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The typical parameters of acid precipitation are evaluated in the forest of Vallombrosa (Tuscan Appennines) during the dry period 1988-89. Individual rain events (dry and wet deposition) were sampled in a clearing of the forest and below the canopy of an evergreen tree as well as a deciduous broadleaf tree.

In atmospheric precipitation the pH values usually vary around 4.4, with neutralization in the hot season due to calcareous material from distant sources. Relatively large concentrations of Pb and Cd are found in rain, but only in a small amount in canopy leachate. Aluminium, manganese and iron are more significantly washed off than Pb and Cd.  相似文献   
Numerous analyses of the possible impacts of future climatic changes on tree species composition have been published for both lowland and high-elevation forests. Most of these studies were based on the application of forest "gap" models, and the vast majority of them considered only changes in the average of climatic parameters over time. In this study, we use a unique data set on reconstructed past climatic variations to analyse forest dynamics simulated by the forest gap model ForClim. This analysis forms the basis for a systematic exploration of the ecological effects of changing means vs. changing variability of climate on central European forests. A reconstruction of historical climate covering the last 470 years in the Swiss lowlands (ClimIndex) is extrapolated to a transect across the alpine (cold) treeline and used to simulate the influence of climate variations on the time scale of decades on forest biomass and tree species composition at both sites. While the simulation at the low-elevation site shows little sensitivity to climate variations, the results from upper subalpine forests suggest that two major dieback events would have occurred at elevations above the current but below the climatic tree line, induced by clusters of exceptionally cold summers. The results are in agreement with available dendrochronological data and with documentary evidence on massive negative impacts on flora and fauna at high elevations during these periods. We conclude that ForClim is capable of capturing the effects on tree population dynamics of climate variability at these sites as reconstructed from the ClimIndex record. A factorial design is used to address the sensitivity of ForClim to changes of the long-term averages vs. changes of the variability of monthly temperature and precipitation data. To this end, the simulated tree species composition of near-natural forests is examined along a climate gradient in Europe. The results indicate that there are three types of forest response: (1) little sensitivity to both kinds of change, (2) strong sensitivity to changes in the means, but little sensitivity to changing variability, and (3) strong sensitivity to changing variability at least in parts of the examined climate space. Half of the cases investigated fall under the third category, suggesting that emphasis should be placed on also assessing the sensitivity of ecosystems to future changes in climate variability rather than on changes of average values alone. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
In order to quantify tritium impact on the environmental, we studied vegetation continuously exposed to a tritiated atmosphere. We chose lichens as bio-indicators, trees for determination of past tritium releases of the Valduc Centre, and lettuce as edible vegetables for dose calculation regarding neighbourhood. The Pasquill and Doury models from the literature were tested to estimate tritium concentration in the air around vegetable for distance from the release point less than 500m. The results in tree rings show that organically bound tritium (OBT) concentration was strongly correlated with tritium releases. Using the GASCON model, the modelled variation of OBT concentration with distance was correlated with the measurements. Although lichens are recognized as bio-indicators, our experiments show that they were not convenient for environmental surveys because their age is not definitive. Thus, tritium integration time cannot be precisely determined. Furthermore, their biological metabolism is not well known and tritium concentration appears to be largely dependent on species. An average conversion rate of HTO to OBT was determined for lettuce of about 0.20-0.24%h(-1). Nevertheless, even if it is equivalent to values already published in the literature for other vegetation, we have shown that this conversion rate, established by weekly samples, varies by a factor of 10 during the different stages of lettuce development, and that its variation is linked to the biomass derivative.  相似文献   
Introduction Photosyntheticphotonfluxdensity(PPFD)withinforestcanopiesisintrinsicallyheterogeneousinspaceandtime.Becausesomespeciesaregenotypicallysuitedforspecificlightregimes,understandingtheheterogeneityofthelightregimewithinaforestcanopyisimportantfor…  相似文献   
探讨在稀疏林地的条件下,利用小光斑激光雷达获取的多次回波点云数据估算冠层高度,研究不同的高度重建方法包括反距离权重、样条插值以及普通克里格等方法的冠层和地面高度重建的精度。研究发现,在地面和林冠层,不同的重建方法的表现是不一样的,其中样条方法在冠层重建中的精度较高,误差绝对值的平均值为0.95m,并且整体偏差也较小,方差为3.42。而在地面高程重建则是普通克里格方法具有较小的误差,误差绝对值的平均值为0.35m,而样条方法的整体偏差要优于其他两种方法,方差为0.48。经过综合考虑,利用样条方法重建的冠层高程和普通克里格方法重建的地面高程实现了实验区冠层高度的提取。  相似文献   
We conducted playback experiments to examine how parent tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) use nestling begging calls to distribute feedings to individuals within broods. In a first study, we used a paired-choice test to determine if parents discriminated between the taped begging calls of nestlings deprived of food and those of nestlings that had been recently fed. Our results showed that parents directed their first feeding attempt towards model nestlings near speakers playing deprived calls significantly more often than to models near speakers playing fed calls. They also made more feeding attempts overall to models with deprived calls. In the second study, we varied call rate and amplitude to examine which call features parents might use to discriminate begging calls. Parents directed significantly more first feeding attempts and more feeding attempts overall towards non-begging nestlings near speakers playing high call rates than to nestlings near speakers playing low call rates. They did not, however, discriminate between calls differing in amplitude. Previous studies have shown that parent birds use begging calls to regulate overall feeding rates to the brood. Our results suggest that parent tree swallows also use begging calls when feeding individual nestlings and, in particular, prefer calls associated with increased levels of nestling hunger. Received: 14 February 2000 / Revised: 6 October 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   
土壤种子库研究方法评述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李国旗  李淑君  蒙静  武东波 《生态环境》2013,(10):1721-1726
土壤种子库(soil seed bank,SSB)是指存在于土壤表面和土壤中的全部存活种子的总和。开展对土壤种子库的研究,对于分析了解过去地上植被植物群落和预示未来植被发展方向具有重要的指导意义,而对于土壤种子库研究方法的探讨则是开展土壤种子库基础实验研究的基础和支撑。本文从土壤种子库的取样时间、取样方法、取样大小和数量、鉴定方法四个方面归纳了土壤种子库的研究方法,理论分析了同位素应用于土壤种子库中种子年龄结构测定的可行性,以及植冠种子库的研究方法,并探讨了提高土壤种子库中种子萌发率的新方法。综合分析来看:(1)土壤种子库的取样时间、取样方法、取样大小和数量、鉴定方法是土壤种子库研究方法需要关注的四大关键问题,对土壤种子库的实验结果具有显著的直接影响。不同的取样时间代表的土壤种子库的内容和意义不同,取样方法、大小和数量则应根据研究区和研究内容来确定,鉴定方法也应根据具体实验区研究的物种数来考量;(2)理论上在利用同位素来测定土壤种子库中种子年龄结构是可行的,但若想广泛应用于实验中仍需进一步的深入研究;(3)目前对植冠种子库的研究方法也仅仅局限于直接计数法和间接计数法,对植冠种子库的研究方法的探讨则急需加强;(4)同时总结和提出了4种提高土壤种子库中种子萌发率的方法,未来在利用种子萌发法时,应加强注意和应用这4种方法来测定土壤种子库。  相似文献   
Land‐use dynamics and climatic gradients have large effects on many terrestrial systems. Exurban development, one of the fastest growing forms of land use in the United States, may affect wildlife through habitat fragmentation and building presence may alter habitat quality. We studied the effects of residential development and temperature gradients on bird species occurrence at 140 study sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains (North Carolina, U.S.A.) that varied with respect to building density and elevation. We used occupancy models to determine 36 bird species’ associations with building density, forest canopy cover, average daily mean temperature, and an interaction between building density and mean temperature. Responses varied with habitat requirement, breeding range, and migration distance. Building density and mean temperature were both included in the top occupancy models for 19 of 36 species and a building density by temperature interaction was included in models for 8 bird species. As exurban development expands in the southern Appalachians, interior forest species and Neotropical migrants are likely to decline, but shrubland or edge species are not likely to benefit. Overall, effects of building density were greater than those of forest canopy cover. Exurban development had a greater effect on birds at high elevations due to a greater abundance of sensitive forest‐interior species and Neotropical migrants. A warming climate may exacerbate these negative effects. Efectos del Desarrollo Exurbano y de la Temperatura sobre Especies de Aves en las Apalaches del Sur  相似文献   
白肚燕,又名双色树燕,栖居于五大湖流域中27个双边共同关注区域(AOCs),从2010年到2014年对其进行了污染物暴露风险评估,以协助管理者和监管者评估五大湖AOCs的污染状况。本文比较了AOCs和附近非AOCs雏鸟体内污染物浓度的差异。AOCs白肚燕雏鸟尸体中多氯联苯(PCB)和多溴联苯醚的含量分别为30%和33%,低于非AOCs的平均浓度。AOCs白肚燕雏鸟胃含物中多环芳烃(PAH)浓度和血浆中全氟化合物浓度分别为67%和64%,也低于非AOCs的平均浓度。但是与已有生殖效应记载的高PCB污染区相比,有些AOCs雏鸟尸体内的PCBs浓度只是存在小幅升高。一些AOCs食物中PAHs的浓度足够高以致引起可测量的生理响应。在AOCs中,全氟化合物全氟辛烷磺酸在血浆中的最高浓度出现在Raisin河(密歇根州,美国;几何平均数330 ng/mL),但远低于预估毒性的参考值(1 700 ng/mL)。之前有研究报道雏鸟胃含物中PAH和PCB的浓度以及尸体中PCBs的含量与沉积物中污染物的含量显著相关,从而可加强白肚燕在评估沉积物污染生物有效性方面的应用。
精选自Thomas W. Custer, Christine M. Custer, Paul M. Dummer, Diana Goldberg, J. Christian Franson, Richard A. Erickson. Organic contamination in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings at United States and binational Great Lakes areas of concern. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 735–748, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3598
The spectral reflectance of recently formed salt marshes at the mouth of the Yangtze River, which are undergoing invasion by Spartina alterniflora, were assessed to determine the potential utility of remotely sensed data in assessing future invasion and changes in species composition. Following a review of published research on remote sensing of salt marshes, 53 locations along three transects were sampled for paired data on plant species composition and spectral reflectance using a FieldSpec™ Pro JR Field Portable Spectroradiometer. Spectral data were processed concerning reflectance, and the averaged reflectance values for each sample were reanalysed to correspond to a 12-waveband bandset of the Compact Airborne Spectral Imager. The spectral data were summarised using principal components analysis (PCA) and the relationships between the vegetation composition, and the PCA axes of spectral data were examined. The first PCA axis of the reflectance data showed a strong correlation with variability in near infrared reflectance and ‘brightness’, while the second axis was correlated with visible reflectance and ‘greenness’. Total vegetation cover, vegetation height, and mudflat cover were all significantly related to the first axis. The implications of this in terms of the ability of remote sensing to distinguish the various salt marsh species and in particular the invasive species S. alterniflora were discussed. Major differences in species with various physiognomies could be recognised but problems occurred in separating early colonising S. alterniflora from other species at that stage. Further work using multi-seasonal hyperspectral data might assist in solving these problems.  相似文献   
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