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引用本文:石生伟,李玉娥,秦晓波,万运帆,纪雄辉. 不同施肥处理对红壤晚稻田CH4排放的影响[J]. 农村生态环境, 2010, 0(2): 103-108
作者姓名:石生伟  李玉娥  秦晓波  万运帆  纪雄辉
作者单位:[1]中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部农业环境与气候变化重点实验室,北京100081 [2]湖南省土壤肥料研究所,湖南长沙410125
摘    要:选取不同施肥处理的双季稻田为研究对象,采用静态箱一气相色谱法对晚稻田CH4排放通量进行观测。结果表明,与不施肥对照(T1)相比,各施肥处理CH4排放通量均有不同程度增加。其中秸秆还田+化肥处理(T5)CH4平均排放通量为9.96mg·m^-2·h^-1,比增氮磷施肥处理(T4)和对照分别增加26.1%和120.0%;平衡施肥处理(T2)和减氮磷施肥处理(T3)CH4平均擗放通量比对照增加20%左右。说明施化肥可能提高水稻植株运输能力,进而增加CH4排放,但并未发现施化肥处理(T1、T2、T3和T4)之间CH4排放存在显菩差异。同时对相关环境因素的分析表明,各处理CH4排放通量与土壤5cm深处温度间存在指数函数关系,并与田间水层厚度呈正相关关系(P〈0.05)。综合考虑温室效应和稻谷产量,认为他为推荐施肥方式,即N、P2O5和K2O施用量分别为180、90和135kg·hm^-2,在插秧前1d施入占总N量70%的碳铵和全部磷肥、钾肥(过磷酸钙和氯化钾)作为基肥,并存分蘖期(2008年7月19日)追施占总N量30%的尿素。

关 键 词:晚稻田  施肥  CH4  全球增温潜势(GWP)  产量

CH4 Emission From Late Rice Field of Red Clay Soil Under Different Fertilization Treatments
Affiliation:SHI Sheng-wei, LI Yu-e , QIN Xiao-bo , WAN Yun-fan, Jl Xiong-hui( 1. Institute of Agro-Environment and Sustainable Development, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences/The Key Laboratory for Agro-Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China ; 2. Soil and Fertilizer Institute of Hunan Provinee, Changsha 410125, China)
Abstract:Methane emission fluxes from late rice fields under different fertilization treatments were studied, using the static chamber-gas chromatograph techniques. Results show that compared to Treatment 1 (T1, no fertilization) , all the other fertilization treatments increased methane emission. The average methane flux from Treatment 5 (T5, straw incorporation) and Treatment 4 (T4, increased nitrogen and phosphate) was 9.96 and 7.90 mg·m^-2 · h^-1 , respectively. Treat- ment 2 (T2, balanced fertilization) and Treatment 3 (T3, decreased nitrogen and phosphate) were just approximately 20% more than Treatment 1. In terms of accumulated seasonal methane emission, the treatments followed an decreasing sequence: T5〉T4〉T2〉T3〉T1, but no significant difference (P〉0. 05) was observed between TI, T2, T3 and T4. According to the analysis of related environmental factors, methane emission fluxes had an exponential function relationship with soil temperature at 5 cm depth, and had a positive eorrelation with thickness of the water layer ( P〈0. 05). T2 was a fertilization model recommended for the local region after comprehensive consideration of the greenhouse effect and rice yield. Considering global warming potentials of CH4 and rice yield, T2 was a recommended fertilization method under the local condition. Total fertilizer application of N, P2Os and K20 was 180, 90 and 135 kg · hm^-2, respectively. Ammonium bicarbonate, with a split 70% of designed N mixed with total P and K20 ( calcimn superphosphate and potassium chloride) was broadcasted on the field before transplanting as basal fertilizer, and urea was topdressed with 30% of total N at the tillering stage.
Keywords:late rice field  fertilization  methane  global warming potential  yield
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