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引用本文:熊毅,周立三. 试论人工生态系统——兼论太湖流域的发展[J]. 环境科学学报, 1982, 2(1): 1-9
作者姓名:熊毅  周立三
摘    要:生态学是一门综合的科学,涵义很广,牵涉的学科很多,似应属于环境科学的范畴之内.德国科学家恩斯特·海克尔1869年创建了“生态学”一词(源出希腊Oikos,家和住处之意),到本世纪初期,生态学一直是一门研究生物与其生活环境之间的相互关系的科学。二十年代中期,生态学的涵义有了发展,从集中研究某一物种的单物种生态学发展为研究生活在同一环境中的物种的群体生态学.英国坦斯勒1935年首次提出“生态系统”并认为它是一定空间内生物组成和非生物组成所构成自然功能单位.1942年林德曼探索生态系统中一切生物和非生物的能量流通和物质循环问题.到了1950年科学家们把生态系统作为生态学研究的基本单位,并认为它是在空间和时间上精确规定了的实体.生态系统研


Xiong Yi and Zhou Lisan. ON ANTHROPOGENIC ECOSYSTEM AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF TAI LAKE BASIN[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 1982, 2(1): 1-9
Authors:Xiong Yi and Zhou Lisan
Affiliation:Nanjing Branoh of Aoademia Sinica and Nanjing Branoh of Aoademia Sinica
Abstract:In developed areas, there are scarcely ecosystems without the marks of human activity. Following with the development of the society, the effect of human activity on biosphere is becoming increasingly significant. In such ecosystem, human being is not only an 'important component, but also its core. The ecosystem of which human activity is predominant may be regarded as anthropogenic ecosystem.The environmental conditions of human living are always the main research subjects of environmental science. Therefore, the environmental study of which the aim is to establish favorable surroundings is not essentially different from the study of anthropogenic ecosystem of which the human activity is predominant.In anthropogenic ecosystem, the environment factors include both biological and non-biological ones, and consequently the study of anthropogenic ecosystem should be involved in the field of environmental science.Anthropogenic ecosystem is greatly affected by human productive activities which manifest either constructive or destructive effect on the ecosystem. The purpose of the study on anthropogenic ecosystem is to develop the constructive effect and prevent from the destructive effect of the human productive activities based on sufficient understanding of the regularity of the objective conditions. Many facts have showed that the main cause of the destruction of an ecosystem is the unreasonable productive activities. The chronicle of the Yellow River Basin developed from an ecosystem with flourish vegetation and fertile soil to that with bare hills and mountains, and severe erosion of soil is a bitter experience. If the human activities conform to the regularity of objective conditions, the ecosystem can develop progressively toward the good direction. This can be illustrated by the prosperous development of the ecosystems in the Yangtze River and the Pearl River delta and Chengdu Basin.The ecosystem is always in movement and variation. However, in a certain period, it can keep a relatively stable state, i. e. dynamic balance or ecological balance. Ecological balance is not absolutely unaltered or unbroken, its alteration should be in accordance with whether a favorable ecosystem can be established.Control and adjustment of the system is the crucial task of the study on anthropogenic ecosystem. The control and adjustment of ecosystem, include the control and adjustment of water, soil and biological resources, those of energy resources, and those of integrated development of agriculture, industry and commerce.Tai Lake Basin with prosperous economy, developed civilization and dense cities and towns is one of the best examples of anthropogenic ecosystems. In the basin, the ecosystem is characterized by the intensive human activities, profound interaction between natural processes and social productive activities, and specialization and intensification of agriculture. It is a more advanced anthropogenic ecosystem and is also an ecosystem with some new contradictions. The main problems are:1. Lower resistibility to natural disasters, high but unstable yield of crops, unreasonable cropping systems, unbalanced development of agriculture, forest, animal husbandry, side line and fishery;2. decreasing trend of fishery of the lakes, lower efficiency of water resources utilization;3. lack of unreasonable urban planning, enlargement of the difference between cities and countryside;4. increasingly severer pollution of environment;5. inconsistency of socio-economic condition.In the study of the anthropogenic ecosystem in Tai Lake Basin, the region should be considered as a complete entirety including many separate systems-cities, agricultural community and lakes; and the separate systems are inevitably linked by the studies of environmental pollution and socio-economy. Therefore, integrated study on anthropogenic ecosystem is the only effective way for the improvement of the ecosystem of this region.
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