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塔希提岛火山岩属典型的大洋岛屿玄武岩(OIB)。该岛是法属波利尼西亚群岛中社会群岛链之一部分,火山活动可分三期:早期(1.7—1.3Ma),中期(1.3—0.6Ma)和晚期(0.6—0.3Ma)。早期火山岩兼有碱性和拉斑系列岩石,包括苦橄玄武岩、碱性玄武岩、拉斑玄武岩及少量玄武安山岩;中期火山岩主要有粗面玄武岩—粗面岩、碱性玄武岩和少量碧玄岩;晚期则以碧玄岩为主,并有部分碱玄岩出现。火山岩的这种岩性变化表明其岩浆由早到晚从富镁、硅弱不饱和向富碱和硅强烈不饱和演化。 社会群岛火山链的火山活动以平均11cm/a的速率从西北向东南迁移,与MORB相比,所有塔希提的岩石皆富大离子亲石元素并有较高的~(87)Sr/~(66)Sr比值,这一特征可能与其特殊的源区成分有关,即富集的地幔热柱或大洋岩石圈。早期岩石是地幔热柱和少量洋壳的部分熔融产物的混合体,故既有拉斑系列又有碱性系列。随着火山活动远离存在热柱的热点区域,洋壳部分熔融的程度逐渐降低,因而其产生的熔融体也越来越富碱,~(87)Sr/~(66)Sr比值也相应有所降低。  相似文献   
对勐海县景真糖厂原料基地和各生产工段的生产状况进行了综合评价分析,探明了该糖厂生产中产生的"三废"排放特征,存在问题以及环境经济状况,提出了建立循环发展体系,进一步提高环境经济效益的措施建议。  相似文献   
车用三效催化剂的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
三效催化剂是机外治理机动车尾气污染最常采用的有效方法,车用三效催化剂已发展到第4代。目前车用三效催化剂的研究主要集中在:开发稀燃型三效催化剂和紧耦合三效催化剂及发展三效催化剂低温冷起燃技术等。国内应以稀土添加少量贵金属的三效催化剂为主要研究方向,开发适合我国现状的车用净化催化剂技术。  相似文献   
Since 1972, at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, airborne particulate matter (PM12 and then PM10) was continuously collected on filters and analyzed for environmentally relevant elements by X-ray fluorescence analysis. The resulting long-term time series are suitable for the investigation of trends and of seasonal variation. For the period 1972-2005, monthly and annual concentration mean values of 13 elements (Br, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Pb, S, Ti, V, and Zn) in the air are presented. Trend curves were fitted and the mean yearly variation of the concentration for these elements was calculated and represented graphically. All trend curves show a diminution of the air pollution during this period, but to different extents. Mean trends in percent per year were calculated for each element both for the entire investigation period and for three data subsets of 10-11 years. Possible explanations are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
The herbicide, glyphosate, has been shown to stimulate growth in a range of species when applied at doses of 5-60 g a.e. ha−1, corresponding to realistic spray drift events. This study investigates growth of shoot parameters over time to detect whether the glyphosate induced growth increase was sustained and had a final effect on reproduction. The results showed that an actual biomass growth rate increase took place within the first week after spraying with glyphosate doses <60 g a.e. ha−1. This initial growth boost kept treated plants larger than untreated plants for up to six weeks, but at harvest there was no significant difference between control plants and treated plants. Possible effects of glyphosate hormesis on the competitive ability of spray drift affected plants are discussed.  相似文献   
东北三省畜禽养殖类固醇激素排放及其潜在污染风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以东北三省畜禽养殖数量统计数据和养殖结构分析为基础,对黑龙江、吉林和辽宁省畜禽养殖类固醇激素排放量进行了估算,并初步探讨了畜禽粪便中类固醇激素对当地水体的潜在污染风险.结果表明,由于养殖数量的增加,东北三省畜禽粪便所排放的类固醇激素量均持续增大.在1998~2008年的10 a间,辽宁、吉林和黑龙江三省的类固醇激素排放量分别增长了2 272.7、1 951.1和1 634.8 kg,并且省会城市沈阳、长春和哈尔滨的增长最为明显.东北三省各城市中畜禽粪便类固醇雌激素排放量最大的是长春,达到874.7 kg;哈尔滨和沈阳的排放量在各自省份中也是最大,分别为652.7 kg和603.1 kg·辽宁省的畜禽类固醇激素排放总量在东北三省为最多,所排放类固醇雌激素的雌二醇等当量浓度EEQs预测值也最高,达到17.1ng·L-1.如果以英国环保署(Environment Agency,United Kingdom)建议的最低可观测效应浓度10 ng·L-1为参考依据,辽宁省在目前的畜禽养殖规模和结构下,所排放的粪便类固醇雌激素极有可能会对地表水体中的水生生物产生内分泌干扰效应.  相似文献   
描述了安徽省地震局"十一五"期间安装的5套钻孔体应变仪的地质构造特点与钻孔岩芯物理特性,介绍了TJ-Ⅱ体应变仪的运行情况。通过对两次强震活动的同震效应分析,初步探讨了地理、地质构造条件不同的情况下,各观测井对记录应力活动能力强弱的反映。  相似文献   
应用Agilent 6890 plus 气相色谱仪(配有FID),把一根50 m×0.25 mm×0.5 μm PEG-20M毛细管色谱柱和一根100 m×0.25 mm×0.5 μm HP-1毛细管色谱柱串接,使得甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)能和石脑油中其它组分完全分离,解决了石脑油中微量MTBE的测定难题.方法的标准偏差是0.20%,回收率为100%.  相似文献   
A long‐standing “Digital Divide” in data representation exists between the preferred way of data access by the hydrology community and the common way of data archival by earth science data centers. Typically, in hydrology, earth surface features are expressed as discrete spatial objects (e.g., watersheds), and time‐varying data are contained in associated time series. Data in earth science archives, although stored as discrete values (of satellite swath pixels or geographical grids), represent continuous spatial fields, one file per time step. This Divide has been an obstacle, specifically, between the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. and NASA earth science data systems. In essence, the way data are archived is conceptually orthogonal to the desired method of access. Our recent work has shown an optimal method of bridging the Divide, by enabling operational access to long‐time series (e.g., 36 years of hourly data) of selected NASA datasets. These time series, which we have termed “data rods,” are pre‐generated or generated on‐the‐fly. This optimal solution was arrived at after extensive investigations of various approaches, including one based on “data curtains.” The on‐the‐fly generation of data rods uses “data cubes,” NASA Giovanni, and parallel processing. The optimal reorganization of NASA earth science data has significantly enhanced the access to and use of the data for the hydrology user community.  相似文献   
We examine the robustness of a suite of regional climate models (RCMs) in simulating meteorological droughts and associated metrics in present‐day climate (1971‐2003) over the conterminous United States (U.S.). The RCMs that are part of North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) simulations are compared with multiple observations over the climatologically homogeneous regions of the U.S. The seasonal precipitation, climatology, drought attributes, and trends have been assessed. The reanalysis‐based multi‐model median RCM reasonably simulates observed statistical attributes of drought and the regional detail due to topographic forcing. However, models fail to simulate significant drying trend over the Southwest and West. Further, reanalysis‐based NARCCAP runs underestimate the observed drought frequency overall, with the exception of the Southwest; whereas they underestimate persistence in the drought‐affected areas over the Southwest and West‐North Central regions. However, global climate model‐driven NARCCAP ensembles tend to overestimate regional drought frequencies. Models exhibit considerable uncertainties while reproducing meteorological drought statistics, as evidenced by a general lack of agreement in the Hurst exponent, which in turn controls drought persistence. Water resources managers need to be aware of the limitations of current climate models, while regional climate modelers may want to fine‐tune their parameters to address impact‐relevant metrics.  相似文献   
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