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引用本文:刘俊,李云云,林楚,王家庆,乔治,葛全胜. 长江旅游带旅游资源空间格局研究[J]. 长江流域资源与环境, 2016, 25(7): 1009-1015. DOI: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201607001
作者姓名:刘俊  李云云  林楚  王家庆  乔治  葛全胜
作者单位:1. 四川大学旅游学院, 四川 成都 610065;2. 天津大学环境科学与工程学院, 天津 300072;3. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41101115)[National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.41101115)];四川省社科规划年度项目(SC15B046)[Social Science Planning Annual Project of Sichuan;四川省软科学研究计划项目(2015ZR0225)[Soft Science Research Project of Sichuan;中央高校基本科研业务费学科前沿与交叉创新研究项目(skqy201639)[the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.skqy201639)];国家旅游局;长江国际黄金旅游带发展规划项目[China National Tourism Administration
摘    要:旅游资源的空间格局是旅游产业规划、布局的重要基础。本文选择长江旅游带9省2市世界遗产地、国家级自然保护区、5A旅游景区、全国重点文物保护单位等12类共计4 729处旅游资源单体的空间分布数据,借助Arc GIS软件,运用空间自相关分析和核密度估计法对旅游资源空间格局进行了分析。结果表明,长江旅游带总体旅游资源、自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源在空间上均具有明显的聚类特征。总体旅游资源沿北纬30°线、G318国道以及沪昆、沪汉蓉高铁等交通主干线分布趋势明显;高级别旅游资源主要集中在长江三角洲地区;自然旅游资源主要集中在沪汉蓉及沪昆高铁沿线及其中间地带;人文旅游资源主要集聚在长江以南的长江三角洲、古徽州地区、滇西北地区以及黔东南少数民族地区。依据得出的旅游资源空间格局特征和分布规律,建议依托长江水道、G318国道和沿线高铁,打造东西向快速旅游通道和精品旅游线路;依托政策优势,联合多方组织机构形成跨区域旅游合作共同体。

关 键 词:长江旅游带  旅游资源  空间格局  空间自相关  核密度估计  

LIU Jun,LI Yun-yun,LIN Chu,WANG Jia-qing,QIAO Zhi,GE Quan-sheng. SPATIAL PATTERN OF THE TOURISM RESOURCES OF YANGTZE RIVER TOURISM BELT[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtza Basin, 2016, 25(7): 1009-1015. DOI: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201607001
Authors:LIU Jun  LI Yun-yun  LIN Chu  WANG Jia-qing  QIAO Zhi  GE Quan-sheng
Affiliation:1. Tourism School, Si Chuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;2. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract:Spatial pattern of tourism resources is an important factor for regional tourism development. Exploring its own rules has significant meaning for the development of the tourism industry. The study on spatial pattern of tourism resources in the Yangtze River tourism belt is useful for understanding the features and spatial structure of the resources, and is important for scientific planning of the overall layout of regional tourism industry and the achievement of sustainable tourism development. In this article we selected spatial data of 4649 tourism resources of 12 class in the Yangtze River tourism belt across 9 provinces and 2 cities, including World Heritage Sites, 5A-class scenic spots, National Nature Reserve, National Forest Park, National Scenic Area, National Wetland Park, Historical and cultural city, National key units, Classic Red Tourism, Chinese Traditional Villages, Characteristic Landscape Tourism Famous Town (Village) and Spa. With the ArcGIS 10.2 software, we use spatial autocorrelation analysis and kernel density estimation method to analyze the spatial pattern of tourism resources of the Yangtze River tourism belt. The results suggest that the overall tourism resources, human tourism resources and cultural tourism resources of the Yangtze River tourism belt show a significant resource clustering feature in space. The overall tourism resources distribute mainly along the line of 30° latitude, The Yangtze River waterway, the G318 Highway, Shanghai-kunming High-Speed Railway and Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu High-Speed Railway; The high-level tourism resources which including the World Heritage, 5A-class tourist attractions and National Nature Reserve are the most densely populated in the Yangtze river delta; Natural tourism resources are centralized in the Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu high-speed rail and Shanghai-Kunming high-speed rail; Human tourism resources are mainly concentrated in Yangtze River Delta, ancient Huizhou area, northwestern Yunnan province and Southeastern Guizhou province where Minorities live. According to the features and distribution of tourism resources, we summarize some suggestions:based on the Yangtze river waterway, the G318 Highway and the high-speed, constructing the east-west tourism fast channel and boutique tourist route; using the policy advantages, uniting multilateral organization to create cross regional tourism cooperation community, activate the market; developing characteristic tourism and tourism new hotspot in homogeneous tourism resources concentrated area.
Keywords:Yangtze River tourism belt  tourism resources  spatial pattern  spatial autocorrelation analysis  kernel density estimation
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