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A brief survey of the ecology and biology of the Caspian Polyphemoidea
Authors:Ph. D. Mordukhai-Boltovskoi  I. K. Rivier
Affiliation:(1) Present address: Biological Institute for Inland Water Research, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Borok, USSR
Abstract:Not less than 25 autochthonous species of Polyphemoidea live in the Caspian Sea; 5 of these species also inhabit the Azov and Black Seas and 3 the Aral Sea, but none is found beyond the Pontoaralocaspian basin. A great degree of polymorphism and morphological variability characterizes this group. Most Caspian Polyphemoidea exist in salinities of 12 to 13permil, and cannot tolerate great changes in salinity; however, 3 or 4 species in the Pontoasov basin can live in quite fresh water and populate the river reservoirs; these species do not tolerate ocean salinities over 8 to 10permil. All species inhabit mainly the upper layers of the sea (0 to 50 m; Cercopagis and Polyphemus exiguus down to 75 to 100 m), but avoid shallows under 5 to 15 m depth. Polyphemoidea perform diurnal vertical migrations, accumulating in surface layers during the hours of darkness and descending at sunrise; they also descend during rough weather conditions. Abundance of Polyphemoidea is subject to great seasonal variation. Most species appear in spring when the water temperature has reached 10° to 15°C; maximum abundance occurs in summer at water temperatures of 5° to 20°C, and Polyphemoidea disappear in autumn from the whole Caspian Sea except for deep areas of the South Caspian Sea, where the temperature does not drop under 10°C. Reproduction of the Caspian Podonidae is distinguished by a strikingly high rate of parthenogenesis, which is accompanied by neoteny, i.e. the embryos mature before birth. Bisexual reproduction, on the other hand, is suppressed; males and gamogenetic females containing winter eggs do not occur in all species of Podonidae and only in some species of Cercopagidae, in these latter mainly as single specimens. The majority of Cercopagidae have no males, being completely acyclic. Parthenogenesis shows a clear diurnal rhythm; delivery of young begins only after midnight and ends before sunrise. All Polyphemoidea are predators; they catch mobile prey and suck out its contents; this prevents successful observation of details of their feeding habit. However, it has been proved that Evadne anonyx feed mainly on copepods (Eurytemora) and small podonids, and this is probably true also of Cercopagis, as both these species are more marked predators than Podonidae from the open seas (Evadne nordmanni and other forms). Many aspects of taxonomy (intraspecific forms) and biology (reproduction of acyclic species, feeding, behaviour and functional morphology) are obscure and require further investigation.
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