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Treatment of a dyeing wastewater from a woolen mill using an A/O membrane bio-reactor
Authors:Fan Yao-bo  Wang Ju-si  JIANG Zhao-chun  CHEN Mei-xue  XU Kun  JIA Zhi-ping
Abstract:An anaerobic/oxic membrane bioreactor (A/O MBR) was used for treatment of dyeing wastewater from a woolen mill.COD and color of the wastewater were 54-473 mg/L and 40-400 dilution time (DT) respectively. The ratio of BOD5/COD was less than 0.13. By the A/O MBR process, the average removal of COD, BOD5, color and turbidity was 82%, 96%, 71% and 99%, respectively. The average COD, BOD5, color and turbidity of effluent was 37 nag/L, 0.8 mg/L, 40 DT and 0.44 NUT respectively. The effluent COD met the local standard of reuse water in Beijing, China. The average COD volume load of the anaerobic biological tank was 0. 0483 kgCOD/(m3·d) and that of the aeration tank of the MBR was 0. 3589 kgCOD/(m3·d). The sludge load of the MBR was 0.19 kgCOD/(kg· MLSS· d) on average and the maximum of that was 0.4 kgCOD/( kg· MLSS· d).The flux of the A/O membrane bioreactor could be remained at larger than 50 L/(h· m2· 0.1MPa). The results indicated that A/O membrane bioreactor has technical feasibility for treatment of woolen mill wastewater.
Keywords:membrane bioreactor  dyeing wastewater  biological process  membrane technology  activated sludge
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