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生态滤池处理城市污水小试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态滤池(MEEF)是利用由微生物和蚯蚓为代表的微型动物共同组成的人工生态系统,对城镇污水中的污染物进行降解处理的新型污水处理技术。采用单层滤池和复合床滤池进行实验,在相同的实验条件下,对生态滤池和无蚯蚓滤池的运行效果进行了比较。运行初期,生态滤池的出水水质稍优于无蚯蚓滤池,特别是悬浮物浓度低;运行半月后,无蚯蚓滤池表面积泥,出现厌氧情况,出水水质变差,而生态滤池至少正常运行1个月。复合床生态滤池连续进水运行,水力负荷达到2.0m3/m2·d,COD去除率达80%以上,出水SS浓度<5mg/L。结果表明,蚯蚓在维持滤池的正常运行起着重要作用。最后介绍了生态滤池中各种生物的作用及生态滤池的工作原理。  相似文献   
采用作物种子的发芽率作为生态指标对石油污染土壤进行毒性分析,并以蚯蚓为实验生物,研究了石油污染物的生物效应及其对土壤生态系统的影响.结果表明,不同的作物种子对石油污染表现出不同的耐受性,对照清洁土壤,大多数作物种子的萌发都明显受到石油污染的抑制,其中受石油污染影响最严重的是黄豆、蚕豆、玉米.相比之下,在不同石油污染水平下绿豆具有较高的耐受性,且种子发芽率均在90%以上.蚯蚓在受到污染胁迫时,在生理水平上会发生明显的变化,进而影响其存活和生长能力,实验观测到随着石油污染加重蚯蚓存活时间显著下降.在高污染水平石油污染的土壤中(石油污染水平>30 000 mg.kg-1),蚯蚓的耐性降低,仅可以存活5 d左右,说明石油烃对蚯蚓的毒性较大,主要是因为蚯蚓直接与石油接触导致其中毒脱水而死亡.处理后油田污染土,即使在污染水平很低(≈30 mg.kg-1)的情况下,蚯蚓存活时间依然很短(3 d左右),是因为经过石油醚处理过的土壤,其营养物质也随着石油而被处理掉,而土壤中有机质等营养物对蚯蚓的生存具有很大影响.  相似文献   
分别向复合垂直流人工湿地下行流池和上行流池中加入蚯蚓和泥鳅,研究动物加入后人工湿地基质中磷形态及去除效率的变化。结果表明,加入蚯蚓后,下行流池基质中铁铝磷(Fe/Al-P)、钙磷(Ca-P)、有机磷和总磷的含量显著增加(p<0.05);加入泥鳅后,上行流池基质中Fe/Al-P含量无显著性变化,钙磷、有机磷、总磷含量增加。人工湿地加入蚯蚓后,基质中Ca-P占总磷的百分比下降,Fe/Al-P和有机磷占总磷的百分比增加;加入泥鳅后,基质中Ca-P占总磷的百分比也下降,而有机磷占总磷的百分比升高,该结果表明,蚯蚓和泥鳅促进了基质中Ca-P向有机磷的转化。加入蚯蚓的人工湿地对磷的去除率高于未加蚯蚓的人工湿地,其原因之一可能与加入蚯蚓后人工湿地基质总磷含量增加有关。  相似文献   
Earthworm toxicity tests are useful tools for terrestrial risk assessment but require a hierarchy of test designs that differ in effect levels (behavior, sublethal, lethal). In this study, the toxicity of chlorpyrifos contaminated soil on earthworms was assessed. In addition to the acute and chronic tests, an avoidance response test was applied. Earthworms were exposed to sublethal and lethal concentration of chlorpyrifos, and evaluated for acute toxicity, growth, fecundity and avoidance response after a certain exposure period. The test methods covered all important ecological relevant endpoints (acute, chronic, behavioral). Concentration of 78.91 mg/kg, chlorpyrifos caused significant toxic effects in all test methods, but at lower test concentrations, only significant chronic toxic effects could be observed. In the present study, chlorpyrifos had adverse effect on growth and fecundity in earthworm exposed to 5 mg/kg chlorpyrifos after eight weeks. The avoidance response test, however, showed significant repellent effects concentration of 40 mg/kg chlorpyrifos. For chlorpyrifos, concentration affecting avoidance response was far greater than growth and fecundity, it seemed likely that earthworms were not able to escape from pesticide-contaminated soil into the clean soil in field and hence were exposed continuously to elevated concentrations of pesticides.  相似文献   
随着纳米科技与工业的高速发展,大量的纳米材料被广泛应用并最终汇聚到土壤环境中,对土壤生态和人体健康造成潜在影响。由于土壤生物具有多样性,选择具有代表性、敏感性并便于获取的土壤模式生物作为实验受体进行纳米材料的生物安全评估及环境毒理效应研究尤为重要。较为系统地回顾和总结了几种典型土壤模式生物的特点,为纳米材料毒理研究中受试生物的选择提供参考,在此基础上整理了大量基于典型土壤模式生物的纳米材料毒性研究资料,归纳了不同层次的研究方法,分析探索了纳米材料毒性机理,并展望了未来的研究重点。  相似文献   
Toxicities were assessed for a pyrethroid (cypermethrin) and an organophosphate insecticide (chlorpyrifos) individually and in combination. A series of tests were conducted on di erent responses (acute, chronic, behavioral) of earthworms of species Eisenia fetida andrei in the ecological risk assessment of these pesticides. The results showed that the toxicity of the mixture of cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos was significantly higher than either of these pesticides individually, especially on the earthworm’s chronic responses. At a concentration of 5 mg/kg, the mixture caused significant reductions on the growth and reproduction rates of earthworms, but did not cause any significant e ect when the individual was tested. The increase in toxicity of the pesticide mixture means that the use of toxicity data obtained exclusively from single-pesticide experiments may underestimate the ecological risk of pesticides that actually present in the field.  相似文献   
Susceptibility of a Northern Hardwood Forest to Exotic Earthworm Invasion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract:  Numerous exotic earthworm species are colonizing northern hardwood forests of North America, where no native earthworms exist. Upon invasion, earthworms have been shown to alter the surface soil environment and plant populations and communities. We sought to identify land-use factors in the Ottawa National Forest (ONF), Michigan (U.S.A.), that contribute to earthworm invasion in forest dominated by sugar maple ( Acer saccharum Marsh.) so that the susceptibility to additional colonization could be evaluated. We sampled earthworm communities in Sylvania Wilderness Area, a unique old-growth hardwood forest, and nonwilderness sites influenced by recreational fishing, recent timber harvesting, or roads. All the nonwilderness sites contained one to five species of exotic earthworms. In contrast, only 50% of wilderness sites contained exotic earthworms, all of a single species. Nonwilderness sites also had thinner litter and duff layers, higher soil C and N content, and higher nitrogen mineralization potentials than Sylvania sites. Two central differences between Sylvania and nonwilderness sites were that all nonwilderness sites were in close contact with roads and had a history of timber harvest, whereas these factors were not present in Sylvania Wilderness Area. Using average rates of colonization, we constructed two geographic information system models to estimate the percentage of sugar maple on the ONF falling within a theoretical 100-year invasion distance of roads and of second-growth sugar maple as relative indices of susceptibility to invasion. Both models indicated high susceptibility to invasion, with 91.7% and 98.9% of sugar maple habitat falling within a theoretical 100-year invasion distance of roads or historical harvests, respectively.  相似文献   
The application of herbicides in agricultural practices may pose certain toxic effects on non-target species including molluscs (snails), earthworms and other soil-dwelling organisms, which would in turn put the lives of humans at great risk. This study considered the lethal and sublethal effects of Grassate®, a non-selective glyphosate-based herbicide on snails (Archachatina marginata) and earthworms (Aporrectodea longa) with regards to ecotoxicological risk assessment. The lethal concentration LC50 for the test chemical averaged at 1.731?±?0.05 and 3.045?±?0.08?mg?kg?1 for snails and earthworms, respectively. There was decrease in growth and biomass with increased concentration for the species. Growth inhibition of 11–38% in size and 7–43% in length was obtained for earthworms while 26–65% reduction in weight was reported for snails. Using the ecotoxicological risk assessment matrix, the herbicide was classified as D 4 (A; P; E) or 16 (A; P; E), which could be considered as high risk to animals, plant and the environment. Thus, if these herbicides are used uncontrollably and unregulated, further consequence could lead to harmful effects on humans who feed on snails, a rich source of protein and depend on earthworms for nutrient.  相似文献   
A series of tests (lethal, sublethal, and behavioral) on earthworms were conducted as an eco-assessment of pesticides. In this study, the toxicity of cypermethrin-contaminating soil on adult and juvenile earthworms was assessed. Beside the acute and chronic tests, an avoidance response test was carried out. It was shown that the all-round toxicity from cypermethrin was weak on adult earthworms. Compared with adult earthworms, the toxicity of juvenile earthworms from cypermethrin especially chronic toxicity increased significantly. Growth and reproduction of earthworms appeared to be more severely a ected by cypermethrin at juvenile stage than at adult stage. Applied at 10 mg/kg, cypermethrin had obvious adverse impact on the growth of juvenile earthworms, while 20 mg/kg, cypermethrin caused significant toxic e ects in reproduction. The results also indicated that ecotoxicological risk assessment using only adult specimens may underestimate the e ects of cypermethrin on soil invertebrate populations.  相似文献   
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