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The Fate of the Recombinant DNA in Corn During Composting

In order to make regulations that safeguard food and the environment, an understanding of the fate of transgenes from genetically modified (GM) plants is of crucial importance. A compost experiment including mature transgenic corn plants and seeds of event Bt 176 (Zea mays L.) was conducted to trace the fate of the transgene cryIA(b) during the period of composting. In bin 1, shredded corn plants including seeds were composted above a layer of cow manure and samples from the corn layer were collected at intervals during a 12-month period. The samples were tested for the transgene persistence and microbial counts and also the compost was monitored for temperature. In bin 2, piles of corn seeds, surrounded by sheep manure and straw, were composted for 12 months. A method combining nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and southern hybridization was developed for detection of the transgene in compost. The detection sensitivity was 200 copies of the transgene per gram of dry composted corn material. Composting commenced on day 0, and the transgene was detected in specimens from bin 1 on days 0 and 7 but not on day 14 or thereafter. The transgene in corn seeds was not detectable after 12 months of composting in bin 2. Temperatures in both bins rose to about 50°C within 2 weeks and remained above that temperature for about 3 months, even when the ambient temperature dropped below ?20°C. Extracts from compost were inoculated onto culture plates and then were incubated at 23 to 55°C. Within the first 2 weeks of composting in bin 1, the counts of bacteria incubated at 55°C increased from 3.5 to 7.5 log 10, whereas those incubated at 23°C remained at about 7.5 log 10. The counts of fungi incubated at 45°C increased slightly from 2.5 to 3.1 log10, but those incubated at 23°C decreased from 6.3 to 3.0 log 10. The rapid degradation of the transgene during composting of Bt corn plants suggested that the composting process could be used for safe disposal of transgenic plant wastes.
Keywords:Compost  Transgene  Transgenic plant wastes  PCR.
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