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Ecological investigations of the zooplankton community of balsfjorden,northern norway: The genital system in Calanus finmarchicus and the role of gonad development in overwintering strategy
Authors:K. S. Tande  C. C. E. Hopkins
Affiliation:(1) Aquatic Biology Group, Institute of Biology and Geology, University of Tromsø, Postboks 790, N-9001 Tromsø, Norway
Abstract:The structure of the reproductive system in Copepodite Stages IV and V of the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) is described, together with seasonal variations in gonad development and sex ratio, from Balsfjorden (69°21primeN; 19°06primeE), a subarctic fjord in northern Norway. The genital system in Copepodite Stage IV consists of a small gonad with two genital ducts. The gonad of Copepodite Stage V in its most immature condition resembles that seen in Copepodite Stage IV, whereas the sex of Stage V copepodites with mature gonads can be easily and reliably determined. The genital ducts are the key characters for separating males and females in Copepodite Stage V; potential males have one and potential females two genital ducts connecting the gonad to the genital opening on the first urosome segment. Adults males were rare compared to females, and were only in the majority at the end of January and beginning of February. The sex-ratio also favoured females in Copepodite Stage V. Seasonal peaks in the proportion of adult males reflected peaks of males in Copepodite Stage V, suggesting that seasonal variations in the adult sex-ratio are a direct result of a situation which has already been determined in Copepodite Stage V. The seasonal variation in gonad development in Copepodite Stages IV and V of C. finmarchicus reveals that the size of maturity of the gonad varies throughout the year. This study indicates that visible sex-differentiation in Stage V and moulting into adults occurs in Balsfjorden at least 2 months before spawning in April. Phytoplankton levels are immeasurable before the spring diatom increase starts at the end of March, implying that development and maturation of gonads are dependent upon internal energy resources, whereas the final act of spawning seems to require energy input from phytoplankton.
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