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To investigate the role of template plasticity in shaping nest-mate recognition processes in ants, we constructed experimental mixed-species groups of Manica rubida with either Myrmica rubra, Tetramorium bicarinatum or Formica selysi. Selecting Ma. rubida as the focal species, we observed the behaviour within mixed-species groups and the transfer rates of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) onto the focal ants, and we also tested the aggression of the focal species reared either alone or in association with each of the three different species. We show that Ma. rubida workers were always amicable towards their mixed group members, as towards members of the respective parental colonies, irrespective of the associated species. They did, however, express different levels of aggression towards single-species groups of the other species tested, depending on the species with which they were reared. The study suggests that similarity in CHC profiles in two species leads to a narrow template in mixed groups, while dissimilarity is followed by lower levels of aggression (a broader template), at least against species with similar CHC compound compositions (i.e. both a broader template in the focal ants and familiarity with the compound groups of the tested individuals operate together). This refutes the hypothesis that ants reared in mixed-species groups are systematically more tolerant. It also demonstrates that heterospecific information is not treated equally during development. We suggest that post-imaginal learning, template reforming and decision making are more precisely tuned when the two species' chemical complexes are similar.  相似文献   
Colony level sex allocation in a polygynous and polydomous ant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The colony-level sex allocation pattern of eusocial Hymenoptera has attracted much attention in recent studies of evolutionary biology. We conducted a theoretical and empirical study on this subject using the dolichoderine ant Technomyrmex albipes. This ant is unusual in having a dispersal polymorphism in both males and females. New colonies are founded by an alate female after mating with one or more alate males in the nuptial flight. In mature colonies, the reproductive role of the foundress queen is taken over by wingless offspring (supplementary reproductives). Mature colonies are extremely polygynous, with many wingless queens reproducing through intea-colonial mating with wingless males (inbreeding), and producing both alate and wingless sexuals. The population sex ratio of wingless sexuals was found to be extremely female-biased, while the population allocation ratio of alates was almost 1:1. This result suggests that there is local mate competition among wingless sexuals. A specific model for this extraordinary life cycle predicted that the asymmetry of regression relatedness (b f/b m) will disappear during the first few generations of wingless reproductives after the foundress dies. If colonies begin to produce alates after several wingless generations, this undermines the hypotheses for intercolonial sex ratio variation based on the relatedness asymmetry. We compared the magnitude of variation in sex ratios and other characteristics between two levels (within-colony-inter-nest and between-colony). Although there was considerable within-colony variation in all the examined characteristics, between-colony variances were always larger. This means that allocation is important at the whole-colony level, not that of the nest. There was no apparent correlation between the sex ratio of alates and colony size. Furthermore, partial correlation analysis indicated that neither the number of workers nor investment in alates explained the variation in the sex ratio of alates. The only factor which was significantly correlated with the sex ratio of alates was the sex ratio of wingless sexuals (a positive correlation). We conclude that both the alate and wingless sex ratios may be influenced by a common primary sex ratio at the egg stage, the variance of which may have genetic components. In the wingless sexuals, partial correlation analysis indicated that colony size and the number of workers explained the sex allocation ratio. The number of wingless females was strongly (positively) correlated with the total investment in wingless sexuals, while the number of males showed no such correlation. There is, however, no convincing explanation for the variation in sex allocation ratio of wingless sexuals, because the estimates of investment in wingless males may have a large sampling error. Correspondence to: K. Tsuji  相似文献   
In this paper we examine the effect of crowding on the selection of a path in the mass-recruiting ant Lasius niger. In our experiment, ants had to go from their nest to a food source by crossing a diamond-shaped bridge, giving the choice between two paths. Two types of bridges were used: the first had two branches of equal length but different width while the second had two branches of different length and width. Experiments at high traffic volume always ended up with the selection of the wider branch, even if it was longer. This result shows that overcrowding on the narrow branch plays an essential role in the mechanism underlying the choice of route in ants. A mathematical model was developed to evaluate the importance of two mechanisms that could account for this result. The first is based on the difference in travel duration between the two paths. The second is based on the repulsive interactions between workers making head-on encounters. The model shows that travel duration per se is not sufficient to explain path choice. Rather, it is the interplay between trail following behaviour and repulsive interactions that allows ants to choose the path that minimizes their travel time. When choosing a path ants thus prefer to trade time against energy. Our results demonstrate that any environmental constraint that alters the dynamics of trail recruitment can lead to the emergence of adaptive foraging decisions without any explicit coding of information by the foragers at the individual level.  相似文献   
Solitary foragers can balance demands for food and safety by varying their relative use of foraging patches and their level of vigilance. Here, we investigate whether colonies of the ant, Formica perpilosa, can balance these demands by dividing labor among workers. We show that foragers collecting nectar in vegetation near their nest are smaller than are those collecting nectar at sites away from the nest. We then use performance tests to show that smaller workers are more likely to succumb to attack from conspecifics but feed on nectar more efficiently than larger workers, suggesting a size-related trade-off between risk susceptibility and harvesting ability. Because foragers that travel away from the nest are probably more likely to encounter ants from neighboring colonies, this trade-off could explain the benefits of dividing foraging labor among workers. In a laboratory experiment, we show that contact with aggressive workers results in an increase in the mean size of recruits to a foraging site: this increase was not the result of more large recruits, but rather because fewer smaller ants traveled to the site. These results suggest that workers particularly susceptible to risk avoid dangerous sites, and suggest that variation in worker size can allow colonies to exploit profitably both hazardous and resource-poor patches.Communicated by L. Sundström  相似文献   
Encounter rate and task allocation in harvester ants   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
As conditions change, social insect colonies adjust the numbers of workers engaged in various tasks, such as foraging and nest work. This process of task allocation operates without central control; individuals respond to simple, local cues. This study investigates one such cue, the pattern of an ant's interactions with other workers. We examined how an ant's tendency to perform midden work, carrying objects to and sorting the refuse pile of the colony, is related to the recent history of the ant's brief antennal contacts, in laboratory colonies of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus. The probability that an ant performed midden work was related to its recent interactions in two ways. First, the time an ant spent performing midden work was positively correlated with the number of midden workers that ant had met while it was away from the midden. Second, ants engaged in a task other than midden work were more likely to begin to do midden work when their rate of encounter per minute with midden workers was high. Cues based on interaction rate may enable ants to respond to changes in worker numbers even though ants cannot count or assess total numbers engaged in a task. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 15 November 1998  相似文献   
Nestmate recognition in ants is possible without tactile interaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ants of the genus Camponotus are able to discriminate recognition cues of colony members (nestmates) from recognition cues of workers of a different colony (non-nestmates) from a distance of 1 cm. Free moving, individual Camponotus floridanus workers encountered differently treated dummies on a T-bar and their behavior was recorded. Aggressive behavior was scored as mandibular threat towards dummies. Dummies were treated with hexane extracts of postpharyngeal glands (PPGs) from nestmates or non-nestmates which contain long-chain hydrocarbons in ratios comparable to what is found on the cuticle. The cuticular hydrocarbon profile bears cues which are essential for nestmate recognition. Although workers were prevented from antennating the dummies, they showed significantly less aggressive behavior towards dummies treated with nestmate PPG extracts than towards dummies treated with non-nestmate PPG extracts. In an additional experiment, we show that cis-9-tricosene, an alkene naturally not found in C. floridanus' cuticular profile, is behaviorally active and can interfere with nestmate recognition when presented together with a nestmate PPG extract. Our study demonstrates for the first time that the complex multi-component recognition cues can be perceived and discriminated by ants at close range. We conclude that contact chemosensilla are not crucial for nestmate recognition since tactile interaction is not necessary.  相似文献   
Understanding the origin of disease resistance in social insects is difficult due to the lack of well-established phylogenies of presocial and eusocial species and the absence of extant basal and intermediate forms. Moreover, comprehensive accounts of infection-control traits in social insect lineages are not available. Therefore, to explore the evolution of pathogen control in social insects we used cellular automata models to analyze the efficacy of immunity and nest hygiene, which we assumed were basal traits, and allogrooming, which likely followed the transition to eusociality, and their interactions with colony demography and patterns of worker spatial distribution. Models showed that nest hygiene provided an immediate survival benefit and that immunity lowered overall disease susceptibility under both constant and periodic exposure scenarios. Allogrooming increased survivorship in chronically challenged colonies but also increased pathogen transmission rates under conditions of periodic exposure. Colonies having demographies biased towards young or old individuals had slightly higher mortality than those with heterogeneous demographies. The distribution of older individuals relative to the nest center had no significant effect on susceptibility and provided only a minor survival advantage. Models indicated that nest hygiene and immunity function on different temporal scales and can interact with demography to lower disease risks. Our results suggest how infection control systems in social insects could have been built upon the inducible immune defenses and nest hygienic behaviors of solitary and presocial ancestors and served as important preadaptations to manage disease exposure and transmission in colonies of eusocial species.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the purposeful marking of trails as a mechanism for coordinating movement. Patterns of motion are adapted to the environmental conditions, the functions to be carried out, and the condition of the organism; therefore, the networks of trails must change both quantitatively and qualitatively over time. The nature of such changes, and how they are controlled at the individual level are discussed. In particular, we show that slight modulations in individual traits, in the trail marker, or in the size of the group can account for major changes in movement patterns at the population level such as abrupt transitions from diffuse area-covering networks to focused trunk trails. Using a mathematical model and computer (cellular automata) simulation we show that trunk trails carrying a high density of traffic can form spontaneously under suitable conditions from an initially randomly distributed group. The key to this self-organizing property stems from interactions between individuals that lead to a collective effect in recruitment to trails: the influence of small groups of individuals increases rapidly with group size. The dichotomy between high traffic (strong) trunk trails versus diffuse (weak) networks is discussed.  相似文献   
In populations of various ant species, many queens reproduce in the same nest (polygyny), and colony boundaries appear to be absent with individuals able to move freely between nests (unicoloniality). Such societies depart strongly from a simple family structure and pose a potential challenge to kin selection theory, because high queen number coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests should result in levels of relatedness among nestmates close to zero. This study investigated the breeding system and genetic structure of a highly polygynous and largely unicolonial population of the wood ant Formica paralugubris. A microsatellite analysis revealed that nestmate workers, reproductive queens and reproductive males (the queens' mates) are all equally related to each other, with relatedness estimates centring around 0.14. This suggests that most of the queens and males reproducing in the study population had mated within or close to their natal nest, and that the queens did not disperse far after mating. We developed a theoretical model to investigate how the breeding system affects the relatedness structure of polygynous colonies. By combining the model and our empirical data, it was estimated that about 99.8% of the reproducing queens and males originated from within the nest, or from a nearby nest. This high rate of local mating and the rarity of long-distance dispersal maintain significant relatedness among nestmates, and contrast with the common view that unicoloniality is coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests. Received: 8 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 June 1999 / Accepted: 19 June 1999  相似文献   
Fertility signaling in queens of a North American ant   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In most species of advanced eusocial insects, the partitioning of reproduction between nestmates is thought to be regulated by means of primer pheromones or other chemical cues, which presumably influence the behavior of co-queens and workers such that they maximize their own inclusive fitness. Here we show that in multi-queen colonies of the Nearctic ant, Leptothorax sp. A, physical dominance in concert with chemical cues, which signal the ovarian development of a queen, are used to control reproduction of competing queens and to influence worker behavior. The analysis of ranks obtained during two fighting periods in the annual colony cycle revealed a strong link between individual aggressiveness of a queen and her fertility. During the adoption of newly mated queens in autumn, the resident, egg-laying α-queen was more likely to start aggression first and keep her high rank position compared to the fighting period after hibernation. We suggest that this is proximately caused by the α-queen having much stronger developed ovaries in autumn than the young queens, whereas after hibernation, the ovaries of all queens are similarly inactive. Interactions during the first weeks after the end of hibernation and intrinsic, individual differences in aggressiveness appear to be crucial for the dominance rank achieved later. Queens which were allowed to become fertile when their nestmate queens still were kept under prolonged hibernation, were immediately socially dominant over the latter when all queens were reunited, though no aggression occurred. In another experiment, queen antagonism was prevented by spatial separation in different parts of the same nest and all queens began to lay eggs. Workers stayed preferentially with queens with high actual fecundity rather than with those which had had high social status before separation. This and further evidence suggest that ovarian status is communicated, most likely by a chemical cue perceived by co-queens and workers, affects the direction of their aggressive behavior, and allows them to discriminate among queens. Received: 5 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 29 August 1998  相似文献   
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