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Urban tinkering
Authors:Thomas Elmqvist  José Siri  Erik Andersson  Pippin Anderson  Xuemei Bai  Pranab Kishore Das  Tatu Gatere  Andrew Gonzalez  Julie Goodness  Steven N. Handel  Ellika Hermansson Török  Jessica Kavonic  Jakub Kronenberg  Elisabet Lindgren  David Maddox  Raymond Maher  Cheikh Mbow  Timon McPhearson  Joe Mulligan  Guy Nordenson  Meggan Spires  Ulrika Stenkula  Kazuhiko Takeuchi  Coleen Vogel
Affiliation:1.Stockholm Resilience Centre,Stockholm University,Stockholm,Sweden;2.United Nations University International Institute for Global Health,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia;3.University of Cape Town,Cape Town,South Africa;4.Australian National University,Canberra,Australia;5.Das and Associates,Mumbai,India;6.Kounkuey Design Initiative,Los Angeles,USA;7.McGill University,Montreal,Canada;8.Harvard University and Rutgers University,Cambridge,USA;9.ICLEI, CBC,Cape Town,South Africa;10.University of Lodz,Lodz,Poland;11.The Nature of Cities,New York,USA;12.University of Queensland,Brisbane,Australia;13.START International,East Lansing,USA;14.The New School,New York,USA;15.KTH and Kounkuey Design Initiative,Los Angeles,USA;16.Princeton University,Princeton,USA;17.White Arkitekter,G?teborg,Sweden;18.The University of Tokyo, IGES,Tokyo,Japan;19.University of the Witwatersrand,Johannesburg,South Africa
Cities are currently experiencing serious, multifaceted impacts from global environmental change, especially climate change, and the degree to which they will need to cope with and adapt to such challenges will continue to increase. A complex systems approach inspired by evolutionary theory can inform strategies for policies and interventions to deal with growing urban vulnerabilities. Such an approach would guide the design of new (and redesign of existing) urban structures, while promoting innovative integration of grey, green and blue infrastructure in service of environmental and health objectives. Moreover, it would contribute to more flexible, effective policies for urban management and the use of urban space. Four decades ago, in a seminal paper in Science, the French evolutionary biologist and philosopher Francois Jacob noted that evolution differs significantly in its characteristic modes of action from processes that are designed and engineered de novo (Jacob in Science 196(4295):1161–1166, 1977). He labeled the evolutionary process “tinkering”, recognizing its foundation in the modification and molding of existing traits and forms, with occasional dramatic shifts in function in the context of changing conditions. This contrasts greatly with conventional engineering and design approaches that apply tailor-made materials and tools to achieve well-defined functions that are specified a priori. We here propose that urban tinkering is the application of evolutionary thinking to urban design, engineering, ecological restoration, management and governance. We define urban tinkering as:
A mode of operation, encompassing policy, planning and management processes, that seeks to transform the use of existing and design of new urban systems in ways that diversify their functions, anticipate new uses and enhance adaptability, to better meet the social, economic and ecological needs of cities under conditions of deep uncertainty about the future.
This approach has the potential to substantially complement and augment conventional urban development, replacing predictability, linearity and monofunctional design with anticipation of uncertainty and non-linearity and design for multiple, potentially shifting functions. Urban tinkering can function by promoting a diversity of small-scale urban experiments that, in aggregate, lead to large-scale often playful innovative solutions to the problems of sustainable development. Moreover, the tinkering approach is naturally suited to exploring multi-functional uses and approaches (e.g., bricolage) for new and existing urban structures and policies through collaborative engagement and analysis. It is thus well worth exploring as a means of delivering co-benefits for environment and human health and wellbeing. Indeed, urban tinkering has close ties to systems approaches, which often are recognized as critical to sustainable development. We believe this concept can help forge much-closer, much-needed ties among engineers, architects, evolutionary ecologists, health specialists, and numerous other urban stakeholders in developing innovative, widely beneficial solutions for society and contribute to successful implementation of SDG11 and the New Urban Agenda.
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