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城市边缘区农户耕地利用功能对土地转出的影响——武汉、成都、苏州1 022户农民的典型实证
引用本文:蔡银莺,王亚运,朱兰兰. 城市边缘区农户耕地利用功能对土地转出的影响——武汉、成都、苏州1 022户农民的典型实证[J]. 自然资源学报, 2016, 31(10): 1648-1661. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.20151255
作者姓名:蔡银莺  王亚运  朱兰兰
作者单位:华中农业大学公共管理学院,武汉 430070
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(71573099,41371519); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2014RW013); 华中农业大学“人文社会学科优秀青年人才培养计划”资助课题
摘    要:在快速城市化及城乡社会经济转型过程中,城市边缘区农户家庭的耕地利用功能较传统方式已发生根本转变,农业劳动力的农地生存依赖性弱化、生计多元促进土地转出市场活跃。论文以武汉、成都及苏州1 022户农户调查数据为实证,分析城市边缘区农户家庭耕地利用功能对土地转出决策的影响。研究表明:1)城市边缘区农户家庭的耕地利用在食物生产、经济贡献及养老就业等传统功能上明显弱化,在满足家庭成员未来选择及后代馈赠需求等功能有所增强,且存在地区差异。2)城市边缘区农户土地转出意愿强烈,转出率达59.39%,土地转出存在地区差异。苏州乡镇经济发达、农民非农收入比例高,农户土地转出意愿最强烈、转出市场也最活跃;而武汉、成都作为中西部的典型城市,城市边缘区农户的土地转出决策相对滞后。3)整体而言,农户家庭耕地利用功能对土地转出意愿及行为均具有负向影响,表明家庭耕地功能依赖性愈强、土地转出决策越弱。建议健全农村社会及养老保障体系,强化城市边缘区耕地资源产权及生态环境建设,促进耕地资源养老保障及选择馈赠功能的释放,确保农田生计依赖性弱化的农民依托市场转出土地,实现农地资源优化配置、适宜规模经营。

关 键 词:土地转出决策  耕地利用功能  农户家庭  空间异质  城市边缘区  

The Effect of Farmer Households’ Farmland Use Function on Their Land Rental Decision in Urban Fringe—A Case Study of 1 022 Farmer Households in Suzhou,Chengdu and Wuhan
CAI Yin-ying,WANG Ya-yun,ZHU Lan-lan. The Effect of Farmer Households’ Farmland Use Function on Their Land Rental Decision in Urban Fringe—A Case Study of 1 022 Farmer Households in Suzhou,Chengdu and Wuhan[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2016, 31(10): 1648-1661. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.20151255
Authors:CAI Yin-ying  WANG Ya-yun  ZHU Lan-lan
Affiliation:College of Public Administration, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
Abstract:In the process of rapid urbanization and rural social economic transformation, the function of the farmland use in the household has changed comparing to the traditional way. Due to the subsidence of the agricultural labor force depending on the land and the diversity of livelihood, the land rental market has become more and more active. So we investigate the farmer households in Wuhan, Chengdu and Suzhou to analyze the effect of the farmer households’ farmland use function on their land rental decision in the urban fringe. The research shows that: 1) The farmers in the investigated areas have weaken the food production and economic contribution functions of land use, while enhanced the functions of pension employment and retaining & inheritance. There exists the regional difference of the change of land use functions. 2) There is a strong desire to rent out the land in the urban fringe, and the rental rate is up to 59.39%. The famers in Suzhou have higher intension to rent out the land, and the land rental market is more developed there. As the typical city of the west and middle, Chengdu and Wuhan are slower in the development of the land rental market due to the lower speeds of the economic transformation and rural population urbanization. 3) Due to the comprehensive effect of the economic development, the policy of the farmland compensation and the diversity of livelihood, the farmers’ household land use has obvious effect on their land rental decision. The more strongly the famer household lives depend on the land, the less desirably they rent out the farmland. So we suggest to build up a sound system of the rural social and pension security, strengthen the property right of the land resource and the construction of ecological environment. Only by this could we make sure that we can release the function of the pension employment and retaining & inheritance, activate the land rental market, and promote the development of the land rental market.
Keywords:land rental decision  farmland use function  farmer household  spatial heterogeneity  urban fringe area  
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