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引用本文:朱鹤,唐承财,王磊,赵磊,龙江智,黎耀奇,张佑印,杨振山,张鹏杨,甘萌雨,陈佳,李涛,孙业红,王恩旭,李亚娟,龙飞. 新时代的旅游资源研究:保护利用与创新发展——旅游地理青年学者笔谈[J]. 自然资源学报, 2020, 35(4): 992-1016. DOI: 10.31497/zrzyxb.20200419
作者姓名:朱鹤  唐承财  王磊  赵磊  龙江智  黎耀奇  张佑印  杨振山  张鹏杨  甘萌雨  陈佳  李涛  孙业红  王恩旭  李亚娟  龙飞
作者单位:1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101;2. 北京第二外国语学院旅游科学学院,北京 100024;3. 宁夏大学人文学院旅游管理系,银川 750021;4. 浙江工业大学管理学院,杭州 310023;5. 东北财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院,大连 116025;6. 中山大学旅游学院,广州 510275;7. 北京体育大学体育休闲与旅游学院,北京 100084;8. 云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院,昆明 650091;9. 福建师范大学旅游学院,福州 350117;10. 西北大学城市与环境学院,西安 710127;11. 南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京 210023;12. 北京联合大学旅游学院,北京 100101;13. 东北大学江河建筑学院,沈阳 110169;14. 华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院,武汉 430079;15. 中国社会科学院财经战略研究院,北京 100028
摘    要:当前,我国已经全面进入大众旅游时代,旅游业持续领跑宏观经济,并成为带动区域发展的支柱产业。旅游资源是传统旅游业的发展基础,我国是旅游资源大国,处理好旅游资源保护与利用的关系、实现创新发展是旅游资源研究的关键。来自旅游地理研究领域的16位青年学者,以笔谈方式探讨了新时期、新阶段下旅游资源保护与利用的基本思路,从旅游发展的新特征、资源价值的新认知、开发与保护的新方式以及针对专项资源的保护开发的新对策等方面重新定义新时代旅游资源研究的重点,核心观点整理如下:(1)随着旅游业的发展,大众旅游方式变化推动旅游产业革新,旅游资源的内涵也相应不断丰富。新时代旅游资源的重构、泛化和组合的变化需要重新对旅游资源进行识别、划分和评价,未来资源仍是旅游产业发展的基础,需要合理认知旅游资源的新特征和新价值。(2)新时代,传统资源开发的条件趋严,坚守生态底线是发展的基础。从供给端看,资源转化为产品的过程中,要尊重市场规律,面向游客新需求,以深入挖掘文化内涵为重点,借助科技新手段,创新资源开发新模式,推出受游客欢迎的旅游产品,从而激发旅游资源的市场价值属性,推动区域旅游产业升级,实现资源、资本、资产的可持续发展。(3)从需求端看,捕捉客群变化特征,构建社会规范和文明旅游新方式,从多方面引导游客主动保护旅游资源的行为,从而形成推动旅游资源保护和开发协调的新思路。(4)旅游资源的类型丰富,决定了旅游资源保护与开发方式的多样化:针对乡村旅游资源,要在资源评估的基础上,重新认识其新价值,在乡村振兴战略的引领下,因地制宜,以产业集聚为突破,重视乡村社区利益,推动乡村旅游资源的创新利用和可持续发展;针对农业文化遗产资源,在可持续发展的基础上,活态利用,构建多方参与的新机制;针对人文旅游资源,需要挖掘人文旅游资源本真性,融入传统文化,促进文化传承与旅游产业的互动发展;针对山地民族旅游资源,在时代价值重新认知的基础上要重视其地域系统的独特性,基于人地关系整体化保护与开发;针对民宿旅游,重视其转化农村闲置资源的重要功能,强化生态保护,构建民宿旅游集聚区。

关 键 词:新时代  保护利用  旅游资源  创新发展  研究  

Research on tourism resources in the new era: Protection,utilization and innovative development: Comments of young tourism geographers
ZHU He,TANG Cheng-cai,WANG Lei,ZHAO Lei,LONG Jiang-zhi,LI Yao-qi,ZHANG You-yin,YANG Zhen-shan,ZHANG Peng-yang,GAN Meng-yu,CHEN Jia,LI Tao,SUN Ye-hong,WANG En-xu,LI Ya-juan,LONG Fei. Research on tourism resources in the new era: Protection,utilization and innovative development: Comments of young tourism geographers[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2020, 35(4): 992-1016. DOI: 10.31497/zrzyxb.20200419
Authors:ZHU He  TANG Cheng-cai  WANG Lei  ZHAO Lei  LONG Jiang-zhi  LI Yao-qi  ZHANG You-yin  YANG Zhen-shan  ZHANG Peng-yang  GAN Meng-yu  CHEN Jia  LI Tao  SUN Ye-hong  WANG En-xu  LI Ya-juan  LONG Fei
Abstract:Nowadays, China has fully come into the massive tourism era. Tourism continuously occupies one most quickly growing industry in the macro-economy and becomes a strategic pillar industry in regional economic development. Since China is rich in tourism resources, which are the foundation of conventional tourism development, it is crucial to deal with the relationship between property protection and utilization of tourism resources, meanwhile, achieving innovative development. In this issue, 16 young tourism geographers discuss tourism resources protection and utilization in the new era. They clarify a set of key points about tourism resources research, including new knowledge of value, new ways to protect and use, and new discussions for special resources. The main points state as follows. (1) Massive tourism mode changing bring the industry innovation, as well as resources' meaning expansion. In the new era, by embracing a perspective of construction, generalization, and a combination of tourism resources, we need to rethink how to define, classify and evaluate these resources. In the future, resources will still be the basis of tourism development, which should capture more reasonable recognition of their new characteristics and values. (2) Under the constraints of ecological reserves, controls in exploitation of traditional resources will be more severe. From the supply-side, considering the transformation from resources to products, we should take more measures such as complying with the market rules, meeting tourists' new needs, excavating cultural senses, creating new developing paths amid new technologies support, and forming popular products. These measures will be beneficial to stimulate the marketing values, upgrade the regional industry, and realize to coordinate resources, capital, and assets in a sustainable way. (3) From the demand-side, we should be aware of the common changes of tourists, lead to new behavioral norms in civilized tourism, and guide the tourists to protect resources spontaneously, which will rewardingly balance environmental protection and industrial development. (4) Abundant resources require diverse approaches to protect and rationally use. In light of rural tourism resources, we should assess their new value, follow the strategy of rural vitalization, suit measures to local conditions, pay main concerns on tourism agglomerations, consider local communities' interests, and innovatively promote sustainable development. Based primarily on sustainability, agricultural heritages re-use needs to be concerned about novel multi-participation machinery dynamically. For human tourism resources, it is necessary to maintain authenticity with traditional culture integration, and coordinate cultural inheritance and tourism growth. Mentioned with ethnic tourism resources in mountainous region, we suggest paying attention to the uniqueness of regional system, taking account of the contemporary value and human-land relationship, and then adopting appropriate measures. Besides, owing to homestay's role in activating rural stacks, it is recommended to enhance ecological protection, and boost the homestay cluster.
Keywords:new era  tourism resources  research  protection  development  
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