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Effect of tannins on survival and development of Daphnia menucoensis and the abundances of bacteria
Authors:M. Fernanda Alvarez  Hernán H. Benítez  J. Camilo Villegas Cortés  Néstor A. Gabellone  M. Cristina Claps
Affiliation:1. Instituto de Limnología Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet (ILPLA). CONICET-La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina;2. Grupo de estudios en Geología, Ecología y Conservación (GECO), Universidad del Cauca-Colciencias, Colombia
Abstract:Polyphenols – products of organic-matter decomposition entering water bodies from autochthonous and especially allochthonous sources – affect primary producers, bacterioplankton, and zooplankton to consequently modify food webs. Cladocerans are widely used in research experiments because they constitute the most frequent prey of high-trophic-level organisms in the majority of lakes, and certain species symbolise the ecologic prototype of the generalist filter feeder. In our study area’s shallow lakes, cladocerans, though generally of low abundance, do attain significantly high biomasses. We accordingly evaluated the mortality of the cladoceran Daphnia menucoensis Paggi, 1996 exposed to different tannin concentrations along with the bacterial abundance. In two experiments D. menucoensis females exposed to high tannin concentrations reproduced inefficiently, exhibited high mortality, and manifested altered behaviour, such as reduced reflexes and diminished mobility. Though tannins apparently affected algal abundances, the cladoceran herbivory strongly reduced those numbers. Positive effects on bacteria, however, were not recorded. High-allochthonous-organic-matter-containing water bodies support trophic webs because bacterioplankton provide an alternative energetic base for the zooplankton, as possibly occurs in shallow lakes of the Salado-River basin, characterised by cyclic hydrologic periods alternating between draught and flooding and intensive land use. In conclusion, tannins diminish D. menucoensis’s survival, locomotion, and the capacity to respond to stimuli.
Keywords:Tannins  zooplankton  Daphnia menucoensis  bacterioplankton
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