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Zur Fortpflanzung des Polychaeten Anaitides mucosa
Authors:G Sach
Institution:1. Forschungsstelle für Insel-und Küstenschutz, Norderney, Germany (FRG)
2. Dorfstra?e, 2301, Fargau, Germany (FRG)
Abstract:In 1974, spawning polychaetes, Anaitides mucosa (Oersted, 1843), appeared in great numbers (up to 148 individuals/m2) at the surface of an intertidal flat in the German Waddensea from mid-February until 10th April. A. mucosa forms mucous bags which usually contain more than 10,000 green eggs. The eggs measure 113.4±5.4 μm in diameter, including the fructification membrane (18 measurements). Production if these egg bags was observed 5 times in nature and 4 times in the laboratory. Four to 17 males and 1 female form a ball of interlacing bodies. At the same time a mucous mass is secreted by the female — maybe also by the males — which increases to a diameter of as much as 2 cm within about 8 min. Eggs and sperm are shed into this mass of mucus. The worms appeared at the surface of the flat from early sunset until sunrise from about 3 h before to 1 h after low tide. Judging from observations of worms in the laboratory, it seems possible that the rhythm of sexual activity is controlled endogenously.
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