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Radionuclide Transport and Uptake in Coastal Aquatic Ecosystems: A Comparison of a 3D Dynamic Model and a Compartment Model
Authors:Anders Christian Erichsen  Lena Konovalenko  Flemming Møhlenberg  Rikke Margrethe Closter  Clare Bradshaw  Karin Aquilonius  Ulrik Kautsky
Affiliation:1. Ecological and Environmental Department, DHI, Agern Allé 5, 2970, H?rsholm, Denmark
2. The Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University, 106 91, Stockholm, Sweden
4. Studsvik Nuclear AB, 611 82, Nyk?ping, Sweden
3. Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB), Box 250, 101 24, Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract:In safety assessments of underground radioactive waste repositories, understanding radionuclide fate in ecosystems is necessary to determine the impacts of potential releases. Here, the reliability of two mechanistic models (the compartmental K-model and the 3D dynamic D-model) in describing the fate of radionuclides released into a Baltic Sea bay is tested. Both are based on ecosystem models that simulate the cycling of organic matter (carbon). Radionuclide transfer is linked to adsorption and flows of carbon in food chains. Accumulation of Th-230, Cs-135, and Ni-59 in biological compartments was comparable between the models and site measurements despite differences in temporal resolution, biological state variables, and partition coefficients. Both models provided confidence limits for their modeled concentration ratios, an improvement over models that only estimate means. The D-model enables estimates at high spatio-temporal resolution. The K-model, being coarser but faster, allows estimates centuries ahead. Future developments could integrate the two models to take advantage of their respective strengths.
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