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引用本文:傅国伟,杨玉峰. 水环境有毒重金属污染的防控与监管路线[J]. 中国环境管理, 2015, 7(1): 29-37
作者姓名:傅国伟  杨玉峰
作者单位:清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084;国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所, 北京 100038,清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084;国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所, 北京 100038
摘    要:有毒重金属污染已成为我国的重大环境问题。对有毒重金属污染进行有效监管,首先,必须明确认定,对第一类污染物实施《源头总量控制》是污控执法和促进经济结构改革的保证条件。这种监管方式自2008年《笫一次全国污染源普查工业产排污系数手册》公布以来,更具有切实实施的可行性。《源头总量控制》与《水环境容量总量控制》两种监管方式既是各自独立、缺一不可,又是相互依赖和相互补充的关系,目前一些地方的规划管理者模糊和混淆了两类污染物和两种监管的内容和方式,笼统以《水环境总量控制》来监管所有污染物,丢弃了《源头总量控制》,使本应严加管理的饮用水水源地丧失了控制第一类污染物的能力。我国《地面水环境质量标准》(GB3838-88)中第一类污染物的水质指标与我国实际的水环境背景值有很大差距,存在"放宽允排量"和"价态转化引发危害"的问题,以一个10t电解铅的企业为例,证明两种监管方式的铅允排量相差甚大。总之,把第一类污染物与第二类污染物统一实施《水环境容量总量控制》将带来众多的危害,应当严格实施《源头总量控制》与《水环境总量控制》相结合的监管方式。

关 键 词:第一类污染物  《源头总量控制》  《水环境总量控制》  水环境背景值  污控执法  促进经济结构改革

Regulatory Approach and Counter Measures of Toxic Heavy Metal Pollution in Water Environment
Fu Guowei and Yang Yufeng. Regulatory Approach and Counter Measures of Toxic Heavy Metal Pollution in Water Environment[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 7(1): 29-37
Authors:Fu Guowei and Yang Yufeng
Affiliation:School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084;Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing 100038 and School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084;Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing 100038
Abstract:Toxic heavy metal pollution has become one of the most serious environment problems in China. To fix it, firstly we should clear that implementation of source total emission control for the first type pollutants is necessary for environmental pollution control legislation and economic structure reformation. This surveillance method has been more practical to be implemented since the MANUAL of the INDUSTRY DISCHARGE COEFFICIENT of FIRST NATIONAL POLLUTION SOURCES INVESTIGATION was published. The source total emission control and water environment total emission control are respectively independent and indispensable, on the other side they can be complementary to each other. Currently, some local planning managers are blurring and confusing the contents and styles of the two surveillance methods. They just use the water total emission control instead of source total emission control to manage all pollutants, which results that control of the first type pollutants is lost especially for the drinking water sources surveillance. There is a huge gap between the water quality standards of the first type pollutants in ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARD for SURFACE WATER (GB3838-88) and the reality of water environmental background concentration values, which means that there exists the problems such as" relaxing the pollutant discharge permit" and" risk induced by valence state change". Taking an enterprise with 10t electrolytic lead production capacity as example, there is a big difference between the allowable lead discharged emissions by the two methods. In summary it will bring a lot of harm effects if the water total emission control is singly implemented for the two types of pollutants, so the two methods should be both implemented strictly at the same time.
Keywords:the first type pollutants  Source Total Emission Control  Water Environmental Total Emission Control  water environment background concentration  pollution control legislation  economic structure regulation
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