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Destuction and reconstruction: A Strategy for the war-damaged areas of Iran
Authors:Hooshang Amlrahmadl
Institution:Department of urban Planning and Policy Deveploment Rutgers University Lucy Stone Hall Kilmer Campus New Brunswick New Jersey 08903, U.S.A
Abstract:This paper outlines the maln elements of a comprehenslve, self-reliant territorial reconstrouction strategy for the wardamaged areas of Iran by drawing from existing experinece including that of the Islamic Republic. After documenting that extent and type of damage, and argument is presented in favor of urgent action and the need for planning.
The relatinship beteeen the reconstruction strategy and national goals is particularly emphasled. National independence, defense and integration should guide the entire reconstruction process. Expanding defensive capacity of the border regions, territorial equalization of development, creation of an articulated system of reginal goverments, reduction of dependency on oil revenues, and adaption of a two-tier technology policy are identified as major factor in achieving these goals.
comprehensivenss and self-rellance are shown to be characteristics of planning for reconstruction for war destructions in contries where planning was applied, Similarly, reconstruction needs other types of organizations, particularly popular and co-ordinating ones.
Reconstruction requlres among other things that existing and potential resourecs be identified and it is argued that these must be moblilzed befor they can be utillized. Different resources are mobiliz3ed differently. Various methods of mobilization are identified for mobilizing human, material and financial resoucrs.
Keywords:Reconstruction  War damage  Iran
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