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珠海市近岸海域水环境现状及可持续利用对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近岸海域水环境对沿海城市的可持续发展具有重要意义 .根据实测资料分析了珠海市近岸海域水环境质量的基本现状以及污染物的主要来源 ,认为造成近海环境污染的主要原因是随着经济的发展 ,污染源增加 ,加上缺乏海洋环境保护意识 ,盲目开发利用海洋环境资源所致 .海洋环境监测和抗污染技术落后也是造成珠海市近岸海域水质超标的重要原因 .为此针对性地提出了珠海市海洋环境资源的可持续利用对策对建议 .  相似文献   
长江下游典型滨海地区农业土壤重金属污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示长江下游滨海地区农业土壤重金属污染状况,以滨江临海的南通市为例,网格化布点,采集表层农业土壤样品共计334个,对其重金属Cu、Pb、Cr、As、Hg含量进行了测定分析.结果表明,研究区域表层农业土壤中各重金属含量均已超过其背景值,且以Pb污染最为严重;区域性差异较大,以滨海的如东、海门、启东污染最为严重,且以海门、启东As含量最高;各重金属间相关性不显著,来源途径不止一种.从而提出南通市农业土壤重金属污染的防治应立足于防重于治的方针,着重滨海地区,以Pb、As污染源为主,并对污染土壤进行修复.  相似文献   
南海海域重要养殖水域牡蛎体中的腹泻性贝类毒素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2006年和2007年南海海域23个重要养殖水域牡蛎体中腹泻性贝类毒素(DSP)进行了调查,结果表明:甲子港、唐家湾、镇海湾、安埔港、防城港、八所港和榆林港等7个水域牡蛎体DSP毒性呈阳性结果,占调查水域的30.4%,其DSP值均为0.05MU/g.2006年牡蛎体DSP检出率为8.7%(n=23),2007年为21.7%(n=23).调查期间,牡蛎体DSP检出值0.05MU/g已达到了FDA(美国食品药物管理局)、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、朝鲜等6个国家食用贝类标准警戒限量水平,和超出了我国<无公害食品水产品中有毒有害物质的限量>规定贝类DSP不得检出标准,表明了近期南海海域某些养殖水域的牡蛎已经受到了DSP毒化的威胁.  相似文献   
盐城海岸湿地资源环境压力与生态调控响应   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
江苏盐城海岸湿地拥有以保护丹顶鹤和麋鹿为特色的两个国家级自然保护区。然而强烈的人类活动贯穿于海岸湿地发育的每一个阶段,包括湿地围垦、资源酷取滥采以及环境污染等,使得该区资源环境面临的压力不断增大。通过对其资源环境特征、人口经济发展压力、湿地不合理开发利用压力以及水资源污染压力的分析,进而利用生态调控设计相应的政策措施响应方案,包括生态规划与设计---科学的生态功能区划,调整若干原缓冲区中生物多样性热点区为核心区;生态工程---生境更新与调整,建立人工湿地生态工程、芦苇生态工程、生态旅游等生态示范区;生态系统管理与能力建设---社区共管,与周围社区居民建立有效的伙伴关系。  相似文献   
我国东部沿海地区差距状况以及经济低谷地区的崛起   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
我国是区域发展差异巨大的大国之一,存在着多种尺度的区域发展差异。从中小尺工区域差异的角度,分析了我国东部沿海地区内部发展差距扩大趋势有其影响,可以看出,东部沿海地区在经济快速发展的同时,也存在着经济相对落后的低谷地区。沿海经济低谷地区分布相对集中于香港--珠江三角洲、上海-长江三角洲、京津唐-环渤海三个经济隆起带之间,处于省际交界处。按照类型可以分为黄泛平原区、丘陵山区和沿海库区。东部经济低谷地区区位条件相对比较落后,交通可达性较差,产业结构单一,城市化水平发展严重滞后,社会经济发展比较缓慢,这些不利因素制约着该地区经济和社会的发展。根据崛起机制和途径,低谷地区发展呵以分为资源转换型、非国有经济推动型和外资推动型。建议国家修筑贯穿沿海经济低谷地区的东部沿海铁路大通道,降低沿海经济低谷地区设定标准,加快农业产业化发展,对特殊贫困地区实行特殊优惠政策,从而促进东部沿海地区经济协调发展。  相似文献   
长江河口近岸水体自然净化作用及其初步评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
按照水体的净化机理,结合长江口和上海滨岸带近岸水体的物理、化学和生物等因素的实际特征,对近岸水体的自然净化作用进行了阐述和分析。并在历史资料和实测资料基础上,就近岸水体的自然净化作用进行了评价。评价结果表明,因长江河口近岸水体存在较强的自然净化作用机制,近岸水体体的自然净化能力较强,环境容量较大,但由于污染物输入量的不断增加,部分岸段近岸水体的环境质量有逐渐下降的趋势;近岸水体的自然净化作用具有明显的季节性变化,长江口南岸水域洪水季节水体的自然净化作用比估水季节强,而杭州湾北岸水域的自然净化作用表现为相反的变化趋势,因此建议在近岸污水排放过程中应考虑近岸水体的净化能力,遵循水体的自然净化作用规律。  相似文献   
Results of groundwater and seawater analyses for radioactive (3H, 222Rn, 223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, and 228Ra) and stable (D and 18O) isotopes are presented together with in situ spatial mapping and time series 222Rn measurements in seawater, direct seepage measurements using manual and automated seepage meters, pore water investigations using different tracers and piezometric techniques, and geoelectric surveys probing the coast. This study represents first time that such a new complex arsenal of radioactive and non-radioactive tracer techniques and geophysical methods have been used for simultaneous submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) investigations. Large fluctuations of SGD fluxes were observed at sites situated only a few meters apart (from 0 cm d−1 to 360 cm d−1; the unit represents cm3/cm2/day), as well as during a few hours (from 0 cm d−1 to 110 cm d−1), strongly depending on the tidal fluctuations. The average SGD flux estimated from continuous 222Rn measurements is 17 ± 10 cm d−1. Integrated coastal SGD flux estimated for the Ubatuba coast using radium isotopes is about 7 × 103 m3 d−1 per km of the coast. The isotopic composition (δD and δ18O) of submarine waters was characterised by significant variability and heavy isotope enrichment, indicating that the contribution of groundwater in submarine waters varied from a small percentage to 20%. However, this contribution with increasing offshore distance became negligible. Automated seepage meters and time series measurements of 222Rn activity concentration showed a negative correlation between the SGD rates and tidal stage. This is likely caused by sea level changes as tidal effects induce variations of hydraulic gradients. The geoelectric probing and piezometric measurements contributed to better understanding of the spatial distribution of different water masses present along the coast. The radium isotope data showed scattered distributions with offshore distance, which imply that seawater in a complex coast with many small bays and islands was influenced by local currents and groundwater/seawater mixing. This has also been confirmed by a relatively short residence time of 1–2 weeks for water within 25 km offshore, as obtained by short-lived radium isotopes. The irregular distribution of SGD seen at Ubatuba is a characteristic of fractured rock aquifers, fed by coastal groundwater and recirculated seawater with small admixtures of groundwater, which is of potential environmental concern and has implications on the management of freshwater resources in the region.  相似文献   
New data are reported on the concentrations, isotopic composition and speciation of americium, plutonium and uranium in surface and ground waters in the Sarzhal region of the Semipalatinsk Test Site, and an adjacent area including the settlement of Sarzhal. The data relate to filtered water and suspended particulate from (a) streams originating in the Degelen Mountains, (b) the Tel′kem 1 and Tel′kem 2 atomic craters, and (c) wells on farms located within the study area and at Sarzhal. The measurements show that 241Am, 239,240Pu and 238U concentrations in well waters within the study area are in the range 0.04–87 mBq dm−3, 0.7–99 mBq dm−3, and 74–213 mBq dm−3, respectively, and for 241Am and 239,240Pu are elevated above the levels expected solely on the basis of global fallout. Concentrations in streams sourced in the Degelen Mountains are similar, while concentrations in the two water-filled atomic craters are somewhat higher. Suspended particulate concentrations in well waters vary considerably, though median values are very low, at 0.01 mBq dm−3, 0.08 mBq dm−3 and 0.32 mBq dm−3 for 241Am, 239,240Pu and 238U, respectively. The 235U/238U isotopic ratio in almost all well and stream waters is slightly elevated above the ‘best estimate’ value for natural uranium worldwide, suggesting that some of the uranium in these waters is of test-site provenance. Redox analysis shows that on average most of the plutonium present in the microfiltered fraction of these waters is in a chemically reduced form (mean 69%; 95% confidence interval 53–85%). In the case of the atomic craters, the proportion is even higher. As expected, all of the americium present appears to be in a reduced form. Calculations suggest that annual committed effective doses to individual adults arising from the daily ingestion of these well waters are in the range 11–42 μSv (mean 21 μSv). Presently, the ground water feeding these wells would not appear to be contaminated with radioactivity from past underground testing in the Degelen Mountains or from the Tel′kem explosions.  相似文献   
刘堰杨  孙辉  刘琛  王小沁 《环境科学》2019,40(12):5318-5329
川西高原部分河流溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量极高,因有色溶解性有机质(CDOM)具有独特的光学特性,其光降解特征与规律对于分析高寒区天然水体DOC动态及区域水-陆碳循环具有重要的环境意义.本文选取川西高原两种主要地貌类型的河流共5条,即高山峡谷区河流杂谷脑河、抚边河及岷江,丘状高原区河流白河、黑河,对河流水体CDOM三维荧光光谱(EEMs)与紫外-可见光吸收光谱(UV-Vis)采用平行因子分析(PARAFAC)与二维相关光谱(2D-COS)进行分析.结果表明:①白河和黑河CDOM的5 d降解率分别为64. 85%和63. 43%,光降解速率常数分别为0. 167 d-1和0. 173 d-1;抚边河CDOM浓度低(0. 71 m-1)光降解现象不明显,杂谷脑河和岷江CDOM光降解行为较为复杂;②在光降解过程中,除岷江外其余4条河流荧光溶解性有机质(FDOM)内源特征(FI)逐渐减弱,黑河和白河CDOM芳香性、疏水性特征(SUVA254和SUVA260)及腐殖化程度(HIXa)逐渐降低;③川西高原5条河流中FDOM组分均呈2类4个组分,即C1(275/310 nm,类酪氨酸)、C2 [280(250)/400 nm,UVA类腐殖质]和C3(255/440 nm,UVA类腐殖质)、C4[270(360)/492 nm,UVA类腐殖质],类腐殖质FDOM较易光降解;④5条河流中UVA类腐殖质FDOM(尤其是500 nm发射波段)光降解反应先于类酪氨酸物质;丘状高原河流中UVA类腐殖质FDOM对于光照的敏感度大于高山峡谷区河流;⑤白河的主成分分析中识别出了2个因子,解释了这些参数变化的87. 28%,反映了光降解过程对于CDOM特征、荧光组分等方面的影响.  相似文献   
Dibenzothiophene (DBT) degradation mechanisms and the transformation of pathways during the incubation of three types of coastal sediments with C/N ratios ranging from 1 to 9 were investigated. The DBT degradation efficiencies were clearly improved with increasing C/N ratio in reed wetland sediments, tidal wetlands sediments and estuary wetland sediments. The quantitative response relationships between DBT degradation rates and related functional genes demonstrate that the Kodama pathway-related gene groups were dominant factors at low C/N ratios, while the 4S-related gene groups mainly determined the degradation rate when the C/N ratio was up to 5. Network analysis also shows that the pathway shifts from the Kodama pathway to the 4S pathway occurred through changes in the connections between functional genomes and rates. Furthermore, there were competition and collaboration between the Kodama and 4S pathways. The 4S pathway-related bacteria were more active in estuary wetland sediments compared with reed wetland sediments and tidal wetland sediments. The higher degradation efficiency in estuary wetland sediments may indicate the greater participation of the 4S pathway in the DBT biodegradation reaction. And the effects of ring cleavage of Kodama pathway caused more complete metabolizing of DBT.  相似文献   
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