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赵高峰  王子健 《环境科学》2009,30(8):2414-2418
收集浙江典型电子垃圾拆解区和对照区的饮用水、蔬菜、豆类、米饭、鸡蛋、鱼、鸡肉和猪肉等8类食物样品共191个;采用GC/MS 5975B分析样品中23种PBBs,12种PBDEs和27种PCBs;评估当地居民的PHAHs膳食暴露现状及其癌症风险.结果表明,拆解区居民这三大类PHAHs的平均日摄入量是对照区的2~3倍,通过米饭摄入PHAHs的量占当地居民PHAHs总摄入量的48%以上.拆解区居民因食物摄入PHAHs的癌症风险(3.81×10-4)是对照区(1.50×10-4)的2倍多,其中二英类PCBs的风险值占总癌症风险的45%以上.通过米饭摄入PHAHs是主要的暴露途径,二英类PCBs是引起癌症风险的主要贡献因子,电子垃圾拆解释放出的PHAHs通过食物摄入进入居民体内引起的癌症风险要明显高于对照区.  相似文献   
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fishes from Taihu Lake, China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Cr,Zn,Cu,Cd,Pb contents were determined in Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus,Carassius auratus Linnaeus,Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Aristichthys nobilis,which were caught from Meiliang Bay,Taihu Lake,a large,shallow and eutrophic lake of China.The results showed that:(1)the Cr,Cu,Pb,Cd contents in the edible parts of the four fish species were much lower than Chinese Food Health Criterion(1994),but the Zn contents were higher than the Criterion;(2)Cd contents were the highest in the liver of fish,Pb contents were almost the same in all organs of fish,Cr contents mainly enriched in the skin and gonads,Zn contents were the highest in the gonad(♀),and Cu contents were the highest in the liver;(3)the total metal accumulation was the greatest in the liver and the lowest in the muscle.The total metal accumulation was the highest in C.auratus L.This investigation indicated that fish products in Taihu Lake were still safe for human consumption,but the amount consumed should be controlled under the Chinese Food Health Criterion to avoid excessive intake of Zn.  相似文献   
Humans can consume a number of types of biota tissues, which have varying propensities to accumulate radionuclides. As a result, depending upon the biota species, the radionuclide and the tissue under consideration, it may be necessary to estimate the percent radionuclide load in specific edible tissues, and in cases where whole organisms are consumed, to estimate the radionuclide load in the whole body of an organism, based on data that have been collected for individual tissues. To accomplish this, data were compiled that can be used to estimate the partitioning patterns and percent loads of various groups of elements in edible tissues of freshwater fishes. General trends in partitioning, such as those provided in this paper, can be used to predict radionuclide transfer to humans and the corresponding potential radiological dose to humans via dietary pathways, in this case following the consumption of fish.  相似文献   
本文应用水生物、污水生物体系的划分阶段,以评价上海市第二水源长江两个取水口的环境质量.1989年枯水期(2~3月)和丰水期(7月)在长江口河流段南岸的浏河和浪港二个站位,分别在近岸(5m水深)和远岸(10m水深上、下层)的断面,进行浮游植物,浮游动物调查.结果认为两个取水口应是β中污型(βm),属尚清洁带.相比之下,浏河站比浪港站差,近岸比远岸差,丰水期低潮时比高潮时差,浏河站丰水期比枯水期差,浪港站枯水期比丰水期差.其主要受自邻近河道排放水,上海市污水排放和涨落潮污水流向变化的影响,反映了河口区环境的复杂性.  相似文献   
太浦河是上海市青浦区第二自来水厂的水源地。自来水厂从河道直接取水,但河水部分水质未达水源地水质标准,不但加重了处理成本,也导致供水水质不能得到保证。傍河布井取水方式能自然净化水质,特别是能去除某些传统自来水厂直接净化河水不能去除的污染物质。通过分析太浦河地区水文地质及水质水量等,探讨了该研究区傍河布井取水的主要技术条件。结果显示在太浦河傍河布井取水,可获得比直接河道取水更为优良的水质,水量充足,且取水工程经济可行,有很好的开发利用前景。  相似文献   
目的解决高海拔地域中重型越野车辆的起动困难问题。方法从进气温度对车辆起动的影响因素入手,系统地研究几种典型进气预热型式的优缺点。针对中型和重型两台越野车的具体情况,设计选型集中加热的电阻型格栅式进气预热器。经设计计算和反复测试,确定两型加热器的尺寸和功率等主要参数和控制策略,计算分析与车载蓄电池的匹配关系。结果对两型进气预热器进行实车安装后,分别经过实验室试验和野外现场验证,在-30℃实验室常压环境和-27℃的高原环境条件下,两型车辆均能在3 min内顺利起动。结论在高原高寒地域,格栅式电阻进气预热器可有效解决-30℃以上温度范围的起动困难问题。该装置结构简单、安装方便、可靠性高,便于中重型车辆加装使用,为该类问题提供了有效的技术解决途径。  相似文献   
<正>Mercury is a global pollutant due to its widespread use,emission,and long-range transport(Blum,2013;Pacyna et al.,2010).It is considered a priority pollutant due to its neurological toxicity,persistence,and bioaccumulation(Pacyna et al.,2010;Sharma et al.,2015).Mercury pollution can occur when products that contain mercury are improperly disposed of and mercury is released into the air,water,and soil(Zhang and Wong,2007).An estimated 22%of the annual world usage of mercury is in electrical equipment such as batteries,thermometers,and discharge lamps,and electronic devices such as monitors and  相似文献   
在甘肃省夏河县对鼓翅皱膝蝗的种群结构、数量变动、空间格局及动脉进行了系统研究。鼓翅皱膝蝗1a发生1代,以卵在土中越冬,翌年5月中旬开始孵化出土,6月上旬达到出土高峰,此期蝗虫种群仅由1龄和2龄蝗蝻组成,其中1龄蝗蝻占81.8%,2龄蝗蝻占18.2%,成虫于7月上旬开始羽化,8月上旬达到羽化高峰,此期的成虫数量达61.3%,而蝗蝻仅占38.7%,蝗蝻期约为72d,成虫寿命54d左右,每雌平均产卵32.6粒。鼓翅皱膝蝗在草地上属聚集分布,蝗蝻发生期种群的空间动态主要表现出扩散趋势,但初孵化出土时有短暂的聚集行为。取食量随龄期增大而增大,每头鼓翅皱膝蝗取食牧草量蝗蝻期平均为1.5g,成早期约为5.8g,成早期的食量是蝗蝻期的3.7倍。表3参12  相似文献   
In the last decade the habit of smoking the hubbly-bubbly has increased sharply in many regions, including Europe, North America and Australia. Jordan is considered as having one of the highest consumptions of hubbly-bubbly in the world with respect to the general population. Our investigation was initiated due to the increasing trend of cancer cases in the last 10 years. The aim of this study was to determine the radioactive content in tobacco products available in the Jordanian market together with the related supplies. This study showed that all 13 samples investigated contained one or more radionuclides, from 210Pb, 40K, 137Cs, 238U, and 226Ra. Most of the samples contained natural potassium 40K and uranium 238U, lead 210Pb was found in three samples, while radium 226Ra was present only in one sample. Five samples contained the anthropogenic 137Cs. The estimated daily intake of U was found in the range between 4.4 and 115.8?µg per day (0.05–1.43 Becquerel (Bq) per day 238U), with geometric mean of 17.3?µg per day (0.2?Bq per day 238U). The geometric mean of U daily intake found represents 25% of the reference dose (RfD) value, where the highest determined U content represents 165% of the RfD value. This study demonstrated that a water vessel of hubbly-bubbly trapped less than 1.5% of the total U in Ma’assel samples. It is misleading to the public to indicate that a water vessel serves as an active filter for toxic and radiotoxic elements.  相似文献   
Foods and feeds were analyzed during the period of 2007–2014 employing validated and accredited methods based on gas chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry. Sampling has been carried out in-line with national monitoring programs as well as during import controls into Lithuania. Food samples such as eggs, milk, beef, pork, poultry, fats of plant and animal origin, fish, cod liver, and feed samples such as premixes, feeds of plant origin, compound feed, mineral feed, vegetable oil, and fish meals were analyzed. Most of the samples exhibited concentrations below maximum limits, except cod liver. Health impacts were assessed in respect to human daily intakes. Data between groups are compared.  相似文献   
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