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The Effect of Ethanol Fuel on the Emissions of Vehicles over a Wide Range of Temperatures
Authors:Kenneth T. Knapp  Fred D. Stump  Silvestre B. Tejada
Affiliation:1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , Research Triangle Park , USA knapp.ken@epamail.epa.gov;3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , Research Triangle Park , USA

The emissions from a fleet of 11 vehicles, including three from the State of Alaska, were tested at 75, 0, and -20 °F with base gasolines and E10 gasolines, that is, gasolines with 10% by volume ethanol added. The data for the changes in emissions for the test run at 75 °F are included, since most other studies on the effects of E10 gasoline on emissions were run at that temperature. The three Alaskan vehicles were also tested at 20 °F. The testing followed the Federal Test Procedure, and regulated emissions—CO, total hydrocarbons (THC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx)—CO2, speciated organics, and fuel economy were measured. A total of 490 FTP tests were run. The data obtained indicated that with most vehicles, at the temperatures tested, improvements in both CO and THC emissions were obtained with the use of E10 fuel. At the lowest temperature used, -20 °F, most vehicles had an increase in NO emissions with the use of E10 fuel. At the other temperatures, however, more vehicles showed a decrease in NOx emissions with the use of E10. With all vehicles at all temperatures tested, the emissions of acetaldehyde increased significantly when E10 fuel was used. The highest increase was about 8 to 1. Benzene, formaldehyde, and 1,3 butadiene showed both increases and decreases in the emissions when using E10 fuel. Unexpected results were obtained with the fuel economy, with about half of the tests showing an increase in fuel economy with the use of E10 fuel.
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