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Iberian Lynx in a Fragmented Landscape: Predispersal, Dispersal, and Postdispersal Habitats
Authors:F Palomares  M Delibes  P Ferreras  J M Fedriani  J Calzada    E Revilla
Institution:Estación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Department of Applied Biology, Avda. María Luisa s/n, 41013 Sevilla, Spain
Abstract:Abstract: Applied conservation biology must provide solutions for the conservation of species in modern landscapes, where prime habitats are being continuously fragmented and altered and animals are restricted to small, nonviable populations. We studied habitat selection in a fragmented population of endangered Iberian lynx (   Lynx pardinus ) by examining 14 years of radiotracking data obtained from lynx trapped in two different source areas. Habitat selection was studied independently for predispersal lynx in the source areas, for dispersing individuals through the region, and for postdispersing animals, most of which settled far from their point of origin. A multivariate analysis of variance showed that habitat use differed significantly among these phases and between area of origin, but not between sexes. The habitat type most used, and best represented within home ranges, was the mediterranean scrubland. Pine plantations were also important during and after dispersal. The rest of the habitats were either avoided (open habitats) or used according to availability ( pine and eucalyptus plantations) by dispersing lynx. Differences due to lynx origin were detected only during predispersal and dispersal and were observed because animals from each area had different habitat availability. Lynx with established territories did not use areas at random. They occupied patches of mediterranean scrubland more often than would be expected from scrubland availability during predispersal; the rest of the habitats were included within home ranges less than would be expected from their availability in the landscape. Results indicate that dispersing animals may use habitats of lower quality than habitats used by resident individuals, which suggests that conservation strategies applied across regions might be a viable objective.
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