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Rain Water Harvesting in Bermuda1
Authors:Mark P. Rowe
Affiliation:Hydrogeologist, Department of Environmental Protection, Bermuda Government, Botanical Gardens, 169 South Road, Devonshire DV04, Bermuda
Abstract:Rowe, Mark P., 2011. Rain Water Harvesting in Bermuda. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(6):1219–1227. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00563.x Abstract: Roof‐top rain water harvesting is mandated by law for all buildings in Bermuda and is the primary source of water for domestic supply. The average rate at which rain water is harvested at the typical house with four occupants is, however, insufficient to meet average demand. While just over one‐third of households have access to supplementary water either from mains pipelines or private wells, the majority rely on deliveries from water “truckers” (tankers) to augment their rain water supply. Assuming a reasonably constant daily demand, there is a linear relationship between the “maximum optimum capacity” of a water storage tank and the size of the rain water catchment area, which depends on the characteristics of the rainfall at a given geographic location. A simple spreadsheet model was developed to simulate tank storage levels for various combinations of catchment area, tank capacity, and demand, with an input of actual daily rainfall data for a study period of nearly three years. It was found that for typical cycles of rainfall surpluses and deficits in Bermuda, the tank capacity which there is no benefit in exceeding — the “optimum maximum capacity”— is 0.37 m3 of storage capacity per 1 m2 of catchment area. Furthermore, it was concluded that many domestic water storage tanks in Bermuda are larger than necessary, especially so where there is a significant imbalance between rain water supply and demand.
Keywords:rain water harvesting  Bermuda  water supply  water storage  sustainability  simulation
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