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Inventories of fallout 210Pb and 137Cs radionuclides in moorland and woodland soils around Edinburgh urban area (UK)
Authors:Likuku A S  Branford D  Fowler D  Weston K J
Affiliation:School of Physics, University of Edinburgh, James Clerk Maxwell Building, King's Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK. alikuku@temo.bca.bw
Abstract:Inventories of fallout (210)Pb and (137)Cs have been measured in moorland and woodland soils around the Edinburgh urban area, using a high purity germanium detector. The (210)Pb inventories in moorland soils were relatively uniform, with a mean value of 2520+/-270Bqm(-2). The mean (137)Cs inventory in moorland soils varied greatly from 1310 to 2100Bqm(-2), with a mean value of 1580+/-310Bqm(-2). The variability was ascribed mainly to the non-uniform distribution of fallout Chernobyl (137)Cs. The mean (210)Pb and (137)Cs inventories in woodland canopy soils were found to be 3630+/-380Bqm(-2) and 2510+/-510Bqm(-2), respectively. At sites for which both moorland and woodland data were available, the mean inventories provided fairly similar average enhancements of (47+/-7)% and (46+/-18)% of (210)Pb and (137)Cs under woodland canopy soils relative to open grassland soils, respectively. The enhancement factors are broadly in line with other independent findings in literature. Enhancement of both (210)Pb and (137)Cs in woodland soils relative to moorland soils is, in part, due to deposition by impaction during air turbulence, wash-off, gravitational settling and deposition during leaf senescence. Results of this study suggest that these processes affect both (210)Pb and (137)Cs carrier aerosols in a similar way.
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