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Environmental hypoxia and haemocyanin between-individual variability in Norway lobsters Nephrops norvegicus (L.)
Authors:J. Spicer  S. Baden
Affiliation:Kristineberg Marine Research Station, 450 34 Fiskeb?ckskil, Sweden,
Abstract:The extent to which exposure to environmental hypoxia (PO2=8, 6, and 4 kPa, approximately 40%, 30%, and 20% saturation, respectively) resulted in an increase in the concentration of the respiratory pigment haemocyanin ([Hc]) in individuals of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus depended crucially on the initial [Hc] as well as the intensity of the hypoxia itself. While mean [Hc] did increase with decreasing PO2 (and the variation decreased), for individuals with relatively high initial [Hc] there was no change or even a decrease observed. The greatest hypoxia-related increases in [Hc] were observed in the individuals with the lowest initial [Hc]. Consequently the notion of an 'optimum' [Hc] for a given level of oxygenation was postulated. The changes in [Hc] recorded took place over a considerably shorter time scale (hours rather than days) than has been observed in previous studies. It was not possible to correlate environmental PO2 and median [Hc] in the field. However, it was interesting that the [Hc] frequency distribution curve for lobsters collected from a site that had been markedly hypoxic (PO2=8.0 kPa, approximately 40% saturation) until a few days before sampling was almost exactly the same shape (i.e. leptokurtic) and position (i.e. similar median) to that obtained when lobsters were exposed to PO2=8.0 kPa in the laboratory. Although it would have been desirable to investigate the effect of hypoxia on the frequency distribution of a physiological trait, in this case [Hc], it was not possible due to insufficient sample size, even though the sample sizes employed were considerably larger than those normally used in physiological investigations.
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