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Occurrence of Acid Rain over Delhi
Authors:S. Balachandran  P. S. Khillare
Affiliation:(1) Air Pollution Monitoring Laboratory, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India;(2) Air Pollution Monitoring Laboratory, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Abstract:Precipitation samples were collected as wet-fall only andprimarily on event basis in Delhi during the monsoon period of1995. Concentrations of major anions (SO42-,NO3- and Cl-) andcations (Ca2+, Mg2+,Na+ and K+) were determined. The pH of the rain waterwas found to be more than 5.6, showing alkalinity during theearly phase of monsoon, but during the late phase of monsoon pHtendency was towards acidity due to lack of proper neutralizationof acidic ions. Neutralization is not only due to the localprocess but also due to the pre-monsoon lsquoAndhirsquo which bringsSuspended Particulate Matter (SPM) containing Ca2+,Mg2+, Na+ and K+ as well as the local emission ofNH3. In the late monsoon the concentration of cations getsreduced because of heavy rainfall and relatively unfavourablecondition for their transport from the adjoining areas, whereasthe anion concentrations remain unchanged owing to theircontinuous emission.
Keywords:Delhi  major anions  major cations  neutralisation  NO3-/SO42-  pH  precipitation
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