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Scarcity, growth and R&D
Authors:Yacov Tsur  Amos Zemel  
Abstract:The limits to economic growth due to resource scarcity can be alleviated only by the development of backstop substitutes. This paper combines resource-based economic growth with R&D to reduce the cost of backstop technologies. Characterizing the entire dynamics of optimal growth and R&D processes, we find that an economy's growth prospects depend on its type, as determined by its production technology and learning ability, and by its knowledge–capital endowment. A wide variety of growth patterns emerges, ranging from cases in which an economy that without R&D eventually stagnates (converges to a steady state) is diverted by R&D onto a path of sustained growth, to cases in which R&D is not warranted. Resource scarcity is shown to encourage R&D due to the increased reliance on the backstop technology.
Keywords:Scarcity   Economic growth   Non-renewable resources   Backstop technology   R&  D
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