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Variation in sperm morphometry and sperm competition among barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) populations
Authors:Terje Laskemoen  Tomas Albrecht  Andrea Bonisoli-Alquati  Jaroslav Cepak  Florentino de Lope  Ignacio G. Hermosell  Lars Erik Johannessen  Oddmund Kleven  Alfonso Marzal  Timothy A. Mousseau  Anders P. Møller  Raleigh J. Robertson  Geir Rudolfsen  Nicola Saino  Yoni Vortman  Jan T. Lifjeld
Affiliation:1. Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1172, Blindern, 0318, Oslo, Norway
2. Institute of Vertebrate Biology, v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic
3. Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
4. Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 29208, USA
5. Bird-ringing Station, National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
6. Departamento de Anatomia, Biologia Celular y Zoologia, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
7. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research-NINA, P. O. Box 5685, Sluppen, 7485, Trondheim, Norway
8. Laboratoire d’Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, CNRS UMR 8079, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay Cedex, France
9. Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada
10. Department for Environmental Radioactivity, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Fram Center, 9296, Troms?, Norway
11. Dipartimento di Biologia, Universit’a degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria 26, 20133, Milano, Italy
12. Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel-Aviv, 69978, Israel
Abstract:Spermatozoa vary greatly in size and shape among species across the animal kingdom. Postcopulatory sexual selection is thought to be the major evolutionary force driving this diversity. In contrast, less is known about how sperm size varies among populations of the same species. Here, we investigate geographic variation in sperm size in barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a socially monogamous passerine with a wide Holarctic breeding distribution. We included samples from seven populations and three subspecies: five populations of ssp. rustica in Europe (Czech, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Ukraine), one population of ssp. transitiva in Israel, and one population of ssp. erythrogaster in Canada. All sperm traits (head length, midpiece length, tail length, and total length) varied significantly among populations. The variation among the European rustica populations was much lower than the differences among subspecies, indicating that sperm traits reflect phylogenetic distance. We also performed a test of the relationship between the coefficient of between-male variation in total sperm length and extrapair paternity levels across different populations within a species. Recent studies have found a strong negative relationship between sperm size variation and extrapair paternity among species. Here, we show a similar negative relationship among six barn swallow populations, which suggests that the variance in male sperm length in a population is shaped by the strength of stabilizing postcopulatory sexual selection.
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