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引用本文:顾一帆,王怀栋,吴玉锋,左铁镛. 再生资源供应链的结构、行为和绩效分析[J]. 中国人口.资源与环境, 2017, 0(7): 46-52. DOI: 10.12062/cpre.20170462
作者姓名:顾一帆  王怀栋  吴玉锋  左铁镛
摘    要:再生资源是一种特殊的资源类型,兼具资源资产产权和环境产权,两者相互作用引导其开发利用自组织形成了正规与非正规回收利用者相互交织的完整逆向供应链系统。协调其中各主体间的利益关系、减少逆向供应链的环境污染和整体运行损耗是再生资源开发利用水平提升的关键手段。为此,本文以北京市废旧电视为例,利用实地调研的方法,系统分析了再生资源供应链的结构、行为和绩效(SCP)。结果表明:(1)消费者选择一级回收者时具有价值性、便捷性和规范性三种偏好。销售商回收模式可较好地满足消费者的需求,成为其首选方案,然而,"以旧换新"限制了无需购买新电视的人群。游商以45%的份额占据了剩余一级回收市场的主导地位。(2)一级与二级回收者间形成了稳定的合作关系,二手市场扩大了一级回收者的利润,中间商则为一级回收者提供了稳定的需求保障。(3)受到非正规拆解作坊的挤占,正规拆解企业产能严重过剩。一方面,降低了拆解企业对收购产品的质量要求,致使中间商偷换有价组件和跨境转移电子废弃物等问题日益严重。另一方面,正规拆解企业会提高收购价格,致使政府补贴的基金大部分转移至回收环节,巩固了现有的正规与非正规回收者共存的供应链结构。(4)个体中间商及非正规拆解利用作坊是再生资源供应链低效率的关键。本文调整了现有的家电基金制度,建议在电视销售环节向消费者征收40元/台的基金,并将其中的10元/台用于扶持政府可管控的正规主体中间商,代替个体中间商的功能,其余金额可用于弥补现有基金的亏空。该种模式可充分利用现有的一级回收者及二手市场,并可有效提升再生资源供应链的整体绩效水平。

关 键 词:再生资源  逆向供应链  SCP  制度设计  家电基金

Structure,behavior and performance of secondary resource supply chain
GU Yi-fan,WANG Huai-dong,WU Yu-feng,ZUO Tie-yong. Structure,behavior and performance of secondary resource supply chain[J]. China Polulation.Resources and Environment, 2017, 0(7): 46-52. DOI: 10.12062/cpre.20170462
Authors:GU Yi-fan  WANG Huai-dong  WU Yu-feng  ZUO Tie-yong
Abstract:Both resource property right and environmental property right are shown in secondary resources.The resource property right plays a guiding role on the utilization of secondary resources to form a complete reverse supply chain system.And the environmental property right introduces the formal and informal sectors.Coordination among both sectors to reduce the environmental pollution and the overall operation loss of the reverse supply chain system is the key means to improve the utilization of secondary resources.Obsolete television in Beijing is employed to analyze the structure, conduct and performance (SCP) of the secondary resource supply chain based on the questionnaire survey.The results show the following: ①The preferences of price, convenience and canonicity can affect consumers' motivations when selecting a collector.Distributor recovery mode can better meet the preferences of consumers.However, 'old for new' limits the majority of consumers who do not want to buy new televisions.Peddler recovery mode with a share of 45% dominates the remaining first-tier recovery market.②Stable cooperation within tier two collectors is formed.The secondhand market can expand the profits of the first-tier collectors, while the middleman provides stable demands for the remaining obsolete televisions.③Affected by informal backyard recyclers, formal dismantling companies are facing severe overcapacity.On the one hand, the formal dismantling companies reduce the quality requirements for the acquisition, and some middlemen trend to secretly replace the valuable components or purchase obsolete televisions across the border.On the other hand, the formal dismantling companies will increase the purchase price.The electrical appliance processing funds are mostly shared by collectors, consolidating the existing market in which formal and informal sectors coexist.④The middlemen and the informal backyard recyclers are the key inefficient sectors of the secondary resource supply chain.A new fund operation system has been established in this paper.We suggest that an extra 40 Yuan fund should be charged by the government when consumer buys a new television, where 10 Yuan should be distributed to the formal middleman supported by the government and the remaining amount can be used to cover the shortfalls of original fund.This fund operation system can make full use of the existing first-tier collectors and the secondhand markets, and can effectively enhance the overall performance of the secondary resources supply chain.
Keywords:secondary resource  reverse supply chain  SCP  policy design  processing fund
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