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Environmental human silver exposure
Authors:Berislav Momčilović  Juraj Prejac  Vjeran Višnjević  Ninoslav Mimica  Sandra Morović  Asja Čelebić
Affiliation:1. Institute for Research and Development of the Sustainable Eco Systems , Srebrnjak 59 , 10 000 Zagreb , Croatia berislav.momcilovic@gmail.com;3. University Hospital Center Zagreb , Ki?pati?eva 12 , 10 000 Zagreb , Croatia;4. Institute for Research and Development of the Sustainable Eco Systems , Srebrnjak 59 , 10 000 Zagreb , Croatia;5. University Psychiatric Hospital , Bolni?ka cesta 32, Vrap?e , 10 090 Zagreb, Croatia;6. University Hospital Center “Sisters of Mercy” , Vinogradska 27 , 10 000 Zagreb , Croatia;7. School of Dental Medicine , Gunduli?eva 5 , 10 000 Zagreb , Croatia
Abstract:Environmental exposure to silver (Ag) was assessed in occupationally non-exposed adult human population by analyzing Ag in the hair (H?·?Ag) and whole blood (WB?·?Ag). H?·?Ag was analyzed in 311 (123 men, M; 188 women, W); while WB?·?Ag was determined in 235 of these individuals (90 M, 145 W). Women had more H?·?Ag than men (M 0.05 vs. W 0.076), whereas WB?·?Ag concentrations in men and women were not significantly different. A natural distribution of the median derivatives was utilized to generate the dataset to fit the logistic sigmoid curve to assess the current human body burden of environmental Ag population exposure for M and W separately. The H?·?Ag (µg?g?1) below 0.0105 for M and 0.0145 for W, reflects low level of environmental Ag exposure. The adaptive physiological saturation phase followed where H?·?Ag rose rapidly, first for M and then for W in parallel with biological assay. Both parallel saturation curves converged and plateaued at 0.215 for M and 0.965 for W (µg?g?1). The current level of human environmental Ag exposure is low, but cases of high Ag exposure occurred sporadically. In conjunction with the medical histories overt clinical neural toxicity may be expected for H?·?Ag at 4?µg?g?1and higher. There were no significant correlation between the H?·?Ag and WB?·?Ag.
Keywords:silver  hair  blood  exposure  logistic fit
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