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林业是重要的碳汇资源,在减缓全球气候变化、改善自然生态环境、促进经济可持续发展等方面有着至关重要的作用。作为林业碳汇的重要实现形式,碳汇造林项目兼具生态保护、促进经济发展与贫困减缓等重要功能,其实施成效究竟如何需要进一步验证。为此,本文从理论上分析了碳汇造林项目对县域经济发展的影响机理,利用2000—2016年四川47个县域的面板数据,采用PSM-DID模型估计了碳汇造林项目对县域经济发展的平均效应和动态效应,并对其影响机理进行了验证。结果显示:①碳汇造林项目的实施显著地促进了地区实际GDP和人均实际GDP的增长,这一结论在进行稳健性检验后依然成立;②囿于项目周期较长,此促进作用在短期内尚不能立竿见影,具有明显的滞后效应,且实施的时间越长,对当地经济发展的促进作用越大;③碳汇造林项目主要通过优化当地产业结构、提高居民储蓄率、提升地区政府财政收支水平等途径促进当地经济发展。因此,为更好地发挥碳汇造林项目对县域经济发展的促进作用,应继续拓展碳汇造林项目的覆盖区域,加大专项投资力度,引导碳汇造林项目向生态脆弱的深度贫困地区倾斜;在更加注重碳汇造林项目的长期效应的同时,应建立完善项目运行的长效稳定机制,防范潜在的自然与市场风险,保障项目对地区经济发展的长期驱动力;加快改善地区的融资环境,鼓励居民和企业将储蓄和融资能力有效转化为投资能力,充分依托碳汇造林项目促进当地经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
根据某工地一名工人因开挖作业而被活埋致死这一事故 ,论述了作好安全工作防止事故的前提条件和必要的预防、检查、控制、措施及程序。  相似文献   
我国正处在经济社会发展转型期和城镇化高速推进期,土地征用和失地农户将是长期存在的社会现象,但土地征用是否会具有收入效应仍然莫衷一是,缺乏准确估计。本文基于2011年成都市"农村住户家庭问卷调查数据",利用倾向得分匹配(PSM)方法,估计了土地征用对失地农户收入的影响,为检视政府土地征用补偿制度合理性,健全政府土地征用政策、缓解土地征用冲突、完善征地后相关服务提供新观察。研究发现:1土地是否被征用确实存在着农户总收入效应和非农收入效应,被征地农户比未被征地农户总收入和非农收入显著高出19.6%和9.1%,使用OLS回归方法低估了土地征用对农户收入的促进作用,大致低估了11%,这为政府征地的合理性提供了农户收入佐证。2征地比例并不存在总收入效应和非农收入效应,被征地农户并不是被征地越多收入就会越高,但却会显著降低失地农户的农业收入,大致降低了81%,因而还要认识到土地征用对农户收入的有限性作用,打破土地征用的农户收入神话。3结合当前土地征用实践表明,过分强调土地征用农户收入效应并不能根除征地冲突和矛盾,一方面,要通过多元化就业渠道、多源化收入来源以及多样性社会保障制度避免了被征地农户"失地失业",提高被征地农户增收能力和收入水平。另一方面,更要强调征地程序公平合法,完善土地征用制度底层设计,加强对健康状况差、低收入等贫弱群体的保障,提升被征地农户人力资本和优化就业分布状态,使被征地农户能够顺利完成职业转换。  相似文献   
以2010~2016年中国273个地级市面板数据为样本,采用倾向得分匹配-双重差分方法(PSM-DID)检验了碳排放权交易政策对于城市碳排放强度的影响效果以及机制.研究发现:碳排放权交易政策对试点城市碳排放强度的降低具有显著而持续的推动作用,随着年份的推进,政策效果越发明显.此外,利用中介效应分析发现,通过调整产业结构和节能减排的途径可以有效降低城市的碳排放强度,而科研投入的影响尚不明确.基于此,本文建议应该进一步在全国范围推广碳排放权交易政策,优化产业结构,提高第三产业比重,推动企业节能减排并树立绿色低碳消费理念.  相似文献   
The root cause of most accidents in the process industry has been attributed to process safety issues ranging from poor safety culture, lack of communication, asset integrity issues, lack of management leadership and human factors. These accidents could have been prevented with adequate implementation of a robust process safety management (PSM) system. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a comparative framework which could aid in selecting an appropriate and suitable PSM system for specific industry sectors within the process industry. A total of 21 PSM systems are selected for this study and their theoretical frameworks, industry of application and deficiencies are explored. Next, a comparative framework is developed using eleven key factors that are applicable to the process industry such as framework and room for continuous improvement, design specification, industry adaptability and applicability, human factors, scope of application, usability in complex systems, safety culture, primary or secondary mode of application, regulatory enforcement, competency level, as well as inductive or deductive approach. After conducting the comparative analysis using these factors, the Integrated Process Safety Management System (IPSMS) model seems to be the most robust PSM system as it addressed almost every key area regarding process safety. However, inferences drawn from study findings suggest that there is still no one-size-fits-all PSM system for all sectors of the process industry.  相似文献   
With the development of increasingly complex processes and technologies in chemical and manufacturing industries, Process Safety Management (PSM) has been globally recognized as the primary tool for operating companies to reduce process accidents on their industrial sites and the risks posed to their employees and surrounding communities. Yet, industrial facilities are often interdependent and collocated with others. Recognizing this, regional authorities are also applying PSM principles to reduce the cumulative incidents associated with high density industrial areas and the multiplicative risks posed to broader communities. This paper compares Strathcona County Emergency Service (SCES) in Alberta, Contra Costa County Health Service Hazard Material Programs (CCCHSHMP) in California, and Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) in Ontario and their PSM systems to provide practical recommendations to improve SCES's system. Four aspects of PSM are considered: regulation and guidance, auditing and inspection, annual performance indicators, and public participation. Based on the results of this comparison, we recommend that SCES develop comprehensive PSM regulations based on CSA Z767-17 PSM including clear instructions for assessing technologies and methodologies for consequence analysis. Both worst-case scenarios and alternative scenarios need to be considered as well as the domino effect of primary accidents. Furthermore, regular audits and inspections will ensure compliance with PSM regulations while helping the design of planning, performing, and following-up strategies to ensure effectiveness. In addition, we suggest the use of lagging and leading performance indicators to evaluate the performance of the PSM program. Finally, we recommend using advisory councils or commissions to increase public participation and ensure the representation of stakeholders' perspectives with the PSM system.  相似文献   
穆亚丽  冯淑怡  马力  雷昊  袁阳 《自然资源学报》2017,32(10):1678-1690
论文基于江苏省淮安市和连云港市沼气池使用户调查数据,运用Probit模型考察农户沼肥还田决策行为的影响因素,构建产出供给方程评价农户沼肥还田决策行为的经济效应。结果表明:沼气池使用天数越多、户主年龄越小、户主是村干部或农民专业合作社成员以及人均承包地越多的农户,越倾向于选择沼肥还田,而家庭总资产较少或较多的农户都不愿意选择沼肥还田。控制其他条件,农户沼肥还田可能性每增加1%,单位面积农地产值提高0.07%(10.81 元/hm2),若研究区域沼气池使用户全部选择沼肥还田,单位面积农地产值将提高356.55元/hm2,具有一定的经济效应,倾向得分匹配方法(PSM)的稳健性分析进一步证实这一结论。目前中国沼肥还田率总体不高且没有规范的沼肥还田管理项目,进而提出鼓励沼气池使用户充分利用沼气池,提高农户沼肥还田积极性的政策建议。  相似文献   
基于江西省379份果农的实地调研数据,运用线性回归和倾向得分匹配法检验了品牌认证对果农线上销售的影响。结果表明:①获得“三品一标”认证和注册农产品商标对线上销售均具有显著正向影响,但注册农产品商标的影响效果更明显。②电商经验、鲜果经营培训、品牌建设支持和当地快递公司数对线上销售呈正向影响,而果农年龄和果园距最近快递集散点的距离抑制了线上销售比例的提升。基于研究结论,提出政府应积极引导果农进行品牌认证,加强认证后的监督管理,提高果农品牌保护意识,鼓励果农积极主动注册农产品商标,促使果农线上销售显著提升。  相似文献   
From the 1960s, Korean industries have been encouraged by the government to nurture heavy and chemical industry and to modernize the economics and industrial structures. The development of chemical industry particularly became the turning point in industrial development, and played a major role in the construction of a new industrialized country. However, the process systems in the chemical industry have become more complex and larger, and the inventories of dangerous chemicals that are produced or consumed have continuously increased. Therefore, the hazards from potential accidents such as fire and explosion or release of toxic chemicals have also increased. In fact, from the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s in Korea, a number of major industrial accidents such as ABS extruder explosion, TDI release and dryer explosion, etc. Occurred and caused many fatalities. As the chemical companies recognized the importance of preventing major hazards, PSM system, the prevention of major industrial accidents, was introduced in January 1995 by amending Industrial Safety and Health Act, and it has been enforced from January 1, 1996. According to the law, the business owner of a workplace with hazardous or dangerous equipment shall submit a process safety report to the Government to prevent any accidents, which could inflict an immediate damage on workers or on areas in the vicinity of the workplaces. As a result of PSM implementation for 19 years, chemical accident prevention system has been stabilized and various kinds of effectiveness and desirable customer satisfaction have been made.  相似文献   
基于课题组在7省区1 356农户的调查问卷数据,采用双差分析模型对IFAD项目的扶贫绩效进行了测度;选用人均纯收入作为贫困代理指标,并采用倾向得分匹配法对项目干预的净效应进行了分析,分别采用核匹配和半径匹配(0.001)方法测算了项目的干预效果,定量评价了联合国IFAD中国项目对项目区受益人精准脱贫的实际贡献。研究结果显示:1IFAD项目脱贫效果显著:IFAD项目的实施对项目区贫困农户脱贫率的净贡献为18.71%,由于IFAD项目实施而摆脱贫困的受益人总数达到80.746万人,其中直接受益人46.113 7万人,间接受益人为34.632 3万人;2从收入结构来看,IFAD项目干预对贫困农户种植业收入增长的影响最大:采用Di D、包含控制变量的Di D、加权最小二乘Di D和PSM方法分析的结果显示,IFAD项目实施使项目受益人的种植业收入人均增长了1 031.15元,且在0.05的水平上显著;3从家庭特征来看,市场便捷程度和户主学历对IFAD项目干预效果的影响最大。基于以上研究结论,本文提出了旨在提高IFAD中国项目脱贫绩效的政策建议:1应充分发挥联合国IFAD项目精准脱贫的示范效应;2加快贫困地区农业产业结构升级以优化贫困户的收入结构;3进一步加强贫困地区道路和教育等基础设施建设。  相似文献   
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