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引用本文:张爱平,刘艳华,钟林生,徐勇,周凤杰. 基于场理论的沪苏浙皖地区旅游空间差异研究[J]. 长江流域资源与环境, 2015, 24(3): 364-372. DOI: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201503003
作者姓名:张爱平  刘艳华  钟林生  徐勇  周凤杰
作者单位:(1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101; 2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049; 3.渤海大学旅游学院,辽宁 锦州 121013
摘    要:区域旅游供给场是一种重要的旅游场类型,场叠加、场结构与场核的作用效应是区域旅游供给场研究的核心内容。在对区域旅游供给场相关概念进行定义与空间解析的基础上,以游客密度作为旅游场强变量,运用GIS技术对由沪苏浙皖这一区域的空间差异进行了模拟和分析,研究结果表明:(1)随着旅游业的发展,区域旅游场的场域分异更为显著,但游客密度的集中程度在下降;(2)区域旅游场内存在较明显的"三阶梯"等级结构特征,且在考察末期,第一阶梯和第二阶梯场域范围不断扩大,尤以第二阶梯的扩大最为明显;(3)由场核向外围随着距离的增加,旅游场强呈现出显著的衰减特征,各次级场域的场核间也存在明显的场强波动地带;(4)区域旅游场极化、扩散作用并存,上海这一区域型场核在极化作用的同时在东西方向上对区域旅游场的扩散作用明显,但其扩散作用强度仍有待提高。

关 键 词:空间差异  旅游供给场  场理论  沪苏浙皖地区

ZHANG Ai-ping , LIU Yan-hua , ZHONG Lin-sheng , XU Yong , ZHOU Feng-jie. SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE AREAS OF SHANGHAI,JIANGSU, ZHEJIANG AND ANHUI PROVINCES BASED ON FIELD THEORY[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtza Basin, 2015, 24(3): 364-372. DOI: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201503003
Authors:ZHANG Ai-ping    LIU Yan-hua    ZHONG Lin-sheng    XU Yong    ZHOU Feng-jie
Affiliation:(1.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3.Tourism College, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121013, China)〖WT〗〖JZ)〗〖HJ〗
Abstract:The spatial temporal differentiation of regional tourism development is a dynamic and complicated concept, which has been deeply concerned by academics. As an important type of tourism fields, supply field contains 3 features: field attraction aggregation, field structure and field focal effects. This paper focused on the spatial differentiation of regional tourism development in terms of supply field theory of regional tourism. According to previous researches of field theory and basic concepts, the paper aimed to construct tourism economic space and a series of spaces associated with it, quantify the concept about supply filed of regional tourism, and also provide a method using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to simulate the spatial and temporal differentiation of regional tourism growth. Recent developments in spatial statistics and GIS have aroused an increasing attention on quantitative and visualization of this subject. Based on definition and spatial analysis of relevant concepts about supply field of regional tourism, this paper took tourism spatial density as a variable of regional tourism field, and used the technology of GIS to simulate the regional field of tourism development in the study areas of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces (SJZA). Major conclusions are drawn as follows. (1) Due to the improved traffic conditions and the deepening of tourism cooperation in recent years, the regional division of tourism spatial density is more significant with the development of tourism industry, but the geographic concentration of tourism spatial density is decreasing. In fact, this is not contradictory. Spatial density of tourism field reflects the absolute differentiation in tourism region, while geographic concentration reflects the relative differentiation. (2) The tourism field of the study areas present 3 levels of field structure, and scope of the 3 levels tourism field in SJZA are similar to that of core periphery sub regions based on core periphery theory by previous study. (3) The extent of regional tourism development, in terms of tourism spatial density, reduced significantly with increasing distances away from city proper (which can be seen as regional tourism growth poles), leading to the appearance of different density fluctuation valley between different cities. (4) The key fluctuation valley zones between the city of Shanghai and Hefei lies 50-60 km and 300-330 km to the center of Shanghai. It indicates that administrative boundaries have certain influence on tourism development, which should be considered in tourism cooperation of SJZA. In addition, tourism development level in the whole SJZA improved significantly from 2005 to 2011, of which polarized growth was dominant, especially for shanghai. However, as the tourism development engines in SJZA, the pull effects of Shanghai on the whole area seemed to be comparatively weak, except for those on Hefei. As can be predicted, tourism region of SJZA would still be in the stage of polarizing development in the coming several years, and the characteristics of regional differentiation of tourism economy would still be embodied as polarized growth of city. The results above show that it is feasible to study regional tourism differentiation based on the concepts and quantitative definition about supply field of regional tourism. 〖
Keywords:spatial differentiation  tourism supply field  field theory  Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces
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