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A study of radium uptake by the water-lily Nymphaea violacea (Lehm) from contaminated sediment
Authors:John R. Twining
Abstract:The rate and extent of radium-226 accumulation from sediment by the water-lily Nymphaea violacea (Lehm) were assessed. The plants were collected from Magela Creek, Northern Territory, Australia and grown in 226RaCl2-labelled laboratory sediment over a period of 570 days. The nominal sediment activity of 5 Bq g−1 dry weight was 100 times that of the naturally occurring concentration.In the roots and rhizomes, 226Ra accumulated on plant surfaces. This result was confirmed by autoradiographic studies which showed the presence of an iron-containing plaque on the surface of these tissues with which the radium was closely associated. Little radium reached the pith of the rhizomes and acropetal translocation was not detected. The average concentration ratio for growing rhizomes was 0·22. Assuming first order accumulation kinetics and likely incremental environmental concentrations, this Aboriginal dietary tissue could become dose-limiting within 50 years.The foliar accumulation of radium originating from the sediment was predominately due to contamination via the sediment-water-plant pathway. Differences in foliar radium concentrations in plants of different ages were due to differential biomass turnover rates. Plants with faster biomass turnover had higher average radium concentrations.
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