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Discriminating zooplankton assemblages through multivariate methods: A case for a tropical polluted harbour and Bar-built estuary
Authors:Sterling White   M. Rakhesh  V. S. Sarma  B. Rajanna  A. V. Raman
Affiliation: a Alcorn State University, Lorman, Mississippi, USAb Department of Zoology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
Abstract:A comparative study (June-July 2001) on zooplankton community structure amid polluted conditions in a stagnant harbour and relatively unaffected tidal estuary near Visakhapatnam, on the east coast of India, revealed a marked disparity in species composition and abundance. While the harbour supported a rich population of calanoids (46.4%), the estuary sustained mostly cyclopoids (55.2%). Univariate and multivariate techniques (species diversity, clustering, non-metric multi-dimensional scaling and one-way ANOSIM) revealed the existence of two differing zooplankton assemblages and associated water quality (similarity 50.6%). While the estuary is typified by high amounts of dissolved silica (67.4 ± 17.7 μmol l-1) linked with monsoon influx, the harbour waters revealed abnormal levels of phosphate (40.9 ± 9.2 μmol l-1) and nitrate (15.3 ± 5.41 μmol l- 1) suggestive of intense eutrophication, caused by the discharge of fertilizer-factory waste and domestic sewage. On the basis of routines (e.g. BVSTEP, SIMPER) implemented in Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research, it was possible to demonstrate that while species such as Oithona rigida, Oithona brevicornis, crustacean nauplii, gastropod veligers, Acartia spinicauda, and Acartia centrura played a key role in discriminating the zooplankton assemblage in the estuary, Acrocalanus spp. (mainly Acrocalanus gracilis) played a keyed role in harbour waters. Canonical Correspondence Analysis revealed species-environment relationships; for example, while the distribution of Oithona spp. and its associates in the estuary corresponded intimately with high silicate, temperature, and low salinity, it was high salinity, phosphate, and nitrate in the harbour channel that supported a different assemblage of copepods dominated by calanoids.
Keywords:Zooplankton  Harbour  Estuary  East coast of India  Multivariate analyis  CCA
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