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Incineration at Bayou Bonfouca Remediation Project
Authors:Prakash Acharya  Peter Ives
Affiliation:IT Corporation Knoxville , Tennessee , USA
Abstract:The Bayou Bonfouca hazardous waste site is located in Slidell, Louisiana, approximately 96 kilometers (60 miles) northeast of New Orleans. This site is ranked number 1,006 on the National Priorities List of Superfund sites. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a remedial investigation in 1986 and determined the primary potential exposure sources to be groundwater, surface waste piles, and contaminated sediment in Bayou Bonfouca. Based on the results of investigations, EPA and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality chose a remedy that involves dredging contaminated sediment from the bayou, excavating contaminated waste piles and soil, and incinerating the solid wastes in a transportable incinerator. The site remedy, which included incineration, was specified in the Record of Decision signed in March 1987.

Of the total 142,000 megagrams (Mg) (157,000 tons) of waste to be incinerated, approximately 119,000 Mg (132,000 tons) consist of hazardous sediment from the bayou; 22,600 Mg (25,000 tons) consist of lightly contaminated soils and waste piles, cellulosic materials, and other miscellaneous wastes on the ground. The solid wastes are primarily low heat content sediment and soils and cellulosic materials with polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations from milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) levels up to two percent. The dredged bayou sediment will be dewatered in six, 115-cubiometer (150-cubic-yard) plate and frame filter presses before processing in the incinerator. A rotary-kiln-based single train incinerator is deployed at Bayou Bonfouca to process the solid waste feed.

On-site pilot studies indicated that the PAHs in groundwater could be removed by on-site pumping, treatment, and discharge of treated effluent to the bayou. The groundwater treatment plant went on-stream in June 1991. Treatment involves oil/water separation, filtration, carbon bed adsorption, and aeration.

IT Corporation-OH Materials, a joint venture, was awarded a contract in May 1991 and a notice to proceed in February 1992 to remediate and restore the Bayou Bonfouca site. The remediation project includes air quality monitoring and controls, site preparation, dredging and excavation, bayou bank stabilization and monitoring, equipment mobilization and erection, the trial burn, incineration, demobilization, and site closure. The project completed a successful trial burn in November 1993, and the commercial operation began in December 1993. The expected duration of the project is 40 months from mobilization to site closure.
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