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Health concerns of consuming cockles (Cerastoderma edule L.) from a low contaminated coastal system
Authors:Figueira Etelvina  Lima Ana  Branco Diana  Quintino Victor  Rodrigues Ana Maria  Freitas Rosa
Affiliation:CBC (Centre for Cell Biology), Departmento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal. efigueira@ua.pt
Abstract:Commercial and recreational harvesting of shellfish within the coastal systems is usually very extensive. Since these ecosystems are frequently subjected to contamination, namely from agricultural, urban and industrial activities, and shellfish generally display a high capacity to bioaccumulate metals, populations may be at risk in terms of toxic metal exposure as a consequence of the harvesting and ingestion of near shore coastal marine organisms. Shellfish is regularly tested for concentrations of metals and other contaminants by legal authorities for commercial purposes, but although health officials use total metal as standards of food safety, only a part of the metal accumulated in shellfish is available to be assimilated and to cause toxic effect. In order to elucidate these issues an investigation on cockles inhabiting the Aveiro estuary was conducted. Element levels in sediments and wild Cerastoderma edule from sampling areas with different levels of contamination were measured; total element burden of cockles was related to accessible fraction for assimilation (TAM); element concentrations in wild C. edule were compared to EFSA (European Food Safe Authorities), USFDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) and FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) maximum levels (MLs); and the amount of cockle flesh needed to be consumed to exceed provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) was determined. The present work showed that although sediment metal and metalloid contamination in Aveiro estuary is low the concentration of elements in C. edule does not reflect the contamination of the sediment. Aluminium (Al) and mercury (Hg) were the less and nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) were the most bioaccumulated metals by cockles. Comparison of MLs from international organisations with the concentration of elements in C. edule showed that arsenic (As) and Pb exceeded standard levels. The ingestion of less than 1 kg for As and 1.5 kg for Pb of cockles would result in exceeding the PTWI threshold (0.015 and 0.025 mg kg?1 week?1 respectively) in any of the areas considered in the study. Cd and Al also appear to be limiting elements for human consumption. Indeed, consumption of more than 3.1 kg and 2.1 kg of whole cockle soft part from one of the study areas during a single week would lead to exceedance of the recommended PTWI value for Cd (0.007 mg kg?1 week?1) and Al (7 mg kg?1 week?1) respectively. The health concerns to humans from cockle consumption from Aveiro estuary are discussed.
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