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引用本文:卢杰,兰小中. 山南地区珍稀濒危藏药植物资源特征[J]. 自然资源学报, 2013, 28(11): 1977-1987. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2013.11.014
作者姓名:卢杰  兰小中
作者单位:1. 西藏农牧学院高原生态研究所, 西藏林芝 860000;2. 西藏林芝高山森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, 西藏林芝 860000;3. 西藏农牧学院食品科学学院, 西藏林芝 860000
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划重点项目(2011BAI13B06);2012 年度中药资源普查项目(20120716-540000);西藏自治区科技厅重大项目(2010KJGX01-36, 2011-68-20)。
摘    要:针对西藏山南地区珍稀濒危藏药植物资源本底不清、家底不明、开发不合理等现状,在对该区域药用植物进行实地考察、座谈走访、样本采集及室内测定等基础上,重点分析了珍稀濒危藏药植物资源的种类与分布、生物量与蕴藏量、濒危程度与至危因素。结果表明:山南地区有49 种珍稀濒危藏药植物,隶属25 科43 属,占整个西藏高原濒危藏药植物种类的65.33%。中国特有种占53.06%,其中西藏特有种占20.41%,错那县种类占73.47%。以山坡为生境药用植物占75.51%,仅分布在海拔3 000 m 以上的种类占61.22%,多年生草本占83.67%,全草类药用植物占55.10%。平均单株生物量最高的是粉枝莓,为1 830.48 g;最低的是冬虫夏草,仅为0.31 g。羊齿天门冬的根冠比最大,是5.31;最小的是马尿泡,为0.04。粉枝莓的产量和蕴藏量均最高,分别为36.61 kg/hm2和34 040.78 t;其次是暗红小檗,为27.00 kg/hm2和10 759.37 t;最低的是椭圆叶花锚,仅为0.004 kg/hm2和2.37 t。Ⅰ级濒危藏药植物资源的产量与蕴藏量排序均是:大花红景天>桃儿七>喜马拉雅紫茉莉>西藏秦艽>鸡蛋参>金球黄堇>矮黄堇>露蕊乌头>毛瓣绿绒蒿>乌奴龙胆>假耧斗菜>长果婆婆纳>篦齿虎耳草>冬虫夏草。该区濒危藏药植物全株蕴藏量为60 959.12 t,药用部位蕴藏量为48 663.97 t,占79.83%。经济价值较高的冬虫夏草蕴藏量为9.30 t。山南地区Ⅰ级濒危药用植物种类比例大,独特的生物学特性、脆弱的生态环境以及人为干扰的主导性是导致濒危的主要因素,建议就地保护与迁地保护同行、科学研究与开发利用并举,实现资源的持续开发利用。

关 键 词:藏药  珍稀濒危植物  山南地区  

The Characteristics of the Rare and Endangered Tibetan Medicinal Plant Resources in Shannan Region
LU Jie,LAN Xiao-zhong. The Characteristics of the Rare and Endangered Tibetan Medicinal Plant Resources in Shannan Region[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2013, 28(11): 1977-1987. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2013.11.014
Authors:LU Jie  LAN Xiao-zhong
Affiliation:1. Institute of Plateau Ecology, Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College, Linzhi 860000, China;2. National Forest Ecosystem Observation & Research Station of Tibet Linzhi, Linzhi 860000, China;3. Department of Food Science, Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College, Linzhi 860000, China
Abstract:The rare and endangered plants are used more and more widely in Tibetan medicinal industry; however, there has been a lack of a clear understanding of these resources and their reasonable applications. In this study, the rare and endangered Tibetan medicinal plants in Shannan Region were investigated and analyzed by field work, interviews with local people, sample collection and laboratory bioassay. Results showed that there were 49 species of rare and endangered plants, belonging to 25 families and 43 genera in Shannan Region, accounting for 65.33% of the total distribute in Tibet. There were 53.06% of the endemic species in China, of which 20.41% were distributed in Tibet, and 73.47% were in Cuona County. The species living in hillside was 75.51%, of which 61.22% were distributed at altitude over 3000 m, the perennial herb accounted for 83.67% and the plants using entire grass as medicinal materials accounted for 55.10%. The mean biomass of individual plant of Rubus biflorus was the highest (1830.48 g) and the lowest one was only 0.31 g for Cordyceps sinensis. The root-shoot ratio of Asparagus filicinus was the maximum (5.31), the minimum was 0.04 for Przewalskia tangutica. The output and resource of Rubus biflorus were the highest, being respectively 36.61 kg/hm2 and 34040.78 t, followed by Berberis Agricola being 27.00 kg/hm2 and 10759.37 t and the lowest were 0.004 kg/hm2 and 2.37 t for Halenia elliptica. The output and resource of grade Ⅰ endangered Tibetan medicinal plants were ranked in the order of Rhodiola crenulata > Sinopodophyllum hexandrum > Mirabilis himalaica > Gentiana tibetica > Codonopsis convolvulacea > Corydalis boweri > Corydalis pygmaea > Aconitum gymnandrum > Meconopsis torquata > Gentiana urnula > Paraquilegia anemonoides > Veronica ciliata > Saxifraga umbellulata var. pectinata > Cordyceps sinensis. The resources reserves of the rare and endangered plants were 60959.12 t in Shannan Region, that of medicinal parts were 48663.97 t, 79.83% of the total. The reserves of Cordyceps sinensis with a great economic value was 9.30 t. In a word, there were abundant species with special characteristics, rich reserves and high economic value in Shannan. The main reason for the rareness and endangerment of the Tibetan medicinal plants were the unique biological characteristics, fragile ecological environment and human disturbance. Suggestions were provided for the management and sustainable utilization of the rare and endangered plants in Shannan Region.
Keywords:Shannan Region  Tibetan medicine  rare and endangered plants
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