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ABSTRACT: Bankfull depth and discharge are basic input parameters to stream planform, stream restoration, and highway crossing designs, as well as to the development of hydraulic geometry relationships and the classification of streams. Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of definitions for bankfull that provide a range of values, and the actual selection of bankfull is subjective. In this paper, the relative uncertainty in determining the bankfull depth and discharge is quantified, first by examining the variability in the estimates of bankfull and second by using fuzzy numbers to describe bankfull depth. Fuzzy numbers are used to incorporate uncertainty due to vagueness in the definition of bankfull and subjectivity in the selection of bankfull. Examples are provided that demonstrate the use of a fuzzy bankfull depth in sediment trans. port and in stream classification. Using fuzzy numbers to describe bankfull depth rather than a deterministic value allows the engineer to base designs and decisions on a range of possible values and associated degrees of belief that the bankfull depths take on each value in that range.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to examine the chemistry of Coalbed Methane (CBM) discharge water reacting with semi‐arid ephemeral stream channels in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. The study area consisted of two ephemeral streams: Burger Draw and Sue Draw. These streams are tributaries to the perennial Powder River. Samples were collected bimonthly from three CBM discharge points and seven channel locations in Burger Draw and Sue Draw. Samples were also collected bimonthly from the Powder River above and below the confluence of Burger Draw. Before sample collection, the pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured in the field. Samples were transported to the laboratory and analyzed for alkalinity, major cations, and anions. From the measurement of sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), practical sodium adsorption ratio (SARp) and true sodium adsorption ratio (SARt) were calculated. Results suggest pH and EC of CBM discharge water was 7.1 and 4.3 dS/m, respectively. The CBM discharge water consisted of higher concentrations of sodium and alkalinity compared to other components. The pH of CBM discharge water increased significantly (p = 0.000) in the downstream channel of Burger Draw from 7.1 to 8.84 before it joined with the Powder River. Dissolved calcium concentration of CBM discharge water decreased significantly (p = 0.000) in the downstream channel water. Subsequently, SARp increased approximately from 24 to 29. The SARt also increased significantly (p = 0.001) in the downstream channel water. For instance, SARt of CBM discharge water increased from 32.93 to 45.5 downstream channels after the confluence of Sue Draw with the Burger Draw. The only significant difference in water chemistry above and below the confluence of Burger Draw with the Powder River was pH, which increased from 8.36 to 8.52. The significant increase in SAR values of CBM discharge water in Burger Draw and Sue Draw tributaries suggest a careful monitoring of salinity and sodicity is needed if CBM discharge water is used for irrigation in semi‐arid environments. Results discussed in this study will be useful to downstream water users who depend on water for irrigation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Increasing demands on western water are causing a mounting need for the conjunctive management of surface water and ground water resources. Under western water law, the senior water rights holder has priority over the junior water rights holder in times of water shortage. Water managers have been reluctant to conjunctively manage surface water and ground water resources because of the difficulty of quantification of the impacts to surface water resources from ground water stresses. Impacts from ground water use can take years to propagate through an aquifer system. Prediction of the degree of impact to surface water resources over time and the spatial distribution of impacts is very difficult. Response functions mathematically describe the relationship between a unit ground water stress applied at a specific location and stream depletion or aquifer water level change elsewhere in the system. Response functions can be used to help quantify the spatial and temporal impacts to surface water resources caused by ground water pumping. This paper describes the theory of response functions and presents an application of transient response functions in the Snake River Plain, Idaho. Transient response functions can be used to facilitate the conjunctive management of surface and ground water not only in the eastern Snake River Plain basin, but also in similar basins throughout the western United States.  相似文献   
针对平原区城镇化背景下水系减少及连通受阻等下垫面变化引起的洪涝加剧问题,综合考虑水系结构和水力特性等因素,建立满足行洪排涝需求的平原水系连通度量方法,并以浙东沿海平原河网区为例,分析了城镇化下平原水系特征变化及其对河网连通度的影响。结果表明:1近20a来研究区水系数量和结构复杂性均存在不同程度的衰减,河网密度和水面率分别减少20%和30%左右,水系尤其是低等级河道的减少导致河网结构趋于骨干化;2河网连通度受水面率等数量特征和水系空间连接结构的共同影响,在水系数量持续减少情况下,整个河网连通度呈现先减少后增加的趋势,说明了骨干河道工程对水系空间结构特征的优化,可缓解水系减弱对河网连通的负面效应;3建立的河网连通度方法合理反映了水系数量和结构变化下的河网连通度演变规律,以及水系变化下区域排涝能力的空间差异特征,具有操作性强特点。  相似文献   
俞小军  李杰  周猛  宋璐  李维维  王亚娥  马娟  吕慧 《环境科学》2018,39(9):4274-4280
实验采用交替厌氧/好氧(An/O)运行模式的SBR反应器,考察310 d内分3个批次提取侧流比为0、1/4、1/3、1/2的厌氧放磷上清液后EBPR系统的脱氮除磷效果及相应的磷回收性能.结果表明,整个实验阶段系统对COD和氨氮的去除较为稳定,出水均能满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物综合排放标准》一级A标准,总氮去除因厌氧阶段反硝化不断增强有所提升,达标率由88.2%显著上升至98.6%.然而,随着厌氧上清液提取次数的增多,系统释磷能力整体下降,但前两个批次中系统除磷均稳定高效,去除率在90%以上,相应地出水磷达标率大于75%,仅第3批次实验中侧流比为1/2时系统除磷率出现大幅波动,最低降为54.2%,并贡献该批次出水磷不达标率的60%,说明长期提取1/2侧流比不利于主流工艺出水稳定维持.研究还发现,长期进行侧流磷回收实验有利于污泥减量,且对污泥沉降性能影响不大.因此,在EBPR系统内长期提取适当侧流比的厌氧上清液以进行磷回收与主流工艺同步高效脱氮除磷具有可行性.  相似文献   
杨应增  何守阳  吴攀  吴起鑫  韩志伟  罗维 《环境科学》2019,40(10):4532-4542
利用25年地下水观测与遥感解译数据研究地下河对城镇化进程的水化学时序响应,结果表明,随着城镇化的进行,地下河的矿化度逐渐上升;水化学类型时序演变从枯水期单一的HCO_3·SO_4-Ca·Mg型和丰水期HCO_3-Ca·Mg型向HCO_3·ClCa型、HCO_3·SO_4-Ca型、HCO_3-Ca和HCO_3·SO_4-Ca·Mg型等多类型演化,快速城镇化时期水化学类型多变.受地表降水输入影响,地下河枯水期与丰水期[Mg2+]/[Ca2+]和[HCO_3~-]/[SO_4~(2-)](摩尔比)变化较大,城镇化前地下河水化学受水岩相互作用、农业活动和酸雨入渗共同影响,两者均值分别为0. 86和29. 34; 2001年城镇化后农业活动和酸雨输入贡献减少,丰水期城镇化输入(居民生活和工业排污)明显增加,两者出现突变特征,分别降低至0. 38与6. 01. 1990~1995、1996~2010和2011~2015年不同时期的主要地球化学敏感阳离子分别为Ca~(2+)及Mg~(2+)、Na~+和NH_4~+,阴离子则分别为HCO_3~-、HCO_3~-及SO_4~(2-)和Cl~-.地下河对城镇化进程的水化学响应具有明显的阶段性和时序性.  相似文献   
钢渣湿法脱硫试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以某厂钢渣为吸收剂,以旋流板塔为吸收器,对湿法脱硫进行了试验研究。通过分析钢渣脱硫前后的化学成分变化,以及试验脱硫率随反应过程的变化,提出了钢渣湿法脱硫的反应机理。同时,试验研究了液气比、进气SO_2浓度、浆液浓度等主要参数对脱硫率的影响,以及加添加剂的效果。试验结果表明,通过合理的设计和适当的操作,可使钢渣湿法应用于中低脱硫率(50%~70%)的场合,以取得综合治理、以废治废的效果。  相似文献   
水系沉积物中铅含量的快速荧光测定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了简单、快速测定Pb^2+的荧光测定方法。在pH<6.8的酸度条件下,Pb^2+与浓度为1.4-2.0mol/L的Cl^-形成的铅氯配合物在262.5nm的紫外光激光下发射出485.0nm可用于痕量铅离子测定的荧光,在选定激发单色器通带10.0nm,发射单色器通带20.0nm的仪器条件下,荧光强度与1.0×10^-7-1.0×10^-5mol/L范围的Pb^2+的线性关系可用△F=1.01×1  相似文献   
为解决线状河流生态系统服务价值核算长期停留在均一性核算,难以体现空间差异性的问题,整合高精度遥感数据和常规数据,区分源于河槽、滩地和河流整体3种空间的生态系统服务类型,梳理GIS平台运算的方法和参数,构建了宽滩型河流生态系统服务价值空间核算成套方法,并应用于辽河干流。结果表明:2013年辽河干流生态系统服务总价值为537.39亿元,其中洪水调蓄服务占比最高(46.99%),其次是气候调节服务(29.22%);不同土地利用类型单位面积生态系统服务价值存在差异,河槽和坑塘较高,旱地、灌木林、有林地、草地、滩涂和水田较低且数值接近;2013年辽河干流生态系统服务总价值比2009年增长了101.63亿元;辽河干流流经的铁岭、沈阳、鞍山和盘锦4个市中,单位面积生态系统服务价值和生态系统服务总价值均以辽河口的盘锦市为最高。  相似文献   
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