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清洁发展机制与中国碳排放交易市场的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清洁发展机制是《京都议定书》创设的实现全球碳减排目标的三大灵活机制之一,为我国的可持续发展作出了重大贡献,但其在我国运行中存在的问题也对我国参与国际碳市场和构建国内碳市场带来了风险与障碍.针对于此,本文对中国清洁发展机制项目的类型、数量、注册、签发等情况进行对比,发现我国虽然项目众多,但发展极不平衡.在此基础上,分析了中国清洁发展机制存在的主要问题,包括法律保障机制缺失,项目减排潜力发挥不充分,缺乏对转让技术的科学评估等.然后,通过介绍国际碳排放交易市场发展的不确定性和在2012年“后京都时期”的发展趋势,揭示了中国在这一过程中所承担的项目投资减少、成本增加等市场风险以及“碳泄漏”等环境风险.针对上述问题和风险,本文提出以现有清洁发展机制经验为基础构建中国国内碳排放交易市场的基本思路,即建立以排放交易法律体系为基础,以自愿碳交易市场构建为起点,以完善的监督管理体系为保障的中国碳排放交易机制.  相似文献   
中国与印度同为发展中的人口大国,且都是主要的CDM开发国,在CDM发展方面有诸多相似性和相互借鉴之处。本文对中国与印度CDM开发项目的数量、规模、开发时间等进行了比较,通过比较可发现我国CDM存在进展相对较慢、资源优势没有充分发挥以及小型企业参与不足等问题,并在此基础上提出了促进我国CDM快速健康发展的建议。  相似文献   
Smallholder Agroforestry Systems For Carbon Storage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Most smallholder agroforestry systems in Southeast Asia are tree- and species-rich systems producing non-wood and wood products for both home use and market sale. Due to their high biomass, these systems contain large carbon (C) stocks. While the systems of individual farmers are of limited size, on a per area basis smallholder systems accumulate significant amounts of C, equaling the amount of C stored in some secondary forests of similar age. Their ability to simultaneously address smallholders’ livelihood needs and store large amounts of C makes smallholder systems viable project types under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol, with its dual objective of emissions reduction and sustainable development. Smallholder systems have not developed in areas where enabling conditions do not exist. A CDM project that facilitates a minimum threshold of enabling conditions that make smallholder agroforestation possible should qualify for C credits. To secure smallholder confidence, the agroforestry systems promoted through a CDM project must be socially and economically viable independent of C payments. To assure system productivity and profitability, projects should provide farmers with technical and marketing assistance. Additionally, project sites should meet the following preconditions: areas of underutilized low-biomass landuse systems available for rehabilitation; smallholders interested in tree farming; accessible markets for tree products; supportive local governments; sufficient infrastructure; and transparent and equitable relationships between project partners. Questions of leakage and additionality should not be problematic and can be addressed through the project design, establishment of quantifiable baseline data and facilitating enabling conditions. However, smallholder-focused CDM projects would have high transaction costs. The subsequent challenge is thus to develop mechanisms that reduce the costs of: (a) making information (e.g., technology, markets) more accessible to multiple clients; (b) facilitating and enforcing smallholder agreements and (c) designing feasible monitoring systems.  相似文献   
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