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引用本文:吴泽斌,刘卫东. 基于粮食安全的耕地保护区域经济补偿标准测算[J]. 自然资源学报, 2009, 24(12): 2076-2086. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2009.12.005
作者姓名:吴泽斌  刘卫东
作者单位:浙江大学公共管理学院,杭州 310029
摘    要:论文依据耕地保护的机会成本损失和基于区域粮食安全所折算的耕地赢余或赤字量,测算出耕地保护区域间的经济补偿标准,以矫正耕地保护的外部经济损失。在不同情景模式下的测算结果表明,粮食主产区为主要的补偿对象,黑龙江省所应补偿的金额最高,可获得543.24×108元/年,而东部地区大多为耕地保护外部效益补偿金的主要支付者,上海市需要支付的补偿金最多,最低也应支付421.79×108元/年。为了保障区域内粮食自给,一些地区维护粮食安全的成本会较高。在耕地保护过程中应该打破传统农业自给自足的封闭循环,遵循耕地保护机会成本的区域差异和区域土地利用的比较优势,统筹区域土地利用,使耕地保护成为实现农业区域专门化,取得规模经济效益和集聚效益的手段。

关 键 词:土地资源管理  耕地保护  经济补偿  机会成本  

Assessment on Compensation for External Benefit in Cultivated Land Protection from the Consideration of Regional Grain Security
WU Ze-bin,LIU Wei-dong. Assessment on Compensation for External Benefit in Cultivated Land Protection from the Consideration of Regional Grain Security[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2009, 24(12): 2076-2086. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2009.12.005
Authors:WU Ze-bin  LIU Wei-dong
Abstract:Grain security has become a responsibility that each region should shoulder as it is closely related to national well-being. Regions possessing many cultivated land resources make a great contribution to grain security, but the contribution is hard to reflect through market transactions. The root cause of the nullification of policies on cultivated land protection (CLP) seems to be its external effect. So it is very necessary to establish compensation criteria for spillover effects derived from CLP.On the premise of regional grain security and through quantifying the opportunity cost of CLP and the profit and loss amount of regional cultivated land according to converted rate, the paper is aimed to calculate the amount of economic compensation so as to balance the external economic loss of CLP, namely, regions bearing less task in CLP should provide how much payment to those regions bearing more in CLP, so that the economic loss caused by outnumbered CLP could be remedied and the implementation of policies on CLP would shift from interest driving to relying on administrative controls. The results show as follows: 1) The highest opportunity cost of CLP is 37.05×10~4 yuan/hm~2 in Shanghai, the lowest is 0.01×10~4 yuan/hm~2 in Gansu province and the average level in the whole country is 6.22×10~4 yuan/hm~2;2)under the scenarios of food self-sufficiency rate of 90% and grain consumption of 300 kg per capita, cultivated land is deficit in provinces (municipalities) of Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Tianjin, Fujian, Qinghai, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Guizhou and Hainan. Under the scenarios of food self-sufficiency rate of 95% and grain consumption of 400 kg per capita, in Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Xinjiang, Shandong, Ningxia, Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei and Hunan provinces, cultivated land is surplus;and 3) the highest compensation is paid for Heilongjiang Province in the 32 studying samples, for one year the amount of which is 543.24×108 yuan. Most places in East China are the payers of financial compensation, with Shanghai being the one that pays most, at least 421.79×10~8 yuan per annum. The cost is extremely high in order to achieve food self-sufficiency rate to be 90% or 95% and to rely on their own cultivated land to maintain the regional food security. Therefore, it seems that the opportunity cost of CLP in different areas and regional comparative advantages of land use should be considered in land distribution, and it should be integrated with land benefit allocation and land distribution from the perspective of national level. At the same time, CLP should become an effective way to achieve agricultural specialization production, scale economies as well as agglomeration benefits. Only through this way can different regions where cultivated land is surplus and areas where construction land fast expanded mutually support and develop cooperatively.
Keywords:land resource administration  cultivated land protection  economic compensation  opportunity cost
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