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Rapid full‐scale bioremediation of perchlorate in soil at a large brownfields site
Authors:Patrick J. Evans  Ian Lo  Allen E. Moore  William J. Weaver  William F. Grove  Hassan Amini
Abstract:The former Bermite site north of Los Angeles, California, was used to manufacture various explosives and related products containing energetic compounds, including perchlorate. Remediation of perchlorate in site soil and groundwater is being conducted to meet regulatory requirements and allow planned redevelopment activities to proceed. The general approach to perchlorate remediation of shallow soil at the site includes excavation of affected soils followed by ex situ bioremediation. Glycerin was chosen for use as an electron donor because of its stability, safety, low cost, and regulatory acceptance. However, full‐scale bioremediation operation with glycerin initially resulted in inconsistent results despite consistent perchlorate biodegradation observed in treatability study microcosms. To eliminate the inconsistency and optimize the biotreatment process, additional studies were performed in the field on parallel tracks to determine crucial factor(s) that influenced inconsistent breakdown of perchlorate in site soils. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) was determined to be a significant factor limiting perchlorate biodegradation. The addition of di‐ammonium phosphate (DAP) resulted in the consistent and complete perchlorate removal, generally within two weeks of incubation with a median destruction rate of about 200 μg/kg/day. Soil processing rates were gradually increased over the year, and, by the summer, approximately 2,000 to 2,500 tons of soil were being processed per day with a total of approximately 160,000 tons processed by the end of July. The total unit treatment cost for the process is about approximately $35/ton. The glycerin‐DAP process is playing a major role in the remediation of this 1,000‐acre former industrial site. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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