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Microbially Mediated In Situ Desorption Accelerates Remediation of Large Gasoline Product Plume
Authors:Troy Fowler  Chris Martin
Institution:Hart Crowser
Abstract:Remediation of a large separate‐phase hydrocarbon product and associated dissolved‐phase gasoline plume was accelerated by coupling multiphase extraction with in situ microbial stimulation. At the beginning of remediation activities, the separate‐phase hydrocarbon plume extended an estimated seven acres with product thickness measuring up to 2.1 feet thick. Within 18 months after beginning extraction, reduction of gasoline constituents in groundwater became asymptotic and measureable product disappeared from the upgradient source area. At that time, the remediation team initiated a program of limited in situ anaerobic bioremediation with the goal of stimulating production of natural surfactants from native microbes to release petroleum from the soil matrix. Groundwater concentrations of gasoline constituents increased gradually over the next three years, improving recovery without biofouling the pump‐and‐treat infrastructure. Using this approach, the groundwater component of the remedy was completed in less than five years, substantially less than the 10 years to 15 years predicted by modeling. This strategy demonstrated a more sustainable approach to remediation, reducing electrical usage by an estimated 800 megawatt hours, reducing infrastructure requirements, and preserving an estimated 150 million gallons of groundwater for this arid agricultural area. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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