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我国东亚飞蝗发生的气候背景及长期预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国东亚飞蝗的发生发展与大气环流的变化密切相关。对1952—1999年我国东亚飞蝗的发生面积与大气环流的74项特征指标值进行了相关研究。结果表明,上一年9月到当年4月大西洋副高面积、强度、脊线位置、北界,上一年9月、10月西藏高原指数,当年1月、2月、5月亚洲区极涡面积。北半球1月极涡面积,亚洲3月纬向环流指数以及亚洲5月经向环流指数与我国蝗虫发生面积相关明显。其中大西洋副热带高压对我国东亚飞蝗发生的影响主要是通过影响秋冬季节蝗卵的孵化和越冬期间的地面温度,从而影响蝗卵基数和孵化为成虫的数量,进而影响着我国东亚飞蝗发生、发展和危害情况的变化。通过上述对蝗虫发生有明显影响的大气环流特征值进行回归分析,结果表明。上年9月和当年4月大西洋副高脊线、3月大西洋副高北界、上年9月西藏高原指数、5月亚洲区极涡面积和3月亚洲纬向环流指数与发生面积拟合较好,说明这些大气环流特征值的强弱是决定东亚飞蝗发生的关键因素。  相似文献   
Tropical fisheries, which are considered multi-species, may show selectiveness. We analyzed the degree of selectivity of fish catches in 46 sites along the Amazon basin through the percentage of biomass corresponding to the most caught fish species. Amazonian fisheries were considered moderately selective, as 54% of the sites directed more than a quarter of fishing effort to one fish species and in 87% of the sites more than half the fishing effort was directed to five fish species. Commercial fisheries were more selective than subsistence fisheries. Eleven fish species (nine of them migratory) have received more fishing pressure in the studied Amazonian regions and the catch composition differed among regions. We thus recommend that fisheries management in the Amazon basin should distribute fishing effort among more fish species; incorporate the particularities of commercial and subsistence fisheries; evaluate fishing effects on ecosystem services; and consider the biological characteristics of preferred fish.  相似文献   
黄河三角洲地区东亚飞蝗灾害及防御对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
朱天征  李金枝 《灾害学》2002,17(2):52-56,69
通过对黄河三角洲地区东亚飞蝗的调查研究,分析了其发育的气象和环境条件,提出了对东亚飞蝗灾害的防御对策。  相似文献   
Biodiversity offsets aim to counterbalance the residual impacts of development on species and ecosystems. Guidance documents explicitly recommend that biodiversity offset actions be located close to the location of impact because of higher potential for similar ecological conditions, but allowing greater spatial flexibility has been proposed. We examined the circumstances under which offsets distant from the impact location could be more likely to achieve no net loss or provide better ecological outcomes than offsets close to the impact area. We applied a graphical model for migratory shorebirds in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway as a case study to explore the problems that arise when incorporating spatial flexibility into offset planning. Spatially flexible offsets may alleviate impacts more effectively than local offsets; however, the risks involved can be substantial. For our case study, there were inadequate data to make robust conclusions about the effectiveness and equivalence of distant habitat-based offsets for migratory shorebirds. Decisions around offset placement should be driven by the potential to achieve equivalent ecological outcomes; however, when considering more distant offsets, there is a need to evaluate the likely increased risks alongside the potential benefits. Although spatially flexible offsets have the potential to provide more cost-effective biodiversity outcomes and more cobenefits, our case study showed the difficulty of demonstrating these benefits in practice and the potential risks that need to be considered to ensure effective offset placement.  相似文献   
针对目前大部分河流都受到不同程度污染的现状,研究了基于非恒定流的污染物迁移扩散随机模拟方法。通过一维非恒定流数值计算和流场模拟,得到了水库开闸放水后下游各个断面的水位、流量、流速等数据,并以此为基础,利用蒙特卡洛法对水库开闸放水前后下游典型断面的COD和NH3-N等进行污染物迁移扩散随机模拟,并将模型应用于文峪河下游。结果表明,文峪河水库开闸放水后,COD和NH3-N的污染带长度和宽度均有不同程度的减小,污染带向排污一侧岸边集中。研究成果可为解决河流污染现状与水库调度提供参考。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖湿地候鸟栖息地微塑料污染特征   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
微塑料(粒径5 mm的塑料)污染问题日益严重.以鄱阳湖湿地候鸟栖息地之一的白沙湖为研究区,采集了湖岸边、湖中心和候鸟活动区域的湖水、底泥和候鸟粪便,利用浮选分离法对其中的微塑料进行分离,分析其微塑料污染特征.结果表明:(1)研究区不同采样点水体和底泥中微塑料丰度有较大差异,表现为湖中心湖岸边候鸟活动区域,水体和底泥中微塑料平均丰度分别为263.28个·m~(-3)和215.9个·kg~(-1),候鸟粪便中微塑料平均丰度为4.93个·g~(-1).研究区存在颗粒、薄膜、碎片和纤维这4种不同形貌的微塑料.(2)水体中微塑料以颗粒类最多,颜色主要为红色,微塑料粒径丰度表现为1 mm1~2 mm2~3 mm3~5 mm,且基本呈随粒径增大丰度减小的趋势.(3)底泥中微塑料以纤维类为主,颜色主要为紫色,湖岸边和鸟类栖息地微塑料粒径以1 mm为主,湖中心以1~2 mm为主.(4)候鸟粪便内微塑料以颗粒类为主,颜色主要为红色,粒径以1 mm为主.(5)水体、底泥和候鸟粪便中微塑料类型分布无一致性,水体和候鸟粪便颜色和粒径分布保持一致.可见,鄱阳湖鸟类栖息地已经受到了微塑料的污染,鸟类也无可避免地接触到了微塑料,警示人们微塑料将会是候鸟的新兴威胁.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Although it is known that changes in land use and climate have an impact on ecological communities, it is unclear which of these factors is currently most important. We sought to determine the influence of land-use and climate alteration on changes in the abundance of Central European birds. We examined the impact of these factors by contrasting abundance changes of birds of different breeding habitat, latitudinal distribution, and migratory behavior. We examined data from the semiquantitative Breeding Bird Atlas of Lake Constance, which borders Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Changes in the regional abundance of the 159 coexisting bird species from 1980–1981 to 2000–2002 were influenced by all three factors. Farmland birds, species with northerly ranges, and long-distance migrants declined, and wetland birds and species with southerly ranges increased in abundance. A separate analysis of the two decades between 1980–1981 and 1990–1992 and between 1990–1992 and 2000–2002 showed that the impact of climate change increased significantly over time. Latitudinal distribution was not significant in the first decade and became the most significant predictor of abundance changes in the second decade. Although the spatial scale and temporal resolution of our study is limited, this is the first study that suggests that climate change has overtaken land-use modification in determining population trends of Central European birds.  相似文献   
Abstract:  A preliminary stage in developing comprehensive conservation plans involves identifying areas used by the organisms of interest. The areas used by migratory land birds during temporal breaks in migration (stopover periods) have received relatively little research and conservation attention. Methodologies for identifying stopover sites across large geographic areas have been, until recently, unavailable. Advances in weather-radar technology now allow for evaluation of bird migration patterns at large spatial scales. We analyzed radar data (WSR-88D) recorded during spring migration in 2000 and 2001 at 6 sites in the Great Lakes basin (U.S.A.). Our goal was to link areas of high migrant activity with the land-cover types and landscape contexts corresponding to those areas. To characterize the landscapes surrounding stopover locations, we integrated radar and land-cover data within a geographic information system. We compared landscape metrics within 5 km of areas that consistently hosted large numbers of migrants with landscapes surrounding randomly selected areas that were used by relatively few birds during migration. Concentration areas were characterized by 1.2 times more forest cover and 9.3 times more water cover than areas with little migrant activity. We detected a strong negative relationship between activity of migratory birds and agricultural land uses. Examination of individual migration events confirmed the importance of fragments of forested habitat in highly altered landscapes and highlighted large concentrations of birds departing from near-shore terrestrial areas in the Great Lakes basin. We conclude that conservation efforts can be more effectively targeted through intensive analysis of radar imagery.  相似文献   
Migratory animals are declining worldwide and coordinated conservation efforts are needed to reverse current trends. We devised a novel genoscape-network model that combines genetic analyses with species distribution modeling and demographic data to overcome challenges with conceptualizing alternative risk factors in migratory species across their full annual cycle. We applied our method to the long distance, Neotropical migratory bird, Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla). Despite a lack of data from some wintering locations, we demonstrated how the results can be used to help prioritize conservation of breeding and wintering areas. For example, we showed that when genetic, demographic, and network modeling results were considered together it became clear that conservation recommendations will differ depending on whether the goal is to preserve unique genetic lineages or the largest number of birds per unit area. More specifically, if preservation of genetic lineages is the goal, then limited resources should be focused on preserving habitat in the California Sierra, Basin Rockies, or Coastal California, where the 3 most vulnerable genetic lineages breed, or in western Mexico, where 2 of the 3 most vulnerable lineages overwinter. Alternatively, if preservation of the largest number of individuals per unit area is the goal, then limited conservation dollars should be placed in the Pacific Northwest or Central America, where densities are estimated to be the highest. Overall, our results demonstrated the utility of adopting a genetically based network model for integrating multiple types of data across vast geographic scales and better inform conservation decision-making for migratory animals.  相似文献   
Conserving migratory species requires protecting connected habitat along the pathways they travel. Despite recent improvements in tracking animal movements, migratory connectivity remains poorly resolved at a population level for the vast majority of species, thus conservation prioritization is hampered. To address this data limitation, we developed a novel approach to spatial prioritization based on a model of potential connectivity derived from empirical data on species abundance and distance traveled between sites during migration. We applied the approach to migratory shorebirds of the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway. Conservation strategies that prioritized sites based on connectivity and abundance metrics together maintained larger populations of birds than strategies that prioritized sites based only on abundance metrics. The conservation value of a site therefore depended on both its capacity to support migratory animals and its position within the migratory pathway; the loss of crucial sites led to partial or total population collapse. We suggest that conservation approaches that prioritize sites supporting large populations of migrants should, where possible, also include data on the spatial arrangement of sites.  相似文献   
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