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The Use of Species-decline Statistics to Help Target Conservation Policy for Set-aside Arable Land
Authors:L G Firbank  M G Telfer  B C Eversham  H R Arnold
Abstract:The set-aside scheme of the E.C. is a way of dealing with the socio-economic problem of food surpluses, but it also presents opportunities for environmental benefits. To help target set-aside policies, three groups of species (scarce plants, butterflies and grasshoppers) were analysed by present and past distribution and by habitat. In those biotopes which could be restored using set-aside land, chalk grassland has shown the greatest decline of scarce plants, and the two insect groups have declined the most in heathland, water-fringe vegetation and woodland edges. However, declines were also observed for other biotopes. These and other data suggest that conservation efforts on a set-aside land should not be concentrated on a particular kind of habitat, but should address a diversity of habitats in a diversity of locations. This conclusions has been used to help defined the 1993 set-aside schemes for the U.K.
Keywords:biodiversity  habitat loss  species decline  habitat  restoration  set-aside  conservation  environmental policy
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