序及序列同源性分析,对其种类进行初步研究。本研究测序获得11条16s rDNA V3区基因序列,并进行Blast同源比对,确定序列同源性,分析出11种细菌,三种梭菌属(Clostridium)细菌,两种为假单胞菌属细菌(Pseudomonas),一种产丙酸菌属细菌(Propionigenium),一种为金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus),有六种细菌分别与4种不可培养的未命名细菌同源,并根据测序结果建立系统发生树。本研究提供了一种检测海洋微生物的方法,为刺参病害诊断提供科学依据,为海洋微生物资源的开发和新种的发现提供了资料。  相似文献   
机动车排出物对人体健康危害的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
运用基因、DNA、染色体,细胞和整个动物为终点的远期危害测试系统,对各类机动车排出尾气的有机提取物的致突变性及潜在致癌性进行了评估,同时运用流行病学方法对接触人群进行调查,结果表明:(1)柴油车,助动车的颗粒有机提取物包含100多种化学物,(2)Ames、UDS微核及SHE细胞恶性转化试验为阳性结果,具有突变性及致癌性。(3)它们能使人胚细胞形成转化灶并发现其中的c-myc,p21及bcl-2表达  相似文献   
Urinary tract anomalies are common. Prenatal diagnosis is important and enables either special obstetric management or termination of pregnancy and probably in the future, intrauterine intervention. Transvaginal sonography (TVS) allows visualization of the normal and anomalous fetal urinary tract at an early stage. One thousand nine hundred and forty women were examined via TVS at an early stage of pregnancy between 10 and 16 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP) and 35 anomalies (1·8 per cent) were clearly identified: 29 cases of low urinary tract obstruction, 2 cases of multicystic dysplastic kidney, 2 cases of polycystic kidney (infantile type), 1 case of double collecting system, and 1 case of horseshoe kidney. Potter syndrome could be ruled out in three patients who had delivered fetuses suffering from this anomaly in previous pregnancies. The concise and early identification of anomalies makes TVS an important aid in the hands of the obstetrician, ultrasonographer, and neonatologist.  相似文献   
亚硝态氮是养殖水体中常见的胁迫因子.为探讨亚硝态氮对养殖蟹类的毒性作用,采用生物酶测定及聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳的方法,研究了水体中不同浓度(0.15,0.3,2,5,10,20mg/L)亚硝态氮胁迫下日本蟳肝胰腺消化酶活力的变化,以及高浓度(20mg/L)亚硝态氮胁迫对日本蟳同工酶表达的影响.结果表明:低浓度(0.15,0.3mg/L)的亚硝态氮胁迫对碱性蛋白酶,酸性蛋白酶,脂肪酶和淀粉酶活力均产生一定的诱导效应,且在处理7d时,除淀粉酶活力略低于对照组外,其他3种消化酶活力仍保持在较高的水平.较高浓度(2,5,10mg/L)亚硝态氮的短期胁迫(0.5~1d)会诱导酸性蛋白酶,碱性蛋白酶和脂肪酶活力的迅速升高,但随即快速下降.高浓度(20mg/L)的亚硝态氮胁迫对蛋白酶和淀粉酶活力表现出明显的抑制效应.处理7d时,胁迫浓度2mg/L及以上的实验组各消化酶活力与剂量浓度间均呈显著负相关关系.20mg/L亚硝态氮胁迫下,除肌肉中新增两条酶带(MDH-2和MDH-4)外,日本蟳鳃,肝胰腺,胃,心脏,卵,精子等组织中的α-淀粉酶(α-AMY)同工酶,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶,苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)同工酶和过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶均出现活性减弱或酶带数量减少现象.结果显示高浓度亚硝态氮胁迫对日本蟳消化酶活力和同工酶表达均表现出明显的抑制作用.  相似文献   
泌阳断陷下第三系核三上段可划分为三个陆相层序(S4、S5和S6).每一层序自下而上发育TST、HST和RST三个体系域。对泌阳断陷下第三水核三上段S5层岸各体系域中几类岩石地球化学标型参数的研究发现,在S5层序形成时期,由于在一个旋回性变迁的古气候(古湿度和古温度)驱动下,湖平面发生了一次完整的旋回性变化;湖泊水体的物理化学条件(古盐度、古酸碱度、古氧化还原电位等)及物源性质亦随之发生一次旋回性变化:相应地,沉积岩中岩石类型、矿物成分(主要指粘土矿物和胶结物)、化学成分(包括常量元素和微量元素及水溶性离子等)以及碳、氧同位素等皆发生了一次旋回性变化。  相似文献   
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