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Temporal Trends in Mercury Accumulation in Lake Sediments in Sweden
Authors:Bindler  R.  Olofsson  C.  Renberg  I.  Frech  W.
Affiliation:(1) Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden;(2) Department of Analytical Chemistry, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
Abstract:Lake sediment cores were analyzedto study the history of mercury (Hg) pollution andparticularly to determine whether recent sedimentconcentrations have declined in response todeclining atmospheric deposition of Hg. Sedimentcores from 6 forest lakes distributed fromsouthern to northern Sweden and 3 northernmountain lakes were analyzed for Hg using CVAAS. A400 cm sediment profile from Måkevatten insouthwest Sweden indicates that the onset of Hgpollution occurred in the 18th century. Anindisputable increase in Hg concentrationsoccurred concurrent with the appearance ofspheroidal carbonaceous flyash particles (SCP)derived from fossil-fuel combustion, in themid-19th century. There is a strong correlationbetween Hg and SCP concentrations in the sedimentcores (r=0.67 to 0.91), which suggests a strongrelationship between historical Hg pollution andfossil fuel burning. In contrast to sediment corestaken in 1979, maximum Hg concentrations are nowobserved below the sediment surface and declinetowards the sediment surface. This study confirmsthat reductions in atmospheric deposition of Hgover Sweden have resulted in a decreased transferof total Hg to aquatic environments as reflectedby lake sediments, and that lake sediment profilesof Hg concentrations reflect relative trends inthe atmospheric deposition of Hg rather thanpost-depositional diagenetic processes.
Keywords:flyash  lakes  mercury  pollution  sediments  Sweden
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