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山阴水砷中毒区地下水砷的富集因素分析   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
通过对山阴地区66个地下水样中常量元素、微量元素及有机物分析,研究了山阴高砷地下水的水化学特性并在此基础上,结合该地区含水层沉积物矿物分析,探讨了地下水中砷富集的影响因素.结果表明,山阴地下水平均pH为8.09,磷酸根含量为0.71mg/L,溶解性有机物含量为5.14 mg/L,以及地下水处于还原环境.高pH值、高磷酸根含量及还原环境不利于含水介质对以阴离子形式存在的砷的吸附,高溶解性有机物含量则增加了砷的活性这些因素促使了含水介质中砷的解吸和迁移.  相似文献   
The endemic species Lagotis uralensisis characterized with regard to the stages of ontogeny, population structure and dynamics, and the ways of species adaptation to growing in the form of small isolated populations in high mountains.  相似文献   
饮水的化学组分与地氟病的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱法华  张景荣 《环境化学》1996,15(5):457-462
饮水的化学成分分析结果表明,徐州地区居民饮用水中的氟含量pH,Na^+,HCO^-3,As,B和矿化度呈正相关关系,与K^+,Ca^2+,Al^3+,Ba^2+,Si^4+呈负相关关系。地氟病的发病率不仅与饮水的氟含量密切相关,而且受饮水中其它组份的制榴,饮水中Ca^2+,Al^3+,Sr^2+,B,Si^4+,K^+,Ge^4+等组分的增高可抑制或减缓地氟病的发生。  相似文献   
浙江省中部萤石产区氟环境与地方性氟病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对浙江省中部萤石产区氟地球化学环境的初步研究,探讨了该区地方性氟病的成因和分布规律,指出了地方性氟病与高氟环境的关系。  相似文献   
燃煤型氟中毒区石煤氟的环境地球化学行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对比典型剖面上的石煤及其风化发育的土壤的氟含量、流经石煤层的水与不经过石煤层的水的氟含量,研究石煤风化、淋溶时氟对土壤、地表水和农作物的影响。采集居民家中石煤、石煤燃后底灰、室内降尘、玉米、辣椒、水缸水和开水,分析其含氟量,研究石煤燃烧时氟的迁移富集机制。结果表明石煤的风化、淋溶虽导致土壤含氟量大幅升高但对地表水和新鲜粮食的含氟量无显著影响;石煤燃烧后释放出的氟污染室内玉米、辣椒和饮水,导致氟中毒流行。  相似文献   
黑尾近红鲌人工繁殖研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了2001~2003年对长江上游特有鱼类黑尾近红鲌开展人工繁殖试验的结果。黑尾近红鲌亲鱼来源于四川泸州长江上游一级支流龙溪河。催产剂为促黄体素释放激素类似物(LRH A),绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG) 与鲤鱼脑垂体(PG)。采用一次注射法,并用干法进行人工授精。共进行了23次人工催产,催产成功的占16次,有效的占3次,失败的占4次;共注射雌鱼70尾,其中46尾雌鱼排卵,平均催产率65.71%,受精率8.33%~100.0%,孵化率0.50%~94.71%,获得仔鱼29.3万尾。对亲鱼选择、催产方法、孵化与苗种培育等技术细节进行了讨论。  相似文献   
论中国种子植物特有属在台湾的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对台湾产的12个中国种子植物特有属即青钱柳属Cyclocarya,通脱木属Tetrapanax,华参属Sinopanax,八角莲属Dysosma,棱果花属Barthea,棱果茜属Hayataella,银脉爵床属Kudoacanthus,异叶苣苔属Whytockia,毛药花属Bostrychanthera,泡果荠属Hilliella,悬竹属Ampelocalamus.井岗寒竹属Gelidocalamus等的地理分布分析,发现台湾产的中国种子植物特有属具有衍生性质,属于次生的成分.  相似文献   
Abstract:   The largest damming project to date, the Three Gorges Dam has been built along the Yangtze River (China), the most species-rich river in the Palearctic region. Among 162 species of fish inhabiting the main channel of the upper Yangtze, 44 are endemic and are therefore under serious threat of global extinction from the dam. Accordingly, it is urgently necessary to develop strategies to minimize the impacts of the drastic environmental changes associated with the dam. We sought to identify potential reserves for the endemic species among the 17 tributaries in the upper Yangtze, based on presence/absence data for the 44 endemic species. Potential reserves for the endemic species were identified by characterizing the distribution patterns of endemic species with an adaptive learning algorithm called a "self-organizing map" (SOM). Using this method, we also predicted occurrence probabilities of species in potential reserves based on the distribution patterns of communities. Considering both SOM model results and actual knowledge of the biology of the considered species, our results suggested that 24 species may survive in the tributaries, 14 have an uncertain future, and 6 have a high probability of becoming extinct after dam filling.  相似文献   
在实地调查和数量系统分析的基础上,论述了九岭幕阜山中国种子植物特有属的物各多样性,空间分布格局及其区系地理特征,探讨了本区与邻近地区中国种子植物特有属分布的联系及其重要地位,并对特有属的生物多样性保护提出了具体对策。  相似文献   
We aspired to set conservation priorities in ways that lead to direct conservation actions. Very large‐scale strategic mapping leads to familiar conservation priorities exemplified by biodiversity hotspots. In contrast, tactical conservation actions unfold on much smaller geographical extents and they need to reflect the habitat loss and fragmentation that have sharply restricted where species now live. Our aspirations for direct, practical actions were demanding. First, we identified the global, strategic conservation priorities and then downscaled to practical local actions within the selected priorities. In doing this, we recognized the limitations of incomplete information. We started such a process in Colombia and used the results presented here to implement reforestation of degraded land to prevent the isolation of a large area of cloud forest. We used existing range maps of 171 bird species to identify priority conservation areas that would conserve the greatest number of species at risk in Colombia. By at risk species, we mean those that are endemic and have small ranges. The Western Andes had the highest concentrations of such species—100 in total—but the lowest densities of national parks. We then adjusted the priorities for this region by refining these species ranges by selecting only areas of suitable elevation and remaining habitat. The estimated ranges of these species shrank by 18–100% after accounting for habitat and suitable elevation. Setting conservation priorities on the basis of currently available range maps excluded priority areas in the Western Andes and, by extension, likely elsewhere and for other taxa. By incorporating detailed maps of remaining natural habitats, we made practical recommendations for conservation actions. One recommendation was to restore forest connections to a patch of cloud forest about to become isolated from the main Andes. Establecimiento de Prioridades Prácticas para la Conservación de Aves en los Andes Occidentales de Colombia  相似文献   
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