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Investigating the Surface Energy Balance in Urban Areas – Recent Advances and Future Needs
Authors:M. Piringer  C. S. B. Grimmond  S. M. Joffre  P. Mestayer  D. R. Middleton  M. W. Rotach  A. Baklanov  K. De Ridder  J. Ferreira  E. Guilloteau  A. Karppinen  A. Martilli  V. Masson  M. Tombrou
Affiliation:(1) Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, A-1190 Vienna, Austria;(2) Dept. of Geography, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN;(3) Finnish Meteorological Institute, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland;(4) LMF, CNRS – Ecole Centrale de Nantes, F-44321 Nantes, France;(5) Meteorological Office, Bracknell, RG12 2SZ, United Kingdom;(6) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-8057 Zuerich, Switzerland;(7) Danish Meteorological Institute, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark;(8) VITO-TAP, B-2400 Mol, Belgium;(9) Instituto de Meteorologia, P-1700 Lisbon, Portugal;(10) University Valenciennes, France;(11) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland;(12) CNRM Meteo France, F-31057 Toulouse, France;(13) Dept. of Applied Physics, Univ. of Athens, GR-157 84 Athens, Greece
Abstract:Recent advances in understanding of the surface energy balance of urban areas, based on both experimental investigations andnumerical models, are reviewed. Particular attention is directedto the outcome of a COST-715 Expert Meeting held in April 2000,as well as experiments initiated by that action. In addition, recentcomplete parameterisations of urban effects in meso-scalemodels are reviewed. Given that neither the surface energybalance, nor its components, normally are directly measuredat meteorological stations, nor are there guidelines for theset-up of representative meteorological stations in urbanareas, this paper also provides recommendations to closethese gaps.
Keywords:COST-715  meso-scale models  surface energybalance  surface flux modelling  urban boundary layer
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