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Soil contamination with tetrabromobisphenol A(TBBPA) has caused great concerns;however, the presence of heavy metals and soil organic matter on the biodegradation of TBBPA is still unclear. We isolated Pseudomonas sp. strain CDT, a TBBPA-degrading bacterium, from activated sludge and incubated it with ~(14)C-labeled TBBPA for 87 days in the absence and presence of Cu~(2+)and humic acids(HA). TBBPA was degraded to organic-solvent extractable(59.4% ± 2.2%) and non-extractable(25.1% ± 1.3%) metabolites,mineralized to CO_2(4.8% ± 0.8%), and assimilated into cells(10.6% ± 0.9%) at the end of incubation. When Cu~(2+)was present, the transformation of extractable metabolites into non-extractable metabolites and mineralization were inhibited, possibly due to the toxicity of Cu~(2+)to cells. HA significantly inhibited both dissipation and mineralization of TBBPA and altered the fate of TBBPA in the culture by formation of HA-bound residues that amounted to 22.1% ± 3.7% of the transformed TBBPA. The inhibition from HA was attributed to adsorption of TBBPA and formation of bound residues with HA via reaction of reactive metabolites with HA molecules, which decreased bioavailability of TBBPA and metabolites in the culture. When Cu~(2+)and HA were both present, Cu~(2+)significantly promoted the HA inhibition on TBBPA dissipation but not on metabolite degradation. The results provide insights into individual and interactive effects of Cu~(2+)and soil organic matter on the biotransformation of TBBPA and indicate that soil organic matter plays an essential role in determining the fate of organic pollutants in soil and mitigating heavy metal toxicity.  相似文献   
Constructed wetlands for mitigation of atrazine-associated agricultural runoff   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Atrazine was amended into constructed wetlands (59-73x14x0.3 m) for the purpose of monitoring transport and fate of the pesticide to obtain information necessary to provide future design parameters for constructed wetlands mitigation of agricultural runoff. Following pesticide amendment, a simulated storm and runoff event equal to three volume additions was imposed on each wetland. Targeted atrazine concentrations were 0 microg/l (unamended control), 73 microg/l, and 147 microg/l. Water, sediment, and plant samples were collected weekly for 35 days from transects longitudinally distributed throughout each wetland and were analyzed for atrazine using gas chromatography. Between 17 and 42% of measured atrazine mass was within the first 30-36 m of wetlands. Atrazine was below detection limits (0.05 microg/kg) in all sediment and plant samples collected throughout the duration of this study. Aqueous half lives ranged from 16 to 48 days. According to these data, conservative buffer travel distances of 100-280 m would be necessary for effective runoff mitigation.  相似文献   
Novel applications of nanotechnology may lead to the release of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs), which result in concerns over their potential environmental hazardous impact. It is essential for the research workers to be able to quantitatively characterise ENPs in the environment and subsequently to assist the risk assessment of the ENPs. This study hence explored the application of nanoparticle tracking system (NTA) to quantitatively describe the behaviour of the ENPs in natural sediment-water systems. The NTA allows the measurement of both particle number concentration (PNC) and particle size distribution (PSD) of the ENPs. The developed NTA method was applied to a range of gold and magnetite ENPs with a selection of surface properties. The results showed that the positively-charged ENPs interacted more strongly with the sediment than neutral and negatively-charged ENPs. It was also found that the citrate coated Au ENPs had a higher distribution percentage (53%) than 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid coated Au ENPs (20%) and citrate coated magnetite ENPs (21%). The principles of the electrostatic interactions between hard (and soft) acids and bases (HSAB) are used to explain such behaviours; the hard base coating (i.e. citrate ions) will interact more strongly with hard acid (i.e. magnetite) than soft acid (i.e. gold). The results indicate that NTA is a complementary method to existing approaches to characterise the fate and behaviour of ENPs in natural sediment.  相似文献   
• Coulomb and Lennard−Jones forces were considered for droplet interactions. • The net droplet interactions were repulsive. • Repulsive droplet interactions increased the transport of droplets. • Repulsive droplet interactions significantly modified the fate of droplets. Previous studies reported that specially designed ventilation systems provide good air quality and safe environment by removing airborne droplets that contain viruses expelled by infected people. These water droplets can be stable in the environment and remain suspended in air for prolonged periods. Encounters between droplets may occur and droplet interactions should be considered. However, the previous studies focused on other physical phenomena (air flow, drag force, evaporation) for droplet transport and neglected droplet interactions. In this work, we used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the transport and fate of airborne droplets expelled by an asymptomatic person and considered droplet interactions. Droplet drag with turbulence for prediction of transport and fate of droplets indicated that the turbulence increased the transport of 1 μm droplets, whereas it decreased the transport of 50 μm droplets. In contrast to only considering drag and turbulence, consideration of droplet interactions tended to increase both the transport and fate. Although the length scale of the office is much larger than the droplet sizes, the droplet interactions, which occurred at the initial stages of release when droplet separation distances were shorter, had a significant effect in droplet fate by considerably manipulating the final locations on surfaces where droplets adhered. Therefore, it is proposed that when an exact prediction of transport and fate is required, especially for high droplet concentrations, the effects of droplet interactions should not be ignored.  相似文献   
The degradation of plastic debris may result in the generation of nanoplastics(NPs). Their high specific surface area for the sorption of organic pollutions and toxic heavy metals and possible transfer between organisms at different nutrient levels make the study of NPs an urgent priority. However, there is very limited understanding on the occurrence, distribution, abundant, and fate of NPs in the environment, partially due to the lack of suitable techniques for the separation and identificatio...  相似文献   
The European Union has defined environmental quality standards (EQSs) for surface waters for priority substances and several other pollutants. Furthermore national EQSs for several chemicals are valid in Austria. The study investigated the occurrence of these compounds in municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents. In a first screening of 15 WWTPs relevant substances were identified, which subsequently were monitored in 9 WWTPs over 1 year (every 2 months). Out of 77 substances or groups of substances (including more than 90 substances) 13 were identified as potentially relevant in respect to water pollution and subjected to the monitoring, whereas most other compounds were detected in concentrations far below the respective EQS for surface waters and therefore not further considered. The preselected 13 compounds for monitoring were cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), diuron, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), di(ethyl-hydroxyl)phthalate (DEHP), tributyltin compounds (TBT), nonylphenoles (NP), adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) and the complexing agents ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as well as nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA). In the effluents of WWTPs the concentrations of the priority substances Cd, NP, TBT and diuron frequently exceeded the respective EQS, whereas the concentrations for DEHP and Ni were below the respective EQS. The effluent concentrations for AOX, EDTA, NTA, Cu, Se and Zn frequently are in the range or above the Austrian EQS for surface waters. Besides diuron and EDTA all compounds are removed at least partially during wastewater treatment and for most substances the removal via the excess sludge is the major removal pathway. For the 13 compounds which were monitored in WWTP effluents population equivalent specific discharges were calculated. Since for many compounds no or only few information is available, these population equivalent specific discharges can be used to assess emissions from municipal WWTPs to surface waters as well as to make a first assessment of the impact of a discharge on surface waters chemical status. Comparing discharges and river pollution on a load basis, the influence of diffuse sources becomes obvious and therefore should also be taken into consideration in river management.  相似文献   
The scientific literature for fate and effects of non-nutrient contaminant concentrations is skewed for reports describing sediment contamination and bioaccumulation for trace metals. Concentrations for at least 22 trace metals have been reported in mangrove sediments. Some concentrations exceed sediment quality guidelines suggesting adverse effects. Bioaccumulation results are available for at least 11 trace metals, 12 mangrove tissues, 33 mangrove species and 53 species of mangrove-habitat biota. Results are specific to species, tissues, life stage, and season and accumulated concentrations and bioconcentration factors are usually low. Toxicity tests have been conducted with 12 mangrove species and 8 species of mangrove-related fauna. As many as 39 effect parameters, most sublethal, have been monitored during the usual 3 to 6 month test durations. Generalizations and extrapolations for toxicity between species and chemicals are restricted by data scarcity and lack of experimental consistency. This hinders chemical risk assessments and validation of effects-based criteria.  相似文献   
The recognition of pharmaceuticals as significant environmental contaminants has only been a recent phenomenon. Therefore there is a paucity of data relating to the fate and effects of pharmaceuticals once they enter an aquatic receiving system. The amount of work that needs to be done in terms of risk assessment for pharmaceuticals required by regulatory agencies is substantial. This paper has determined the environmental partitioning coefficient (Kd) of 13 diverse human pharmaceuticals in three model systems of differing combinations of solid phases and solutions. The Kd values were then compared with distribution values of the pharmaceuticals in the human body determined from pharmacological studies. This was done to assess the functional relationship between Kd and distribution values in the human body (VD). Kd values ranged from 3 to 2450 L kg−1. Regression coefficients ranged from r2 = 0.62–0.72, indicating that VD values are a useful indicator for the Kd values of the tested pharmaceuticals within the batch sorption systems. The relationship between Kd and VD should therefore be further explored to determine whether this relationship can be applied to a broader range of pharmaceuticals in more diverse environmental systems. Exploiting available human pharmacological data in such a way would be of great benefit in prioritising human pharmaceuticals as environmental contaminants in the risk assessment process.  相似文献   

Fate of the fungicide chlorothalonil (TCIN) binding to dissolved organic acid fractions was quantified using gas‐purge desorption studies. Binding studies were conducted to measure the dissolved organic carbon partition constant (KDOC) with aquatic fulvic and humic acid fractions purified from cranberry bog water. Desorption studies at DOC concentrations up to 50 mg L‐1 resulted in mean log KDOC values of 4.63 (s.d.=0.5, n=8) and 4.81 (s.d.=0.7, n=7) for fulvic and humic acids, respectively. These values deviated from reported KOC (organic carbon) values by 0.5 to 1.5 orders of magnitude. The relationship between KOC and KDOC did not conform to accepted ratios of 10: 1 to 3: 1, although these studies were conducted with the strong hydrophobic fraction of DOC. Binding was rapid suggesting hydrophobic partitioning or weak Van Der Waals forces as binding mechanisms. The strong binding potential for TCIN to aquatic humic substances corresponds to increased solubility in the aqueous system. Sorption to DOC suggests a possible transport mechanism which may result in elevated concentrations of TCIN in cranberry bog systems.  相似文献   
Ninety-six riverine runoff samples collected at eight major outlets in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), South China, during 2005-2006 were analyzed for 17 brominated diphenyl ether (BDE) congeners (defined as Σ17PBDE). Fourteen and 15 congeners were detected, respectively, in the dissolved and particulate phases. These data were further used to elucidate the partitioning behavior of BDE congeners in riverine runoff. Several related fate processes, i.e. air-water exchange, dry and wet deposition, degradation, and sedimentation, within the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), were examined to estimate the inputs of Σ10PBDE (sum of the target BDE congeners, BDE-28, -47, -66, -85, -99, -100, -138, -153, -154, and -183) and BDE-209 from the PRD to the coastal ocean based on mass balance considerations. The results showed that annual outflows of Σ10PBDE and BDE-209 were estimated at 126 and 940 kg/year, respectively from the PRE to coastal ocean. Besides sedimentation and degradation, the majority of Σ10PBDE and BDE-209 discharged into the PRE via riverine runoff was transported to the coastal ocean.  相似文献   
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